why we work

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Twitching his head a bit back and forth, type started to quiver a bit has he was locked in a nightmare of the past he really wish he wasent having.
Tharn was to his desk, not knowing of this, to be getting a bit of work he could do online, to then furrow his brow a bit confused, turning his head, he started to hear types heart accelerate.
Tharn then turned back to shut his computer off to then get up to go to him.
He sat to the edge of there bed, to place a hand to his arm has type was to his side, breathing shaikly in and out.
"Type? Type?" Tharn shook.
Types eyes immediately flew open, he looked to the wall to breathe in very erratically.
His eyes then went slowly to tharn.
Tharn eyed him up and down.
Types whole body shook before he got up to wrap his arms about tharn to then sink his canines in.
Tharn tense to relax to then part his lips.
He then placed his hand to the back of his head to then stroke his hair.
"Type....mm.... What..... Is the matter?"
Type slowly opened his eyes, to then take out his canines to then move back, with his hands to tharns shoulders head hung, to gulp.
"Tharn?......will you..... Come back to bed and.....hold me?"
Tharns eyes widen to then move about to go to the bed to lay to his back to then reach for type to bring him down to his body.
"Of course."
Type took in a deep shaky breathe, to then wrap his arm about, to move his head up and down his chest.
Tharn placed his hand to cover types that laid to his stomach, to then place his free hand to his head to then stroke his hair.
Tharn then counted in his head, getting to 100 he knew to speak.
"Type? What is..... The matter?"
Type took in another deep breathe to then gulp.
"Don't want to talk about it."
Tharn made a face.
"We should, remember type, you don't want to bundle up the negative and the bad, never ends well."
Type slowly opened his eyes to dart them.
He then moved his fingers inbetween tharns to then look to the hold.
"Just.....our past came into my mind, then I was left in darkness."
Tharn made a face to then hold type tighter.
"From how you stated that I'm sure you were not dreaming of our good points."
Type closed his eyes to shake his head.
"Mm..... What ones were you thinking of?"
"Just my stupidity moments."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"That does nothing for me, you have a great many."
Type furrowed his brow to look up at tharn a bit peeved, tharn had a smirk to his face, type nodded to then move his head back, to remember what tharns heart sounded like when he was foolish.
Type closed his eyes to focus on that too keep bringing him down to calmness.
Tharn then peered his eyes to types head to then start to play with his hair to then eye a stand.
"Type.....I am..... Curious.... What memories are you talking about?"
Type took in a deep breathe.
"When I thought you were talking ill of me with Krit, that you only wanted to be with me out of curiosity, what happened when I first met your mother, you taking that drug and you leaving me alone for 2 years, then nothing but blackness."
Tharn then peered his eyes to type.
"I have never been just with you for just curiosity, could have found another male if that was the case."
Type then looked to tharn in anger to take his hand away.
He then turned to go to his side to place his hands under his head to the pillow to look to the wall sulking a bit.
Tharn lightly chuckled to then turn to his side to wrap an arm about to place his hand to his chin to try and make him turn his head.
Type took his jaw out of that hold to shake his head.
Tharn rolled his eyes to then go to his ear.
"You being jealous over a fictional person is quite comical my half breed, listen, I only said that because if I only wanted that one thing, I wouldn't have tried so hard to be with you. I love you type."
Tharn then started to nibble his ear.
Type melted a bit, to then turn over to take a hand to tharns chest to push him down to then lay upon him to close his eyes.
"Mm.....I can't stop the memories tharn..... They will always be a part of me."
Tharn puckered his lips a bit
"Well....if you wish for them to be gone, can place you close to death and....."
Type then smacked tharns chest to have lean up a bit to give him a glare.
Tharn lightly chuckled to then wrap his arms about to bring your back down to his body.
"I am just trying to lighten the mood type. And these memories.....our memories.... It is the foundation of our relationship, who we grew to be. For better or worse."
Tharn then placed his left hand to types to then bring it up to types face to then move there blood rings about.
Type tilted his head a bit to witness how they glittered a bit, to nod.
"Many of them..... Still suck tharn..... But I understand what you are saying, I just wish I can remember the good and best not the bad and worse."
Tharn nodded to then bring up there interwined hands to then kiss the blood ring to types finger has he moved his head to the action to eye.
"That just means we need to make more pleasant memories, but we have to get to that stage first, relationships are always a give and take, and so forth, just know I am here to stay, and I am not going to allow you to go anywhere, we are each other's for so of eternity."
Types lips parted to then lay his read to tharns chest to then eye the wall a bit depressed.
No tharn..... Not for all eternity..... But....
Type took in a deep gulp to then squeeze his eyes tightly shut at the thought to still think it.
But maybe..... That can come about, but you would have to..... To..... Make me a vampire.....
Type took in a shaky breathe, has he thought of such a thing, however, that would be the only thing for them to be together, literally forever, type didn't know if that could ever be.

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