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Going inside, tharn had his head turned to watch type go through vile after vile with a eye brow raised. This was not normal for him.
Boonire, her husband watched this has there other son was to the floor playing to try and stay away from tharn, he was scared of vampires.
Having his 10th, type then took in a deep breathe to place his hand to his stomach, he stopped feeling queasy.
Boonire then moved forward to cup her hands together.
"Are you okay type?"
He then looked to her to make a face.
"Fine..... Um.... Didn't think you would still keep so many viles to the..."
Boonire shrugged.
"Just keep them in case. But how are you feeling type, you look a bit...."
Type shook his head.
"Just felt a bit...."
Boonire raised an eye brow.
Tharn turned his head to eye boonire, type looked to her confused.
"I don't get...."
Boonire then leaned back.
"Been reading about your changes gulf, when you get older this may happen."
"Why are you...."
"I'm a mom, your mom."
She lightly laughed.
Type smiled to then take his hand away.
"Did you read has to why?"
She shrugged.
"Stress is the main cause."
Tharn then rolled his eyes to then place his hand to types to then look to him once more.
"Do not tell me you are feeling that way over this."
Boonire and her husband looked to them.
"What way over what?" He asked.
Type made a face to then look to tharn.
"Can't help but be a bit stressed and nervous."
"Type.... Why are you to be feeling that way?"
Tharn rubbed his thumb to the back of types hand to look to boonire.
Type kept his eyes to tharn.
"I am here, we are here, for me to ask your permission boonire."
She raised her eye brow.
"Yes, I am here to seek that permission to really make an honest man of your son here, we wish to get married in your custom."
Type rolled his eyes to then turn his head forward to shake it a bit.
Always so formal.
Boonire took in a deep breathe.
"Tharn.....I am sorry but my answer to that is no."
Both there eyes widened in shock and surprise to then eye boonire.
"But Mrs....."
"Tharn.....I like you and I know you and my son are in so much love, but him and I talk all the time, you haven't spent a year fully together and I know from our conversations that is something that is meaningful to my son."
Tharn flexed his jaw to then turn his head to fully eye type.
Type made an uncomfortable expression to then look to tharn just the same.
Tharn then took his hand away to then look back to boonire to nod.
"I understand."
He then got up to leave, he needed a mintue.
Type watched him go to sign.
Boonire looked to type.
"I am sorry, but I know how much this really means to you."
Type got up to nod..
"I know mom..... I'll be right back."
Boonire made a face to then grab her husbands hand to hold to then look at there child to play.
Outside, type looked about to then turn his head to see tharns back to then go to him.
"Tharn.... I'm...."
Has type tried to place his hand to his shoulder tharn shook it off a bit peeved to turn about to eye.
"You could have told me, before we came here type. I was not prepared for this."
Type signed to then step closer.
"Tharn.....I didn't know she was going to do that, you have to believe me. But, I have told you how important waiting the year is for me."
Tharn wrapped his arms about.
"Can you tell he why? Yes we have been Together off and on for 10 years, but why does being together fully for a year so important?"
Type shrugged to look down.
"I guess in the main part just to have us be together for that length of time. We have yet to accomplish that."
Tharn made a face to then look down to dart his eyes.
"So.....I have to wait 6 more months to then ask your mother again?"
Type looked up, a bit surprised tharn was not more angry with this.
"Um..... Yes?"
Tharn then unwrapped his arms to then take a step towards type to place a hand to his cheek to then rub his thumb up and down.
Type placed his hand to the action..
"It is only a ring, also I have placed another one on you anyway."
Type smiled and wide for how tharn was to be handling this. He then took his hand to lead him to his mother's and step father's storage shed to then pull him in, to then turn about, to close the door to then wrap his arms about to lay his lips to his, crushing.
Tharn then parted has he felt types hand go down.
"Type..... We need to go back and...."
Turning them, type then pushed tharn to the wall to place his hands to either cheek to dart his eyes.
"Tharn.....I really don't know what it is, Please do not deny your half breed..... Please...."
Type then pulled tharn to his lips to give him quite the kiss, tharn then lost all control, he couldn't help it.
A bit later, type was wrapped about tharn, to have his back to the wall, being penetrated and hard, to have his head to the side with his hand over his mouth to moan into it has he was in heightened Ecstasy.
Tharn then placed his canines into his neck to lap up his sweet blood to then thrust harder.
Type then moved his hand away to then place both to tharns chest to push him back a bit to grind on his length to then place his canines to his shoulder to lap up his blood has well.
Tharn peered his eyes to type to be a bit confused with this.
You drank so many viles and yet you are still hungry for blood?
Tharn then shook his head has type took his canines out to then place his lips back to tharns has the two moved there bodies with the other to not cum once but a few in a short amount of time.
Being taken down, type had his back to tharn to button his pants, tharn had his back to type to do the same to then turn about to wrap his arms to him..
"Mm, what has gotten into you half breed? How many times was that for you?"
Type shrugged to then move his hands up to then turn his head to eye..
"I honestly don't know, just couldn't stop wanting you my vampire, mm, let's go and have a peaceful evening and go home, want to devour you some more and be devored."
Tharn moved his head back..
Type nodded to then turn about in there embrace to wrap his arms about.
"Yes. Mm, I love you tharn."
Tharn smiled and wide.
"I love you too."
They both placed there lips to another, to part to go back to types parents to have that peaceful evening, having hand in hand.

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