just wanting to.....

562 55 19

Moaning weakly, zhan turned his head to eye his phone that was too the side table, to take in a deep breathe to try and reach for it .
Krit took his canines out has he hovered over, to eye zhan narrowly.
"You pick that up, I will make sure you can't move."
Zhan took in a deep breathe, to retrieve his hand to have it flop near his head to then eye Krit..
"I.... Need to eat.... So.... Weak...."
Krit raised an eye brow to smile.
"You deserve that feeling."
Zhan then lifted his head back has Krit went back to his neck to consume.
"Mm.... Does this mean..... You have.... Reconsider.....ah making me a...."
Krits eyes widen to then take his canines out to then look over him to narrow his eyes.
Rolling them, he then got up from there broken bed, to then go to the kitchen.
"You stay there, no phone calls."
Zhan peered his eyes down to then close them.
He was too tired to go against Krit.
Before the sink, type eyed his phone with his tooth brush to his mouth to then shrug to place it to the edge.
Well....I hope you are alright zhan.
Looking back to the mirror type then brushed ferociously.
Taking it out he then spat to then eye himself to sign.
Last night was both good and bad, he was relieved that the dreans stopped while he was on tharn, but he still hated them.
You and tharn have had worse memories then the good.
Types eyes they widen to then get an idea, turning he went to search for tharn.
Tharn was before the counter to make something for type, he then went forth to wrap his arms about to then place his chin to his back to look up, tharn smiled at that.
"I hope you like this, made something new."
"Mm, thank you. Um tharn, I was thinking."
"Well..... We have never... Celebrated an anniversary.... Was hoping, could we this weekend?"
Tharn made a face.
"We can not, I have to work, need to make up..... Well you know."
Type signed to then turn his head to take in a deep breathe.
"Do you.... Really have to?"
Tharn slowly peered his eyes up.
"Yes I do type. We can next weekend."
Type flexed his jaw.
"Mm, can't, I have to go to my mother's."
Tharns eyes darted.
"We will figure out a time and day type. Just be patient."
Type moved his head to place his forehead to tharns back.
"You know I do not have a lot of that."
Tharn lightly chuckled to then look down, to finish preparing types meal.
"Unfortunately you must be this time."
Type gulped to then let tharn go to then move about to then go to the cloest.
Tharn turned his head to eye.
"What are you doing?"
Type shrugged.
"Getting ready for work."
Tharn then looked to the clock above his head, to then look back to type.
"Your an hour early."
Type fully dressed, took in a deep breathe to then go to tharn to eye his food.
"Is that done?"
Tharn looked to type to then place it in a bag to give it to him.
Type eyed it to pick it up to try and turn, tharn then placed his hand to his wrist to stop him.
Type kept his eyes to the floor.
"Is it really that important to do this,  act in this manner, over this weekend type? Why are you acting like a pouty child?"
Type gritted his teeth, to then close his eyes, the memories he had from what he dreamt went through his head.
He took in a deep breathe to then take his hand away to shake his head.
"No..... It's not important, I need to go to work though, you should leave early has well."
Tharn then Watched type go to then turn his body forward to then place his hands palm down to the counter to hang his head to eye to shake it a bit.
Type went to his car, to then place the meal to the passenger seat to then place his haha to the wheel to then lean forward to place his forehead upon it.
Fuck! Why do I have to be this way? Why can't we wait? Maybe it's because we haven't been able to celebrate one anniversary of being together..... We have never been together like this for one year.....I just..... Want us to have better memories with my.....
Type then gulped to lean back to stare at there home.
Do you really think this will be a great memory?
Sitting to the bed, tharn had his phone to his ear to nod.
Looking up, he then saw type come in, he then placed his hand to the bottom to eye.
"Did you forget some...."
His eyes widen, has type went to him to grab his phone, to shut it off, to then toss behind to go to tharn to place his hands to either side of his face to give him a very deep kiss.
Tharns eyes stayed open and wide to look over type a bit confused, how type had been acting has of late it was a real turn on, from how he used to be, the old type wow never have come back.
Tharn then placed his hands to types waist to then move him about to toss him upon.
There heads weaved and woved.
Tharn then went to his neck to plant kisses, to take types hands from himself to then place his fingers into his to place to either side of his head to lick about his neck.
Type smiled and wide to then moan.
Tharn then went to his ear.
"What has gotten into you My half breed, this is not at all like you."
Type took in a deep breathe.
"Want..... Us to start to have great memories, not bad...."
Tharn then moved from his neck to then move his head up to eye.
"Mm, I would like that also, I love you, my half breed."
Type turned his head to eye tharn.
"I love you too, my vampire, we can wait to celebrate an anniversary. It is not important right now."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"But it is and.... Before you took my phone, I should let you know, I have made a few plans, you are right, this is something we need to...."
Types eyes widen to then take his hands from tharns, to then place his hands to his shirt to pull tharn to his lips to then move them about to go into an incredible round before they had to go to work, type didn't think tharn would have done that for him..... For them, it was a very big turn on he couldn't ignore.

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