SHSL Theatre Actor/Actress comes out as aromantic to Mikan, Ibuki and Korekiyo

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Mikan Tsumiki:

· It was a day just like any other. That morning you had invited Mikan to come to rehearsal to watch. Having a massive crush on you she more than eagerly accepted! She also knew how reckless you tended to be with your own safety, she liked being nearby to patch you up quickly.

· It seemed to be a miracle that nothing happened during the practice. Mikan decided to meet you backstage. If nothing happened on stage, then you likely would end up getting injured helping change the spotlights or something. Maybe fall off a ladder or try lifting something and hurt your back. Who knows?

· She rather quickly spotted you actually... With a guy leaning in rather close to you. "Come on, just one date. What's the big deal?" "The big deal is, NO. I don't want to go on a date with you!" "What? Think you're better than me? Am I not your type?" "Yes! I am better than you! I don't persist when people withdraw their consent!" Oh no. You were fuming. You had absolutely no sense of danger when you were mad. "And YES, you are not my type! I HAVE NO TYPE! SO LEAVE ME ALONE YOU CREEP OR I SWEAR I'LL DESTROY ANY CHANCE YOU BOUGHT WITH MONEY SINCE YOU CERTAINLY DON'T HAVE TALENT OR PASSION, OF MAKING IT ANYWHERE IN THIS INDUSTRY! DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK YOU'LL GET FAR DISRESPECTING PEOPLE?! THAT'S HOW YOU IMPRESS SOMEONE!? SORRY ASSHOLE THAT'S NOT HOW THE WORLD WORKS! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN AT THIS? A WEEK NOW! AND GUESS WHAT MY ANSWER HAS BEEN EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU ASK! OH, YOU DON'T NEED TO GUESS, I ALREADY TOLD YOU! NO! NEVER! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" As you were stomping away the guy grabbed your hand! The guy was about to say something when you headbutted him in the jaw. He likely bit his lip or tongue because he started bleeding. Mikan chased after you as you ran away.

· You just kept running and running. "Y-Y/N!" "Mikan!?" You slowed your paced for a moment, grabbing Mikan's hand, continuing to run.

· The pair of you hid in Mikan's dorm room. She sat you down on her bed before scurrying around getting supplies to examine you. Her cheeks were lightly dusted with pink as she held your face getting a close look at the top of your head. "Tsumiki... I-I think I'm fine." "W-well, you may think so, but many illnesses can be present without making themselves known. The same can be said with injuries... I-I'm sorry am I annoying you!?" "N-no, no! You're okay! I just don't want you to waste supplies on me." "Supplies w-would never be wasted on you! E-even if they don't help, i-if it's for you, it's never a waste!" Her blush only grew as she looked at you with such determined eyes...

· She really cared about you...

· "Y/N w-what's wrong!? Are you hurting? Why are you crying!?" You tried holding back the sobs as you quickly wiped those tears away. "I-I'm so sorry." "Sorry? Sorry for what? I don't need or deserve apologies! Did I do something wrong!?" "N-no, you're amazing." You buried your face in your hands, absolutely ashamed of yourself. "E-even if I was interested in romance I would never go out with that guy, but, b-but you..." You forced yourself to take deep breaths. You forced yourself to look at her even in that blur. You forced yourself to... to confess. "But you're amazing! And I've been awful to you! I know you have a crush on me, I knew for a long time! I thought if I didn't say anything, maybe nothing would change and it'd all be fine, but... I can't keep doing this to you! I don't, I can't ever return your feelings. I love you, but not like how you love me! I'm aromantic. I'm just not attracted to people like that! And I honestly don't mind, I'm so happy to have friends, I don't need any other type of relationships to feel complete or happy, but, I can't just keep stringing you along like this! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Mikan!"

· "Y-Y/N, p-please don't cry for me!" Tears were already streaking down her cheeks. "I really don't mind!" "H-huh? What?" "If you're aromantic, I don't mind. Just please keep calling me your friend! That's honestly all I want!" "I-I, no, I don't want this to get toxic! You're my best friend! I don't want to hurt you!" You stood up, pulling her into a hug before burrowing your tear stained face onto her shoulder. Trembling, you hugged her so tightly. "I can't keep hurting you." Mikan hugged you back, letting you get your emotions out.

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