Mikan Tsumiki crushing on the SHSL Theatre Actress

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· Falling for the Super High School Level Theatre Actress came as naturally to Mikan as falling every other time, very clumsily and seemingly out of nowhere. Even she herself wasn't sure when, how, or why it happened.

· Could it have been the day you first met? The day she, literally fell for you. Mikan found she hadn't been getting enough sleep as of late, so she decided to go strolling around the campus grounds to try to tire herself out a little. As she was walking between the endless rows of stone seats which made up the theatron, the abrupt and sudden booming voice ringing out from the theater below startled the wits out of her. "Where's your passion, your drive!? You'll never be an actor with such a weak will! Now put some effort in or I swear to the god-damn starts above, I'll run this whole production myself and play. Every. Single. Last. Role! If I didn't know any better, I'd have the right mind to say it's as if no one but me cares about this!"

· Slowly creeping out from her hiding place behind the seats Mikan saw there were some people on the stage. One in particular caught her eye though, a woman. After a person seemed to have read some lines, the woman looking figure snatched the script from them. Mikan was instantly entranced. After taking but a glance at it, she tossed it back to the other person. Then she spoke. Unlike before there was no scalding, unbridled fury, yet so much raw emotion burst forth from her lips. There was this purpose in every last movement, from the twitch of a finger to throwing out her arms amplifying the emotion in that heart stopping performance. Each step had meaning, even the step that threw her off stage!

· ... Wait, what?

· Getting so enraptured in the moment she didn't realize she was performing just a little too close to the edge of the stage and fell off it! Without even a second thought Mikan leaped from her hiding place and raced for the woman... herself falling in the process and winding up tumbling the whole way down. Truthfully Mikan was used to the feeling and was able to immediately hop up to her feet. You, however, were very thoroughly confused as a pretty yet disheveled looking lady gently lifted you to your feet and told you she was taking you to the nurse's office.

· Quickly you found yourself laying on a stiff bed with an ice pack wrapped around your head. "Is the bandage too tight? How are you feeling?" Your cheeks flushed a bright pink as you hid your face behind your hands. "Awful! What I said wasn't wrong, but I yelled at everyone." Curling up into a ball, you rolled over onto your side wanting to just disappear. "Oh, ah, uh, I'm so sorry!" "Huh, what? Why are you apologizing!?" The nurse girl looked to be a wreak as she just kept apologizing.

· Perhaps Mikan's crush began because she saw you so often at the nurse's office. From that moment at the theatron onward, not a day went by where you didn't have to visit the nurse's office and Mikan. This pleased and distressed Mikan to no end. She loved getting to help you, but the reason for you coming by so much worried her. It seemed you were always getting into trouble. You were always so willing to help with the more dangerous aspects of prop setup but you never took the proper safety precautions, like not wearing a mask even when sawdust filled the air, or climbing unsteady ladders without a thought, or attempting to lift items that were clearly too heavy for you, and on and on this list of reasons went.

· Even outside of the theater you weren't any better. Mikan was helping you get to the nurse's office after you managed to hurt yourself the umpteenth time that week when rehearsing. As you two were walking across a bridge that connected two buildings you hear that high-pitched irritable voice. Hiyoko Saionji. You were going to ignore her since she was on the ground and you on a bridge till you heard that... 'nickname' "Pig puke." "I shouldn't be surprised; she even talks bad behind your back." You spoke through gritted teeth under your breath so Mikan just barely caught what you said. "Y-Y/N? Are you hurting?" Then before Mikan could react, you jumped off the bridge. Her scream filled the air as you crashed into and tumbled out of the tree below. "Hey ugly brat! Maybe if you feel such a need to be the living embodiment of shit, you'd actually target someone who's willing to dish it back and not just take it!" Despite your head ringing and our body absolutely covered in bruises and cuts you managed to stagger to your feet. It was then you actually saw Hiyoko, tears in her eyes. "Really? So you can call people names but when the situation is reversed you cry!? If you can't take it yourself then don't treat others that way shit breath." That was the last thing you got out before Hiyoko ran away crying and you collapsed onto the ground.

· Moments later Mikan was already by your side. "Y-Y/N! Why did you do that!? You're so hurt!" "I couldn't just let Hiyoko call you awful names!" "Y-y-you don't need to bother with something like that for me!" "Mikan! Damn-it why are you like this!? You need to be able to stand up for yourself!" "I-I'm so very sorry!!" "M-Mikan, I'm sorry for yelling at you!" "I'm so sorry for making you yell!" "I'm sorry for making you feel like you have to apologize!" The rest of the day was spent patching you up as you two kept apologizing for apologizing and upsetting the other.

· Maybe... Maybe Mikan got a crush on you because you always so brightly smiled at her when she talked about things she was passionate about. How you seemed to be kind to her, even when she wasn't doing something you asked her to or wanted. You even listened to her when you weren't injured or hurt. At first you seemed to shy away, which Mikan would apologize for making you uncomfortable which would get you to apologize for making her think she did something wrong, and you two would just apologize to one another for the rest of the visit.

· After a month or so of visits Mikan noticed how you began to warm up to her, even asking her to hang out during breaks. It was quite strange seeing how bold you were on stage or when angered then at all other times being quiet and shy, to the point of hiding behind Mikan when someone approached the two of you.

· Then after even more time you invited Mikan to watch you in rehearsal. It was always a marvel to watch you on stage, how your shy demeanor melted away as you gave your entire being to your performance.

· Whenever, however or why ever it happened, it was undeniable Mikan had grown a crush on you. She found herself getting so excited and dreading to see you next. She found herself going to every last one of your performances. She found herself getting to rehearsals before you, making sure all of the equipment was in stable condition. She found herself actually eagerly going to you to talk and not the other way around. Undeniably she absolutely had a crush on you. As long as you kept talking to her, as long as you kept so magically calling her your friend, she honestly couldn't care less if you reciprocated her feelings. Mikan had a crush on the Super High School Level Theatre Actress, and she'd do anything for you.

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