The Year Babe Made The Dead Turkey, Fly | Baberoe/OC

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Well the Thanksgiving plans got changed last minute and now Babe, Gene, and Graham found them in the mess.
The mess of shopping for Thanksgiving dinner the day before Thanksgiving.

"Shit," Babe said a bit louder than he intended.

"Hm?" Gene turned looking at the tall red head pushing the cart.

"I forgot the list at home..." Babe bit his lip and looked at the two men as they both turned looking at him, "I put it in the pocket of the jacket I ended up not wearing.",

"Look it's gonna be fine, I'm the only one with food allergies so it can't be that hard?" Graham looked between the two.

"Yeah, we have to make sure it's kosher for Lieb," Gene sighed chewing on his lip. The three of them looked an absolute disaster in the Walmart aisle.
It was 5:30 pm and Gene had just gotten home from work when they saw the text that Daisy had went into labor.
So, her and Billy wouldn't be hosting Thanksgiving, then Graham offered to.

"Okay, let's just go aisle to aisle...just get the basics and everyone else can just bring what they were supposed to." Graham sighed looking around. Most of the stuff was picked over so it would for sure be an interesting turn of events.

Gene made a small sound and nodded. "Let's get shopping, I want to go home and sit on the couch."

"You're so real for that Gene." Graham sighed and turned his wheelchair leading the way down the aisle.

"Okay I know for sure we have to get a turkey and stuff for green bean casserole." Babe said as he caught up with them with the cart.

"Okay, let's get a few cans of green beans." Graham stopped infront of the canned vegetables and grabbed two cans putting them in the cart.

"And they're out of kosher crème of mushroom soup." Gene sighed, "I'll just make it and let Lieb know."

"I don't think he really likes it anyways." Babe shrugged, Lieb came from a house that cooked. Cooked a lot and had his Bubbe cooking for him growing up. so he was very particular about cooking and always mentioning how his Bubbe could've made it better.

"Gene I still haven't figured out how we're going to make all this." Graham sighed as everyone tried to keep up with Gene. He was hauling ass over to where the picked over turkeys were.

"Why?" Gene questioned seemingly to forget he was married to two men who could barely make Mac and cheese without burning water. Don't ask him how they managed to burn water but they did.

"Well for one we only have one oven." Babe smiled sheepishly.

"We will figure it out." Gene sighed, before grabbing a turkey without a second glance and walking back over to the next aisle.

It was even worse madness when they got home, trying to make a few dishes before tomorrow.

Graham was pealing potatoes for mashing and Babe was figuring out how to make green bean casserole.
Gene was mumbling to himself in French as he seasoned the turkey so it could marinate overnight.

"How are those potato's coming along?" Gene looked back at the two of them.

"My hands are getting a little crampy. I don't know if I'll be able to be much help for the rest of the night." Graham sighed setting the peeler and the potato back on the counter.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry if it seemed like I'm pushing you guys." Gene washed his hands and came over to the two on the other side of the kitchen.

"No, it's okay," Graham sighed looking at Gene. The pale boys eyebrows furrowed a soft pout on his lips.

"It's okay, I think we're all just a little stressed out." Babe sighed taking Genes hand and then took Grahams giving them both a small squeeze.

"Babe is helping so he can wear that apron he made himself." Graham smirked poking fun at Babes hot pink house wife apron with little hearts on the neck and straps.

"Yeah because you want me to role play in it later." Babe snickered looking at the two, "Let's just finish the potato's and the casserole. Then we can drink some wine and unwind."

"Sounds good to me." Gene nodded agreeing, "I'll get up a bit earlier tomorrow and I'll finish cooking."

Once they had the potato's and green bean casserole in the crockpots. They made a spot in the fridge for the marinating turkey.

"I'll grab it," Babe rushed over to the island the turkeys pan was sitting on.

"You sure? It's a little heavy?" Gene asked, he watched as Babe confidentially picked the turkey up. The rest happened in slow motion. Babe took two steps and slipped on nothing. The turkey went flying out of the pan and smacked the floor.

Babe gasped as he hit the floor, "I'm so sorry Gene." He grabbed the turkey putting it back in the pan.
Graham looked at Gene who was holding back laughter and they both let it erupt.
Babe looked at the two, "You're not mad?"

"No I'm not mad at you, Edward. Are you okay? Did you catch yourself? Let me see your wrists." Gene got on his knees by Babe.

"I'm fine, promise." Babe smiled meeting Genes big blue eyes.

"Good, I think we should call it a day and tell everyone else we will order a pizza, or people can bring their own food." Gene sighed as he picked up the turkey setting it on the counter.

"I agree." Babe nodded and grabbed the sponge out of the sink to wipe up the floor.

"Second that." Graham hummed, "Wait guys Billy is FaceTiming me!"

"Do you think she had the baby?" Babe perked up thinking about his best friend.

"Hey guys!" Billy smiled his voice a whisper tilting his phone to the baby in his arms, "This is Ms. Ruby May."

Babe felt his cheeks heat up and he smiled seeing his niece along with the others. "Oh she's so cute! How's Daisy doing?"

"She's sleeping right now but she's really sore." Billy hummed looking back down at his beautiful daughter.

"Well tell her to give me a call when she feels up to it." Babe smiled.

"I will," Billy smiled as Ruby let out a small cry, "I'll give you guys a call later. Love you guys."

"Bye," the three said waving.

"She is so adorable." Babe cooed excitedly, Babe had been more excited than anyone else. When he learned that Daisy was pregnant. He'd get to have his first niece and he was so excited.

"She has the Speirs nose." Graham giggled.

"She does." Gene nodded, it was true Daisy always complained about her nose looked just like her dad's and so did George's.

"I love you guys," Babe threw his arms around Graham and Gene hugging them tight.

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