not has much time has you think

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Standing, type placed a few things to different viles to then dart his eyes at this action to then wince a bit.
Placing the viles down, type placed a hand to his stomach to start to feel a bit weird.
He then took a very deep breathe, then a few more has whatever this sensation was to pass.
Type took his hand off to then make a face.
What was that?
Sighing, type turned to then waddle to the eatery to see if he needed more blood and food, a bit later he consumed both to shrug. Nothing really seemed to change.
Mm..... Hope that fixed whatever that was.
Turning he then went about to go to his desk to look about, he then went to Dr. Qui's desk to then grab up a note to slightly smile.
Type, I am very sorry but my wife needs me, I shall call you later.
Type nodded to then place the note down to then turn about to then grab out his phone has he went back to do things with the viles.
"Hello type, I am so very...."
"Don't be Dr. Qui, just take care of your wife, until then you don't have to worry about getting paid okay."
"Your are one incredible person type."
Type nodded to shrug to then make a face to then grab his stomach.
"Um..... Okay....."
Type then took the phone away from his ear to then really wince.
"What the fuck!"
Type shuddered to then place the phone back to his ear to call tharn, he was starting to experience some real shooting pain.
Type started to breathe heavily through the receiver.
"Something....... Is wrong....... Tharn.... Please call the doctor and come here I.....oow!"
"Sit down my half breed! Do not do anything else!"
Type took the phone from his ear to then place his hands to his desk palm down to hung his head to breathe heavily, he was starting to really feel pain here and there.
What the fuck is going on! Couldn't be the sex tharn and I had last week, so what the hell......fuck!
Types whole body shuttered has he felt real pain here and there.
He then placed a hand to his extended stomach.
"Mm..... Stop it..... Please stop!"
Type quivered has the pain started to lesson but was still there.
Barely 20 mintues later, tharn was there to roll his eyes has he saw type over his desk, he then went to him to pick him up bridal to then take him out.
"What is going on type? What are you feeling?"
"Nn.... Pain.... Where is the doctor?"
"At the hospital, he knows everything, come."
Type nodded on tharns chest has they moved to go to the car.
Laying to his side, type whimpered here and there, tharn was to the side of the bed to have his hand to his head to stroke, with a very worried face.
They then both looked when the doctor came in after type went for some tests a bit earlier.
"How are you Mr. Tian and...."
Tharn left types side to go right in front of the doctor.
"What the hell is wrong with him! He is in pain! What the fuck are those things doing to....."
"Tharn enough!"
Tharn gritted his teeth to then ball his hands into fists to then step back.
The doctor eyed tharn to then look to type to then step forward..
"Well..... We have underestimated the time frame, what you seem to be experiencing right now is Braxton Hicks contractions."
Type eyed the doctor confused.
"Am I in labor?"
Tharns eyes widened.
"No. This is the bodies way to get ready for it though, and this also tells us to have you on pain meds when you do, this is just like a test, I can see when you really go into labor it is going to be extremely painful. Now that we know what this is, we can give you medication to help, also I should let the both of you know, you probably are going to deliver in a year maybe less, when we did you ultrasound and measured them they are about 5 months. So, I do not know if you two have talked about names or staying to prepare but I would suggest you do that now. I am going to get that medication to help you."
The doctor nodded to then turn to leave.
Tharn watched him go a bit peeved about this situation to then look to type.
Type had his eyes closed to twitch here and there to have his hands to his stomach to whimper.
Tharn went to him to make a face.
"I don't want you going to work anymore."
Type signed to then look up with a saddened face.
"Tharn, this is going to happen anywhere. I'll just keep my phone on and....."
"Type, you knew there would be sacrifices, I am not going to work right now, I do everything from home, so you are too!"
Type rolled his eyes to sign heavily to then look to the floor. He then twitched again.
Tharns eyes darted, he didn't know what to do.
He then looked to types stomach to then place his hand over his to grit his teeth.
Type opened his eyes to widen them to breathe smoothly to then look to tharn.
It immediately stopped.
Tharn then stepped away to turn to wrap his arms about to look at the back of the door.
Not feeling anymore pain, type then got up to sit to the side.
"How did you do that?"
"When I would not listen, that is all my father had to say to me."
Type made a face.
"Mm tharn?"
"We should think of names."
Tharn rolled his eyes to then turn to look narrowly at type.
"Later, you need to stop going into work."
Type flexed his jaw to then raise up his arms..
"Come here first."
Tharn raised an eye brow, to then step towards him to keep a distance between him and his stomach.
Type rolled his eyes at the distance, he then moved forward to then grab tharn by the shoulders to then pull him to then go straight to his neck to consume his blood.
Tharn moaned to place his hands to either side of the table.
Getting his fill, type then took his canines out to then lick his neck.
"If you take me right here, right now, I'll stay home."
Tharns lips parted to then move back to fully eye.
"Type, you were just in extreme amount of pain and I don't....."
Type then grabbed one of tharns hands to then place to his package to raise an eye brow.
"You showing your dominance is a very big turn on, you want me to stay home, then, go lock that door and take me."
Tharn raised an eye brow, to then move back to keep going backwards to hit that door to then lock it to smile and wide at type.
Tharn then went quick to him to wrap his arms about, to give him a deep seeded kiss, he just couldn't resist his naughty half breed.

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