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To his car, type drummed his fingers to the wheel to take in deep breathes to eye the action to shutter a bit. He was very nervous about going inside his home. First because he accidentally over used his vampire, second he didn't know how tharn was going to take this.
Type took in a deep breathe to then place his hand to his stomach.
"You're daddy..... Won't leave us..... He..... Just wont....."
Type gritted his teeth to lean back, he wasent so sure of that.
Sighing, type got out to face the music. Going in slower then normal, he then straightened up to hear a page turn, gulping, type went to the kitchen table to place his medicine for the morning sickness and the other things upon it, to then go to the bedroom.
Tharn was to be at the middle, to then look up from his book to eye type..
Type made a face to then hang his head to then go forth to sit to the edge to look to the ground. Tharn placed the book to the side table to eye type.
"I read your note. I am not angry, it was an accident. So..... What did the doctor say?"
Type gritted his teeth to then turn his head the other direction.
Always go straight to it....
Types eyes darted to then think of a plan to have this not just to explode. He then took in a deep breathe to then move about, to then open tharns legs go then in-between to then go to his shorts to then draw out his member to eye, to then go up to then start to kiss. Tharn moaned a bit to keep his eyes to type.
"Mm.... Half breed..... What are you....nn..."
Tharn then lifted his head to moan a bit louder has type had gone to his head to then start to lick about, to then lay on kisses.
"Nn.... Type..... We can.... Later.... Tell me.... What did the doctor say?"
Type moved his head back to eye.
"Let's not.... Later..... Let's right now...."
Type then tried to go back to the action to have tharn move up to place his hands to his upper shoulders to hold him back to look to type narrowly.
"Is it bad type?"
Type took in a deep breathe to eye tharns massive cock.
"Mm.... No...."
Tharns lips parted.
"Are you.... Starting to turn into a..... You have been taking a lot of my...."
Type signed to then place tharns member back to they go to his knees to look down, tharn then went further up to place his hands to his, type made a scowl feeling like a utter piece of shit.
Tharn kept his eyes to type.
"Type...... What is going on? Your starting to scare me."
Type turned his head to flex his jaw.
"You..... Need to promise me something....."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Promise you what?"
Type took in a deep breathe to turn his head forward to look down.
Tharn then placed a hand to his cheek to caress.
"Type..... Whatever it is.....I promise, I'll be by your side, please, just tell me."
Type leaned into his legs to then take a hand away from tharns to then bring it about to then go to what the doctor printed to eye out to then slowly give it to tharn.
Tharn eyed type up and down confused to then take the paper to eye, he read to then grow even more confused.
"Is your..... Mother pregnant again? Why are you showing this to me? What about you?"
Type took in a very long breathe to look up.
"Look at the name to the far left corner."
Tharn did just that to widened his eyes when it said Mr. Tian, type, tharn then got up to really read the paper.
"I.... Don't understand......how can you be..... Your a male!"
Type tensed to tharns tone to then sit to the edge to keep his eyes to him to relay everything his doctor told him.
Tharns eyes darted to then take the paper down to then eye the floor to part his lips, this was all so over whelming for him to hear.
Type then finished to then stay where he was too eye tharn, the mintues seemed to tick by in silence.
"Th.... Tharn?"
Tharn shook his head to then crumple the paper to turn to throw to the wall dart his eyes rapidly. Type gulped.
"You..... Need to get rid of it, get an abortion! That thing needs to....."
Has tharn had turned to eye type telling him these things, his head then went to the side, type got up to slap him and hard to breathe heavily looking over him to quiver, he then looked down, he now really felt like his mother, when he was 13 he finally asked her everything about his father, boonire even told him what happened when she discussed her pregnancy.
"You are...... Just like my father! He said the same thing to my mother!"
Tharn flexed his jaw to then look to type in anger.
"I am nothing like that piece of shit!"
Type scoffed to wrap his arms about.
"Yes you are, he told my mother the same thing about me!"
Tharn parted his lips to look down, to then shake his head.
"This is not real! You are a male, you are not pregnant! You also know I do not want to have children! Let me guess you told the doctor you were going to keep it, without even discussing this with me!? Then you need to have an abortion, this is not....."
Type gritted his teeth to then slap tharn and hard to make his head turn to the side.
He look to tharn in pure anger.
"I am not going to get an abortion! This baby is you and me! What the fuck is the matter with....nnn!"
Tharn then placed his hands to types neck, to grip a bit to eye him fully, to then part his lips to let go to take a step back to then shake his head. He then turned to go to the door, type watched him go to then feel a pull, he was wanting tharn, he didn't want him to go.
Tharn then went before the door, to place his hand to the nob, he needed time to think about this.
Type then went to him to wrap his arms about to grab ahold tight, tharn gritted his teeth.
"You need to let go half breed, I need to leave."
Type quivered.
"Please...... Don't go...."
Tharns lips parted has he heard types voice crack.
He then turned to eye, tharn then made type head go up to then place his thumbs to his eyes to wipe away the tears that started to stream down.
Tharns eyes Darted.
"I'm..... Sorry type.....I shouldn't have..... Placed my hand to your..... But you know how my kind gets when we are hit..... Now you need to listen, you can not have it, don't even know what it will do to your body."
I am not going to lose you.
Type took in a deep breathe, to then really eye tharn, to shake his head.
"I'm not getting rid of our baby tharn."
Feeling the pull start to intensify, type then grabbed tharns hand to then place it back to his neck, tharn eyed type a bit confused to then part his lips to then feel that pull also.
"I..... Believe I deserve a...... Punishment my vampire."
Tharn raised an eye brow has he felt the mood shift, he then push type back, by his neck, to take them to the bedroom, to have type hit the bed to his back to then tower over him, to then take his hands to his shorts to then draw out his member, to then move his head closer to types to then place his lips to his, the two couldn't fight against what they were to be feeling.
After, type was to his stomach to eye his hand a bit soberly.
Tharn was to his side, sitting up to look forward feeling highly confused.
Type took in a deep breathe..
"I can..... Raise this baby on my own, if you want to leave me......I understand."
Tharn flexed his jaw to then turn his head to look to the light.
Type hearing the silence turned his head to eye up.
"Tharn? Are you...... Going to leave us?"
Tharn reached his hand to the light to turn it off, to then slowly go down to then turn his back to him.
"Go to sleep. Your...... Going to need it."
Type smiled a bit to then try to go to him to wrap an arm about, to just have it shaken away.
"Don't touch me type. Just go to sleep. Just because I'm here does not mean I accept this. You still need to get an abortion."
Types eyes widen to then shake his head to then go has far has he can go the other side to then place a blanket over him to have his back to tharn to then place a hand to his stomach.
I will not do that..... Your father.... Just needs time.....
Type then closed his eyes to then weep in what he thought was silence.
Turning his head a bit, tharn heard that, making a face he then turned to go to type to wrap an arm about to hold him tight.
Type closed his eyes to breathe in shaikly to then fall to sleep.
Tharn then looked down to then place his head to the pillow to then grit his teeth. One way or another, this...... abomination is getting out of my beloved, I will but lose him to this, I just...... Won't......

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