Haguenau | Joe Liebgott

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         I stood next to Joe as he pulled me in closer by the bunks. He kissed my cheek gently as we were both fresh from showers.

"So glad your scruff is gone," I ran my finger down his jawline.

"Wow was it irritating your skin?" He teased referring to the loads of kissing that was done after we were taken out of Bastogne.

"Maybe," I leaned up and kissed his cheek.

"Liebgott, Heffron, Ramirez, L/N, And Webster head down to the dining room." Speirs walked over.
Joe put his arm around me as we turned and walked down the stairs.

"This is bullshit I swear they're just trying to knock us off one by one." He huffed and sat in a chair pulling me down by my hips.

"Joe," I sighed and pushed some hair out of his face, and kissed his forehead. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it. Taking a drag before I gently took it from in between his lips and took a drag.

"So whos in charge of this bull shit?" Heffron asked.

"I doubt it's Lieutenant Jones," I smiled as I leaned into Joe. He wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed the back of my neck.

"Not on his first day," Grant shook his head. I kept a tight glance on Jones as he stood by the door.

"Well there's no other officer here," Joe put out his cigarette.

"Well if he's not in charge of this then it's you, Chuck," Heffron sighed, "Or Shifty or Mo."

"Well that'd be better than Jones," I rolled my eyes. I tended up against Joe as he ran his warm fingers up my shirt.

"10 huh," Jones called as Speirs, Winters, and Martin came in.

"Jesus," Joe huffed as we stood up.

"At ease," Winters said almost immediately. Joe sat down and I took my place back in his lap.

"Gentlemen," Winters spoke.

"Sir," we all huffed.

"As you can see we've assembled 15 of you here for this prisoner snatch tonight. 0100, just a couple of points.  Secured rubber boats to get you across the river. Lieutenant Jones here is the ranking officer and he'll be along as an observer. Sergeant Martin here will lead the patrol in sergeant Malarkey's place. The whole battalion will be covering your withdrawal. We've identified targets we've planned fire for 'em. We hear these whistles we open up. So don't blow them till your back in the boats with your prisoners." Winters spoke holding up whistles then game them to Martin.

"And if the house turns out to be empty sir?" Martin asked.

"It won't but in any case we know it's an outpost and wants it destroyed so you have to lay some demo on a time delay. You when to move fast but carefully. Put a perimeter around the house once that's in place get your rifle grenades in the first-floor window. Get your assault team in quick. Okay good, understood? Remember it's about prisoners. Don't pop the first thing that moves clear?"

"Yes sir," we all mumbled and Joe leaned me back more.

"Picked your assault team?" Winters looked at Martin.

"McClung, Sisk, Cobb, Garcia, and Webster as a translator. The rest of your guys are a base fire with sergeant Grant." Martin tossed the whistles to Grant.
"You speak German right, Webster?"

"Yeah a little bit," Web shrugged. I rolled my eyes and glanced at Joe.

"Good. That's my team, sir." Martin crossed his arms, Martin always looked like he had a stick up his ass but he wasn't that bad.

"Questions?" Winters looked at all of us.

"No sir," we all sighed.

"Good luck," Winters nodded as he turned.

"Thank you, sir," we all mumbled.

"10 huh," Jones called again.

"As you were carry on," Winters called as he and Martin left.
I chuckled as Jone's cheeks turned red and he looked down.

"A little German? His Germans as good as mine." Joe huffed turning to Talbert then to Web. Web turned and left.

"So y/n is snipping with Shifty?" Cobb asked.

"Yeah," I rolled my eyes as Joe stood us up and took my hand. We walked outside and he held both of them looking me in the eyes, "Joey you better be careful."

"I'm going to be y/n. I always am, now you don't get hurt." He sighed and leaned in pressing his chapped lips to mine. I ran my hand through his chocolate brown hair as we shared another intimate moment that we both feared would be our last.

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