need to keep distracted

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Sighing and heavily, type was to the shower with his hand palm down to the wall, to have his head slightly hung to let the water hit his neck, to eye his stomach to have his other hand to it to move about to make a face.
What is going on in there? Why won't tharn talk to me about it? Why won't the doctor? It's been one fucked up month and they both won't tell me one god damn thing, and tharn keeps distracting me anyway possible so I can't either remember or think! This is really starting to piss me off!
Type then leaned his head back so the water could hit his face.
To the kitchen, tharn kept his eyes to chopping the vegetables to then look to the piece of paper to follow the recipe for type to then place to the pan to start to mix.
He then tensed when he heard something behind him.
Type came about to wrap his arms around himself to eye tharns back.
"Making another one of my favorites?"
Tharn settled to then nod.
"Extra tomatoes?"
"Mm...... Thank you."
Tharn nodded again to chop more. Type took in a deep breathe to then take. Few steps forward.
"What is wrong with our twins tharn?"
Tharn widened his eyes to then place everything down, to then act and quick to go to type to gently push him to the wall, to then place his hands to his Wrists to then keep his body from types stomach to then crush his lips to his.
Type forrowed his brow.
Hearing the food start to burn, tharn let type go to then go back, leaving him a bit breathless, type looked down to breathe heavily to place a hand to his forehead.
"You should sit, food shall be done soon."
Type took in a deep breathe to then sign to take his hand away to go and do that, to then look back to his stomach to then place his hands to it to move about.
Done making, tharn set the plate right in front of him, to then go about to finish his work.
Type watched him go to make a face to then pick up the fork to then eye his plate to then dig in not at all happy.
Done a bit later, type placed the dish to the sink to then wash to take in a very deep breathe.
I am growing sick of this tharn! What is going on! If it's bad why are you not seeming to care! They are your children too!
Growing in anger, type then turned to go and find tharn.
Going to the bedroom, type gritted his teeth has he looked to him on the bed with his lap top sitting criss cross, to flex his jaw.
"Tharn......I have been more then patient, I need you to tell me what is...."
Type took a step back has tharn closed his lap top to then get up quick to place it to the side table to then get up to go to type to then place his hands to his neck to give him a deep kiss, type wrapped his hands to his wrists, to then shake his head a bit to place those hands to tharns chest to then push him back.
"Damnit tharn! No! What the fuck is going on and....."
Types eyes widened when tharn went to him to pick him up bridal style.
"Let me do something for you."
Type looked to tharn questionably.
2 hours later, type was laying to his back to look to the ceiling to coo here and there to then take in a deep breathe to then move up on his forarms to look down.
"Tharn..... Are you.... Done yet?"
Tharn looked up to keep rubbing types one foot.
"Is this not enough?"
Type made a face.
"It's not that, but...... Why won't you...."
Tharn looked down to then bring up that foot to then start to kiss his ankle type signed to then go to his back once more to look up.
"Is..... Is it bad?"
Tharn stopped kissing his ankle to then move it down a bit to eye, to then place it back to the bed to then go about to his knees to then go to types boxers to then pull them down.
Type turned his head to squeeze his eyes tightly shut.
"Why won't you tell me tharn?"
Tharn gritted his teeth to then throw the boxers wherever to then go into his legs to look down at types stomach.
"Type..... Don't cry....."
Type placed his hand to his stomach to rub about.
"What is going on in my stomach tharn? What did you and the doctor talk about? Why won't you tell me?"
Tharn slowly looked to type.
"Why? It's because of the stress it may cause."
Type then got up to keep his hands to his stomach to start to breathe heavily.
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"How you are too be right now, is why, the doctor and I are not saying anything, it'll only be a negative factor in the end type."
Types lips parted to then look down, he closed his eyes to feel both kicking and moving about, he couldn't help a lone tear fall.
Tharn went forward to place his forehead to his to close his eyes to place a hand to his cheek.
"Type, please don't."
"No matter what happens tharn, you save them!"
Type then placed his hands to tharns chest to then push him down, to de cloth them both, to then straddle to lean over to place a hand over his eyes to then really give it his all to try and de stress to not think about this.
Tharn furrowed his brow.
"What are you doing?"
"I know you don't like me on top anymore because you can see my stomach so...."
Tharn then took the hand away to lean up, but caring that his body was touching yours stomach to move his arms about to grip his upper shoulders to really penetrate type and deep.
"Don't ever place your hand to my eyes! I always want to see my half breed, always!"
Types chin started to quiver he then eyed tharns neck to remember what he had said a month ago that he needed to feed upon his blood more, type then sunk his canines in to do just that to squeeze his eyes tightly shut.
Only 11 months to go tharn..... Give or take..... You and the doctor better save our twins, I could not live if they both were not to be here......

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