you should have known

645 66 13

Going to work, type stayed to his car, to look to the wheel to take in deep breathes, he was becoming depressed a bit, he also didn't think tharn was going to actually come back home later on.
Type gritted his teeth to then get out of the car to slam the door.
Depression started to turn to anger.
Going in, Dr. Qui swirled about in his chair to look to type.
"Good night, how are you fairing?"
Type signed heavily.
"Not well, you can go home now since you have been working since the early morn, this schedule will not last long just..... Hammering out some details."
Dr. qui watched type go to his desk to then sit down a bit roughly, his eyes then narrowed to stand up to go to him.
"Why are you acting this way? Isn't moving in with your vampire a good thing? Your treating it like it is a bad thing."
Type took in a deep breathe to then reach for a pen to then start to write things down.
"Dr. Qui..... Can you please just go, enjoy your night with your wife and child."
Dr. Qui rolled his eyes to then turn to go do just that.
"You two can be ridiculous at times, not has if you're the only ones who have ever been in a tough relationship or anything."
Dr. Qui gathered his things to then part to slam the door.
Type signed.
I'm sorry...... Just my mind is somewhere else.....
Type then slammed the pen down to then hang his head to then place his hands to the back of it to grip his hair.
I am such an asshole to everyone around me, when am I going to grow up!
Type to in a deep inhale to then let his hair go to then lean back to look up.
Darting his eyes over the ceiling, he then got up to go to the lab to then start on his work a bit peeved at himself.
The hours seemed to go by and quick.
Turning his head he saw it was 2 in the morning.
He made a face to then turn his head to look down at what he was holding.
Should I go home? Tharn did say he got off at 3, I would he almost an hour early if I left now, but, is he actually going to be there? I know when he gets to working that is all that goes through his head. What if he didn't come home, what if he makes him self so overall busy he doesn't come home for months, time for a vampire is a whole lot different then mine, what if what happened over seas at his other job happens here? He forgets to feed and then he..... With another and....
Type groaned to then place down what he was holding to look at it in unresolved anger.
The what ifs were getting to him.
Turning he then went back to his desk to sit to then work on the paperwork.
Taking in a deep yawn, he then leaned back to eye the clock, it was 4 in the morning.
He signed to then get up, to then go about, he needed to go home, type was so very tired.
Driving home, he sat to the front to look over the darkened house, his heart wouldn't calm down has he looked upon it.
I don't think he is here, don't think he is ever going to come home.
Type shook a bit to then grit his teeth.
He then got out, to look to the ground.
Tharn is never ever coming back type.
Tears started to well in his eyes, has the ridiculous thoughts started to plague his mind, due to being too tired.
Taking in a breathe, he then wiped them away to then go forth with his head hung.
Going in, he then turned on a light to the bedroom to then freeze. Slowly he looked up to widen his eyes in shock and surprise.
Tharn was to the edge, with his arms wrapped looking upon type.
"It is 4:30 in the morning! You said you were going to be here when I got home at 3!"
Type started to breathe in erratically, has he looked upon tharn, he couldn't seem to move.
Tharns eyes narrowed for him to get up to step to type.
"Do you have any idea how much I started to worry about you type and...."
Tharns eyes widened has type felt his feet to then step closer to wrap his arms about to then squeeze himself to his vampire to let the tears fall.
Tharns eyes darted to then wrap his arms about.
"Type! Why are you crying? I am the angry one here and...."
"I didn't think you were actually going to be here, didn't think you were going to come home. I am so...... incredibly happy tharn...." Type gasped has he wept.
Tharns deamonor faltered, he then brought a hand to his head to then stroke.
"Type, I told you, I am not going anywhere, I'm here, I'm forever here now my half breed, I love you, you are my only family. I am never ever going to leave you again."
Type lightly chuckled to then move back to hang his head. He felt like a utter moron.
Tharn looked him over to then raise his hands to move his thumbs under his eye lids to wipe away the tears.
"Type......I love you."
Type took in a deep inhale to nod, he then looked up to dart his eyes.
"Mm..... Prove it then."
Tharn lightly chuckled, to then pull type to his body for another tight embrace to then pick him up bridal style, to then turn about to take them to bed, he then moved the blanket away to then set type down to then remove his clothes then his own, to go to the other side, to grab up type to have him lay to his body, has he placed the blanket over him, type took in a very long deep inhale has he was sniffing in tharns scent has he laid to his body..
"Mm tharn..... This is not entirely what I was....."
Tharn lightly chuckled once more to turn his head to eye type has he was looking up at him, while then played with his hair.
"I know, but my half breed, I can see how tired you are, sex can not compare with me being there for you at your worst and vise versa."
Type smiled wider to then move up to place his lips to his, to then part to go to his chest to remember a long time ago when he could hear tharns heart beat just for him.
"In a couple hours then?"
Tharn laughed.
"You are so overally horny type."
He shrugged to close his eyes to cuddle closer.
"It's not just that, just wish to be always connected to my vampire."
Tharn smiled to then kiss his forehead.
"You and I have that both in common, sleep now my half breed, for tomorrow I will make you a grand feast and fully take care care of you in every way."
Type smiled wide has he started to let his tiredness over take him.
Type then fell asleep, for tharn to hug him closer.
You should have known I would be here type, I guess we just need more trust between us. That what we truly and really need.

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