what are you up to?

489 55 16

Laying to his back to the bed, tharn had a book open between his fingers to then make a face to lower it to then turn his head to eye the clock to shake his head.
Where are you half breed!
Tharn then placed the book down to then go to the side table to then grab his cell to call.
Type to his desk, leaned back to place a hand to his mouth to yawn into, to then lower it to eye the side to see his phone to go off.
He took in a deep breathe to then grab it to place to his ear.
"Where the hell are you type!"
Type lightly chuckled.
"Still at work."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"It has been a week of this, you told me yesterday you would be here this up coming morning, you need to come home."
Type gulped.
"Tharn....Im sorry but I can not do that, I've hit my stride to this serum that can benefit my kind, I have to stay till completion." Type half lied.
Tharn then sat to eye the bedding..
"Is.... Work more important then me half breed?"
Type rolled his eyes to then lean back to wrap an arm about himself.
"You know it is not..... Hopfully I will be done soon."
Tharns eyes narrowed.
"I have grown tired of this type, you need to be here, if not, maybe I should be staying a solid week to the office has well."
Types eyes widen.
"Are you threatening me vampire!?"
Tharn gritted his teeth.
"You know I don't threaten, I want you home."
Type took in a deep breathe.
"I am close to completing this serum."
"So you work is more important then me, then us?!"
Type gritted his teeth.
"Damnit! No it is not, but I need to find the answer so I can get him to...."
Types eyes widen to make an "oh shit face."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Excuse me type?"
Type gulped to dart his eyes.
"Never mind, do not go into work this day, I'll try to be home soon."
Type then shut his phone off to eye it to sign.
Tharn took the phone away to eye it.
Narrowing his eyes he then got up to go to the blackened tinted window to see dawn approaching to make a face.
I'm sure I will have enough time.
Tharn then turned to go to his half breed.
To the office, type was before the assembly line to take in a deep breathe to yawn once more, he was very tired, Dr. Qui was out of office for his vacation, so type had to keep up with the other serum plus this one he was trying to make to keep that other away from tharn to no avail.
Breathing a bit deep, type then placed the beakers down to then turn to go to the little office to get some coffee.
Standing before it he poured to then take the cup to his lips, he then widened his eyes a bit, lowering the cup, he then turned to eye tharn, who was standing under the door way to look at a very tired type.
Type looked him up and down.
"What are you doing here?"
Tharns eyes narrowed, he then stepped to type to look over his face to then bring a hand up to caress with the back of it.
"How long have you've stayed awake my half breed?"
Type shrugged to then place the cup behind him to then look back to tharn.
"A bit.....Dr. qui took his vacation, I don't have anyone else, had to take over, I am fine though."
Tharn shook his head.
"You need to sleep."
Type brought up his hand to take tharns down to eye.
"I'm fine.....I do need to get back to work though and you need to go home."
"Mm, I go home, I won't make it there."
Type peered his eyes up to look to tharn confused.
"Why do you say that?"
"The sun is up."
Type signed to let tharn hand go to then go about to open the door to eye, he signed again.
Type then went in to look to the nob.
Tharn was behind to wrap his arms about.
"Why don't you want me to be here type? Is it because your lying?"
Type took in a deep breathe. To then place his forehead to the door..
"If your going to be here, you can help then."
Tharns eyes narrowed.
"If I help, I need you to tell me what your working on. I know it's not for your kind type, it's for him isn't it."
Type took in a deep breathe to then turn his head to eye tharn.
"I..... Just want him to stay the hell away from you. Your mine."
Tharns lips parted, he couldn't help but smile, he then stepped to type to turn him about to place his hands to his upper shoulders has type swayed a bit.
"Thank you for telling me the truth type, and know, I am too be always yours, no one will ever take me away from my half breed."
Tharn then placed his hands to types face to then pull his head towards his for tharn to give him a deep kiss.
Type took in a deep breathe has they went into this act.
Parting tharn then placed his forehead to his.
"You have no idea how much I want to devour you my half breed, but you are too be so tired. Please forgive me for this."
Type furrowed his brow to then moan a bit.
Tharn placed his canines into types neck to make him weaker.
Types eyes then rolled into the back of his head to then be swept into unconscious.
Tharn then took his canines out to then pick type up bridal style to take him to the back room, to where tharn laid down, with type upon him to wrap his arms about to look down.
I know you are going to be pissed at me when you wake, but you need to sleep, don't worry, I shall help you. Of course I will help you with this, I want him to be away from me has well, I want this connection to be cut. I want my mistake, to stop hurting you my half breed. You have no idea how very sorry I am for this. Hopfully soon, we will find a way to sever this tie that may bound him and I, and I'll be nothing but all yours, all again.

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