you are so very lucky!

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Types heart started to beat very hard to his rib cage has zhan pulled him into another room, type then twitched to wince a bit has the twins started to really act up in his stomach.
Please please please be settled!
Going to the room, zhan pulled type in a bit to then turn to go to the door to close and lock to then turn to eye.
"What is going on type?"
Types shrugged trying to get out of this.
"Nothing, I don't understand what you are talking about." He shaikly laughed it off.
Zhans eyes narrowed to then look down to his stomach to fully eye to then slowly widen his eyes.
Types lips parted to then look down.
"Um....I think I need to get back to tharn please move and, shit!"
Type had moved about to try and get zhan to move from the door, just for him to then place a hand to types stomach that was hidden to then raise an eye brow has he felt movement that quickly settled.
"What is going on in your stomach type? You feel like your...... But how can you be?"
Type took in a deep breathe to then step back to place his hands to his stomach to look down trying to come up with an convincing lie but couldn't.
"I don't know what you're talking about, please move."
Zhan shook his head to then bring up a year to point.
"How are you.... Pregnant?"
Types whole body felt off, he then started to hyperventilate, the doctor told them not to let anyone know.
Zhans lips parted has he looked to type who started to go pale and sway a bit.
He immediately went to him to help type to the bed to then turn about to go to a freezer to grab some blood and water to then go to type to give him both which he downed the water first then the blood.
Zhan stood before him to eye his color change back to normal to then slowly peer his eyes to his stomach.
"Type.... Are you okay?"
Type shrugged to then take the vile down.
"I need to go back to tharn."
Zhan took in a deep breathe.
"Type.... Please tell me.... How is this possible? Didn't know we could..... Is it because your a half breed? What is it so maybe I could...."
Types eyes widened to then look to zhan, where this conversation was going, it shocked him a bit, he didn't expect this.
"You...... Want to be...."
Zhan looked down with a sullen face to then move to the side of type to continue to look down.
"It's not something Kris and I have talked about but......I would love for us to......" Zhan signed to then look to type.
"Please tell me how this is possible?"
Type made a face to then look to the back of the door.
"I...... I'm not suppose to and....."
Type then looked down at zhans hands that were to his, he then looked to him.
"Type, I would love to be in the position your are in, I would be over the moon to be able to give Kris a child that would be us, so please, tell me."
Type made a long face to look down. He couldn't stop explaining how this was to be, zhans lips parted to then take his hands away to look to the ground in defeat.
Type eyed him a bit confused after he finished.
"This is something you were born in, I thought being a half breed was...... But it has nothing to really do with it, does it? Also I wasent born into it."
Type gave him a face.
"Zhan, first this is something you need to talk to Kris about, and then go and check yourself out, maybe you were born like me I don't know, you and I have been so similar and maybe...."
Zhan took in a very deep breathe to look to type.
"We may have been similar, but I think this is where we are so very different, just know type, I am not going to breathe or say a word about this, also you are so very lucky and um...."
Zhan looked to the stomach.
"Can I..... Feel?"
Types eyes darted to take in a deep breathe.
"You promise you won't say anything, especially to Kris?"
Zhan looked to type to shake his head.
"I promise."
Type signed to then roll up his layers to show his big stomach, zhans eyes widened to then bring up his hand to then feel.
"I really can't believe your pregnant type."
Type shrugged.
"Neither can I or tharn, what is really amazing, I have twin boys in there who only seem to listen to tharn not me."
Zhan lightly laughed.
"Playing favorites I see, naughty kids already I see." He laughed.
Types couldn't help but to laugh also, then both there heads turned to eye the back of the door.
"Zhan! Type! What are you two doing in there and with the door closed!" Kris said has he pounded.
Types eyes widened to get up to then hide his stomach, zhan then quickly went in front.
"Let me be your barrier so he can't hear the hearts and then you should leave."
Type smiled and wide.
"Thank you zhan."
He nodded.
"If you ever need anything just let me know, we can start having our secert meetings again."
Type rolled his eyes to laugh a bit to then wobble forward.
"You know our vampires will be pissed."
Zhan shrugged.
"When are they not?"
Type nodded.
They then both looked to the door.
The two took in a deep breathe to then go about in such a way, for type to then leave first to then go to tharn who was close to place his hand to his to then pull, tharn eyed the action a bit confused to then be lead out.
Kris had his head turned to eye has zhan was to his side.
"What was that to be about?"
Zhans eyes darted to then bring up his hands, knowing he smelled of type since he touched him to then move Kris face to the side to eye.
Kris raised an eye brow to then narrow his eyes.
"What the hell zhan why do you smell of...."
Kris eyes widened has zhan pulled him down to his lips to then pull him into that bedroom.
"Mm, I touched type Kris, nn..... What are you going to do about it?" He said been the kisses.
Kris narrowed his eyes to then part from there kiss to then turn zhan about to place a hand to his throat to go to his ear to then push with his body.
"You have no fucking clue! Be ready not to walk anymore!"
Zhan smiled has he was pushed.
To the car, tharn looked to type with narrowed eyes, type smacked his lips a bit to keep his head forward.
"Um.... Are we going to...."
"What is going on half breed! Why do you smell of zhan?"
Type took in a deep breathe to then turn his head to fully look to tharn..
"Zhan..... Knows."
Tharns eyes widened.

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