wanting my vampire!

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Taking in a deep breathe, type darted his eyes under heavy lids, to then groan to move from his side to his back to slowly open his eyes to then look up at the ceiling.
Groaning a bit, he then turned his head to furrow his grow. Type then slowly got up to place his hands behind him to look about.
Type then looked to the back of the bathroom door to hear the shower to take in a deep breathe..
Darting his eyes, he then wobbled off the bed, to then go forth, to then go to the door to place his hand to the nob, to then slowly open it, to then open the door with such a pace to then look in, his eyes narrowed when he looked through the glass to see tharns back to know exactly what he was up to.
Type then went in to close the door, to then take off his boxers to then open the door to then go in.
Tharn immediately stopped stroking himself off, to then place both hands palms down to the wall, to hang his head to look down feeling that emotion embarrassment.
Type looked down to then take in a deep breathe to then turn his head to grab the soap to then larger about his hands to then place it to tharns back to eye the action.
Tharn tensed at the touch, to then relax.
"Mm, I'm sure your feeling embarrassed tharn, now you know how I feel when I do it and I know you can hear it."
Tharn then closed his eyes.
"It's 3 in the afternoon type you should be asleep."
"I....... You know I can't sleep when your not near me."
The twins started to kick up a fuss again and woke me.
Type then started to move closer to then try and place his hand to tharns member to just have it taken by the wrist to then toss gently to the side, for tharn to then step forward to move a bit away from type.
Type looked to tharn breathing rapidly to feel very hurt by that action, he then hung his head to then bring that hand up to eye.
Tharn made a face when he heard his half breeds heart skip a few beats.
"I.... Am sorry type I..... Felt your....."
Type then placed his hands to his stomach to eye.
"I cant do this anymore!"
Tharn widened his eyes to then turn his head to eye.
"Excuse me?"
Type looked to tharn in extreme anger.
"I want my husband, however you deny me every time and I am fucking sick of it! For the next two years, we are staying to a hotel, I have finally had enough of this bullshit!"
Type then turned to then try and leave to then be bend to have his hands palms down to the glass, to hang his head, has his body was close to tharn.
Tharn had one hand to the back of his neck to look in anger at type.
"Nn.... Tharn, what the...."
"Shut up!"
Type flexed his jaw to then turn his head to furrow his brow has he looked to tharn.
"Fuck off!"
Tharns eyes narrowed to then move his head back to then place his back to his chest to then place a hand to his throat, to then place another to his cock to grip both.
Type closed his eyes to breathe in deep. He couldn't help but be turned on by this, it reminded him of the past, how they used to be before he got pregnant.
Tharn then went to his ear..
"You..... And my kids are not going anywhere type!"
Types eyes opened and wide to then turn his head to eye tharn deeply.
"Ww..... What!?"
Tharn gritted his teeth and hard to then place his canines into types neck to lap up his blood to then place both hands to his back to then gently bend him to the glass to then thrust in and hard, only to go his half strong pace.
Type hung his head to curl his lips inward to enough every passing mintue, this was surreal to him. Type couldn't believe tharn finally knowledged these babies were his, type was euphoric.
After tharn took out his canines, type couldn't but help get out of this hold to then turn about, to make tharn go to the ground, to then sit upon his length to lift his head back to place his hands to the shower floor to grind and hard on his vampires length to moan and heavily into the air.
Tharn placed his hands behind his head to look at the ceiling to moan to then grit his teeth and hard. He wanted to watch his half breed however if he did, tharn would have to see his stomach to where he could possibly see the twins to move about.
Tharn then closed his eyes has this situation intensified.
Both cumming, type breathed heavily, to then push his luck to then bend over to try and kiss tharn, opening his eyes and quick he then pushed type off gently to then get up to turn about, type to his side looked up to make a face has he sat to the ground.
Tharn flexed his jaw, to then turn a bit to offer his hand out to have his head turned to the side to eye the glass.
Type looked to the gesture to sign, to roll his eyes to then smack it away to then wobble himself up to then go about tharn with his hands to his stomach.
"Since I can't sleep to the couch, I want you there."
Tharn turned his head to watch type get out.
"Thought you said you couldn't sleep without me being near?"
Type stopped to the middle of the bathroom to look down eyeing the droplets.
"Either that happens, or we go to a hotel, which shall it be?"
Tharn hung his head to eye the shower ground.
"I'll....to the couch."
Type signed.
"I thought.... You turned a corner tharn..... Thought you...... Your an asshole!"
Type then wobbled off to then slam the door after him.
Tharn gritted his teeth and hard to then turn to then punch the wall to eye.

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