you have to take it slow

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Tharn and type were to the doctors office with there heads hung, feeling has if they were in tharns father's office has when they were kids after there first fight..
The doctor kept his head down to then look over the paperwork to then shake his head.
"You two really need to ease up on the anal sex."
Types eyes widened a bit to then groan to hunch himself over to place his hands to his eyes to feel uneasy, his ears also turned very red.
Tharn then slowly looked up to eye the doctor.
"You know what I am going to ask and um.... With all that bleeding did he...."
Type furrowed his brow to take his hands down to then turn his head to eye tharn in anger.
"Fuck you tharn!"
Tharn flexed his jaw to then look down, type then wrapped his arms about himself to then eye down to shake his head a bit.
"I swear you are never going to touch me again!"
Tharn rolled his eyes. The doctor then looked to them to take in a deep breathe.
"That, doesn't sound like a bad idea."
Both there eyes widened and then both looked to the doctor.
"Doctor did I have a....."
The doctor shook his head.
"Now you two need to listen, this pregnancy is going to happen, Mr. Xian you need to accept this, however from what I am reading you are hurting them, this massive blood you have experienced is a warning sign. You two until this pregnancy has gone full swing, you two can not keep going rough like this, do you both understand?"
Types and tharns eyes Darted to then look at the other.
"Can we still have....."
Type gritted his teeth to then look down feeling very embarrassed.
"You two can still, however it needs to be slow, not like this, no roughness, no toys and....."
Tharn lightly smirked to look back at type.
"You hear that type."
Type then got up to leave he couldn't hear anymore.
Tharn couldn't help to lightly chuckle to then look back to the doctor with a serious face.
"So..... What was the blood trying to tell us?"
The doctor raised an eye brow.
"Mr. Xian........ Are you trying for type to have a miscarriage? First right now type couldn't have one, second if this happens again or to keep happening you won't just lose your twin boys you will lose mr. Tian is that....."
The doctor then looked up to see tharn stand in anger.
"I am not trying for anything then to make love to my half breed! And from now on either we won't or it'll be slow and doctor after this weekend he will be a mr. Xian."
Tharn turned to leave. The doctor leaned in his chair to then eye tharn has he left.
These two......
To the waiting room, tharn looked over type to then slowly go to him to try to hold his hand for him to shake it away.
Tharn then went forward..
"Let's go home, we need to plan."
Type signed to follow with his head hung.
To the car, tharn tensed to then turn his head to eye type who was fuming, tharn then looked to his arm in which he punched to then roll his eyes to then place the key to the ignition to then drive them off.
"Feel better?"
"Your are such an asshole!"
Tharn shrugged.
"You are so violent, like your mother said."
Type signed and loudly.
"I..... Think you and I...... Need to propone the wedding and....."
Going a bit down the parking lot, tharn stepped to the brakes to then turn his head to eye.
Type took in a deep breathe to then place his hands to his stomach.
"We need to wait tharn."
Tharn shook his head.
Type turned his head to eye..
"I am in this way and my mother would like some more time. Yes we are!"
Tharns eyes narrowed to then turn his head to look forward to grip the wheel and hard, type then saw to fully eye..
"Tharn.....I need to heal, I know my mother needs more time to accept this and...."
Tharn shook his head a bit.
"All of what you are saying is all excuses to me type and they are bullshit! You are just too be punishing me after what happened in that room."
Type turned his head to look forward..
"Am not though."
Tharn flexed his jaw to then turn his head to fully eye.
"Type, if you cancel this wedding for this weekend I am not going to touch you throughout this whole pregnancy do you understand."
Types eyes widen to then turn his head to look to tharn.
"Are you threating me?"
Tharn raised an eye brow to then turn his head to then start to drive them home once more.
"I am stating a fact."
Types lips parted has he kept his head turned to continue to eye he then hung his head to dart his eyes.
"You are a bastard tharn!"
Tharn gritted his teeth and hard has they went forth, going home, type immediately went to there room to change the bloody sheets to then change his boxers and pants to then go straight to take a shower.
Tharn placed the new bedding on to then sit to the edge to then think.
Type was to be in the shower sorry his forehead to the wall to think also.
Coming out, type had a towel to his lower, a towel going through his hair to then eye tharn who didn't move.
He then stopped to make a face to then throw the towel he had to his head to the hamper to then wrap his arms about.
"Are you thinking of how much of a jackass your being?"
Tharn flexed his jaw to then look dazedly forward.
"Cancel the wedding."
Types eyes widen, lips parted.
"You and I have problems and even though we are technically married with this blood ring, to be married in your culture with everything to what is going on, we should wait."
Type started to breathe heavily, this is what he wanted but it was breaking his heart.
Type then winced to place a hand to his stomach, hearing the inhale tharn turned his head to eye.
"Are you okay?"
Type then slowly looked up with tears going down his eyes.
Tharn went immediately to him to then place his thumbs to his eyes to wipe away the tears.
"Type, don't."
"Can't help it." He stuttered.
"Breathe type, just breathe."
Tharn then wrapped his arms about to then pull him close.
Type looked to the wall for the tears to keep falling.
"Let's..... No..... We have to get married this weekend "
Tharn moved back to eye .
"Type, I think your right, we need to...."
Type placed his hands to either side of tharns neck to then shake his head.
"No! We are, this weekend!"
Type then pulled tharn for a deep kiss, he couldn't hurt his vampire to this extreme deep extent.

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