Korekiyo x Short SHSL Librarian Reader

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· Since coming to Hope's Peak Kiyo had been curious about the contents of the school's library. Surely such a prestigious academy filled with such talented youth would be filled with some uncommon finds. He had been wanting a perusal of the place and finally he had found his chance.

· He meandered between the rows and rows of bookcases. He noticed how everything was so well cared for, not just the books, but everything, even down to the floor. He ran a hand down some book's spine, not even a speck of dust. No matter how many staff members were caring for the place, someone with great passion must had been taking the lead. This was an old novel; the binding was new but was remade in the same way it would have been so long ago. Kiyo instantly fell in love with the care that was seeped into the entire place.

· And quickly he fell for the very person that placed so much love into every last page of every book. The Super High School Level Librarian. You.

· It started when he began to visit the library every day, attracted by the love poured into it. In doing so he met it's caretaker, the librarian.

· You were very short, about the same height as his classmate Ryoma. You always carried a step stool with you no matter where you went in the library, needing it to place away any books left out by students.

· When the library was open you were most often at the front desk, even if no one thought anyone was there given you were completely hidden behind it much to your and other's frustration, reading as you waited for someone to seek you out, asking for assistance or to take out a book. You didn't speak much, absorbed in your reading, Kiyo asked for your help in search of a book to get the chance to chat. He learned how once you had joined the school all staff was to not bother going near the library, you insisting that they'd simply make your work more complicated than it needed to be so you were the sole caretaker of a several story tall building. When the library was closed you would then rebind the fading and dying books.

· You quickly warmed up to him, soon warmly greeting him whenever you caught him entering our domain. Your areas of interest overlapped greatly so finding topics to speak of came easily. As the SHSL Librarian not only were you great at caring for the place, but you were fantastic at making book recommendations and analyzing them. The pair of you would choose a book to read and reconvene about a week later and discus it, trading analysis of said book, you from a literary standpoint and he, historical.

· "Hmm, what's that mischievous smile about?" You could see the smile in his eyes, that kind, warm glint and the crow's feet. "Well~ I decided to show you somethi-" You playful clamped you hand over your mouth, play acting shocked. "I almost let the secret out. Follow me!" You then bolted from your seat, knocking your chair over in the process, only to return moments later to set it upright and make sure no scuff marks were left in the floor. He followed as you raced down aisle after aisle till Kiyo found himself in a section he didn't recognize. "Welcome, to my secret section!" You eagerly hopped around looking at all the ancient books. "Where did Hope's Peak get these!?" You giggled seeing Kiyo so eagerly look around. "Well, actually... I maaaaaaaaay have done some research and through some contacts got some books I thought you'd like! Even I haven't read through these, but I thought you'd like to examine them before I rebind them!" He looked to you for a moment, it hitting him how amazing and thoughtful you were. "Would you like to go for a date with me?" "Huh?" "I want to thank you, and I like you too." "... I knew you'd like this but not this much." You giddily giggled as you accepted.

· The height difference was certainly an interesting challenge to work with especially so given he was taller than average and you shorter than average. Even walking together was a bit difficult. Kiyo tried to walk slowly so you wouldn't have as hard of a time keeping up. When you kissed Kiyo would kneel down while you found some nearby object to stand on so he wouldn't have to bend down as far.

· The height difference had it perks as well. Kiyo constantly had the opportunity to help you, reaching for and placing back books high up on the shelves. You always got the best hugs, completely wrapped in his embrace. Should Kiyo ever drop anything you were always able to easily get it.

· The pair of you would spend whole days either in his lab or your library, indulging in one another's passions. You both loved acting as the other's assistant, egging them on to go on and on about your passions, learning so much from one another. Even after graduating from Hope's Peak you continued this tradition, Kiyo video calling you, showing you the excavation sight. You'd mail Kiyo a book you were interested in so you could read it together before going to bed. Every time Kiyo returned to you from his many trips he'd have a small collection of books in tow for you. You ended up running your own museum, being able to transfer your skills to taking care of the artifacts. With your stature dealing with the bigger exhibition was a challenge but Kiyo would always rush back home to help you deal with it. On occasion he'd invite you on his trips, you being able to reach places he could never.

· You loved one another, always thinking of the other, inviting them to partake in your work while also loving learning of your partner's work. Whenever you reunited with one another you were always greeted with a tender hug, you loving being held and him adoring being able to hold you close. And since he was already down on his knees he'd give you a kiss, as you told him how much you missed him before he'd hug you tighter, whispering how much he missed you too, and what he thought of the ending of the last book you sent him.

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