Angry At The World | Joe Liebgott

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          Farrah sighed impatiently waiting to return home after her work

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          Farrah sighed impatiently waiting to return home after her work. She kept checking her phone to see if Joe texted her. His family was out of town for the week and they wanted all the time together as they could.
She opened Twitter and saw what was going on in Charlottesville. People just openly being Nazis.
Someone had driven their car into a crowd of counter-protesters.
She quickly opened her messages app.

Joey are you good? Maybe you should go talk to Johnny I think he's home.
I'm coming over after I'm done.

She sighed as she was worried about her boyfriend. She looked around at the near-empty store and dipped her head into the back. "Oh hey can I go home early?" She asked her manager.

"Yeah today's been slow," she smiled and went out to the front of the crystal shop.
Farrah grabbed her jacket and keys before clocking out and rushing to her car.
She tried calling Joe a few times before settling on calling her brother.

"Farrah?" Johnny sighed into the phone.

"Can you please go check on Joe, I'm sure you saw what happened. Please make sure he's okay he's not answering me." Farrah sniffed as she began to drive home.

"I'm at his front door, I saw him throwing stuff through the window and walked over," Johnny explained.

"I'm almost home just keep trying please." She begged her older brother.

"I am Farrah he keeps telling me to just leave him alone," Johnny replied more frustrated.
Farrah hung up as she parked in the driveway and ran over next door to her boyfriend's house. Johnny was standing at the door.

"Joe just let me in it's going to be okay!" Johnny called into the house.

"Fuck off!" Joe yelled, Farrah flinched back as she heard a bang and glass breaking.

"Move," Farrah fidgeted with her hair for a moment before taking out two hairpins and bending them to fit into the lock.
She picked the lock quickly and opened the door. She ducked as Joe threw something towards the door.

"Johnny go home I can handle this," she looked at her brother. He nodded and returned next door.

"Joey," she said just above a whisper. The tall boy stood in his living room with tears streaming down his face. Flowers laid scattered across the hardwood floors as there were vases broken. A dent in the wall, a hole in the wall.
She closed the door behind her as she slowly walked over to the boy she learned to love. She looked at his hands as one of his fists were bloodied from probably punching the wall. The other bleeding from the broken glass.
Farrah picked up the remote and turned the tv off.

"Joe look at me," she took his bloodied hands.
He looked at her with a tear-stained face and red eyes.
"Okay we're going to go clean you up," she led him to the bathroom and grabbed the things she'd need.

"What the fuck," Joe mumbled, "Why do they think they can just parade around. With those fucking flags." Joe began as Farrah bent down and cleaned up Joe's hands. She kissed Joe's cheek quickly before he kept going.

"Why is it okay! They fuckin- they fucking killed millions of my people." He cried out again as she wiped the alcohol pad onto the open wound.

"I know hun, shhh." She coaxed him as she wrapped up his hands. She finished and ran a hand through his brown hair. He gently brought his hands up and moved some loose strands of Farrahs blue hair behind her ear.

"When do your folks get home?" She asked, her green eyes softening and smiling lightly. 

"Two days," Joe mumbled looking up at her.

"Do you wanna go cuddle?" Farrah gently held Joe's face in her hands. He nodded and looked over at her.

"You kept the necklace I gave you?" He looked down at Farrah's chest where the small locket laid.

"Of course Joe, I wear it every day." She sighed and held Joe's hand and walked to his room. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist.
He smiled sheepishly and laid her on the bed and laid next to her.
She instantly kicked off her shoes and wrapped herself up in him.
Joe took her hair out of the space buns and tangled his hands through her hair.
"Joey?" She whispered.

"Farrah?" He responded

"Can we stay here forever?" She mumbled into his neck.

"Yeah, I'll keep you here safe from the world and all its uglies." Joe smiled and kissed her head. America may have been a mess but when they were together and Joe felt like he could protect Farrah. They were at inner peace.

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