Teru finds Reader wearing one of his oversized hoodies

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· Of course you were best friends. He a cook, you a farmer, it was as if it were destined. True, your work was labor intensive and left you little to no room for relaxation since you did everything by hand, refusing to use too many machines, but you loved it all the same. Though because of that you had little goods, but they were top grade, of the best quality perfect for Teru who refused to use anything but the best.

· In order to save money Teru had moved in with you. With a small farm you were able to live closer to the big city than most farms so you could easily transport ingredients to Teru's restaurant. He payed the majority of the bills so your income could be dedicated to your farm. Teru making a bit more than you was able to get a very nice house for you. It was cozy and small, but nice. You both rather liked this arrangement since you both greatly benefited from it.

· You always awoke before the sun rose heading straight to work. You'd fill some hand crates with the ingredients you knew Teru was running low on, placing them in the car, knowing Teru would get to it soon. By that time the sun would have risen and Teru would be leaving for work at any moment. You were normally out working till nightfall where upon entering the house Teru always had a meal ready for you, and you'd chat about your day, if there were any funny stories of rude customers or how you thought this season's harvest was going to turn out.

· It was rarer but you did get some free time on occasion. You'd take the time to relax, perhaps soak in a nice hot bath with lit incense or candles, maybe add some bubbles to the water. Perhaps you'd do some yoga, play video games or listen to some music as you lazed on the couch. You'd even try your own hand at cooking from time to time for the fun of it.

· One day you managed to finish work early, just a little before the sunset. It was simply gorgeous. You always took the time to appreciate nature as you worked but doing so was different when you knew you had nothing else to do was different, you could just focus on it. Watching the sun slowly fall behind those trees, yellows, reds, oranges, purples, and blues melding into one another. Simply lovely. You sighed as the cooling wintery wind rolled past signaling to you the end of autumn was coming, winter slowly creeping in. You strolled along, watching the sky as you slowly made your way back to the house.

· You stretched your back out for a moment before opening the closet door, looking for your bath robe. Taking it off the hanger the soft scent of lavender and other flowery smells wafted to you, a reminder of the luxury candle you had used last you soaked in the tub.

· It was then you noticed something odd. One of Teru's oversized hoodies was in your closet. Perhaps he was in a rush to put the laundry away and accidentally mixed one of his pieces in your articles. You never saw why he wore these for pajamas, with it being so much bigger and he being fairly short, wouldn't he just get lost in it? You thought that to yourself as you took the hoodie out, planning on placing it in his bedroom closet.

· As you strode over to his room you stopped before it, realizing something. Holding it up, you momentarily inspected it. This should fit you.

· ... It couldn't hurt to try, right?

· You tossed off your shirt, discarding it into our room and quickly slipped into the hoodie. Slightly form fitting it was still comfortable, the material being light and stretchy. You did some flexing, finding that if you were just a little less buff it'd fit normally. Given you worked outside in the sun so much you preferred slightly looser clothing, but this could be nice for lazing around on a cool day which it happened to be day.

· You lifted up the hoodie momentarily before noticing a certain someone with a bleeding nose from the corner of your eye. "Ah Y/N don't mind me, just admiring the view and those impeccable abs!" You rolled your eyes, finding how he could still happily ogle you even though he literally sees you sweating and working every single day baffling. You thought he'd have gotten bored with you by now, but you should have known better. You live with Teru, he could find something attractive about anyone... and it certainly helped that you were ripped basically working out all day, every day. "Well take in as much as you can now, I'm taking a bath." "Oh~ A bath? Can I join?" You chuckled hearing that silly tone. "Sorry, but no." As you walked past you dropped the hoodie on him. "Knock on the door when dinner's ready. Alright?" "Okay, but since I have you, want a meat based main course or vegetable." "Ummm... Everything you make is delicious, I couldn't care less what it is, but if I had to choose... which ever you made less of at work today."

· Sinking into the bubble bath you adored this relaxing warm feeling. As much as you loved your work, pampering yourself was always amazing. Hearing that knock, knock, knocking, you were about to reluctantly get out when you heard a door creek, seeing a small table with a plate of delicious food slid in beside the bath, the door open just enough for a person to slide their arm through before quickly being shut. Though a bit perverted, you appreciated how Teru didn't do anything drastic and respected others space. Even when doing this he didn't dare take a peak inside. He certainly grew up since high school.

· ... As kind of a gesture this was, it... it felt wrong to you. "Hey, why don't you eat here too, and no, you still can't join me in the bath." "Ah, you're too sweet. I'll be back in a moment." With the enormous mountain of bubbles that floated on the surface of the water you felt fine knowing he could only stare at you from the shoulders up. You had gotten used to his staring, but it could get uncomfortable on occasion.

· When he returned you chatted about your day as usual, him saying the highlight of his was seeing you in his hoodie. "Uh huh, I'm sure. Not like you literally see me every day." "Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, just because you see the sunset every day it doesn't become any less beautiful." "Hmm... Yeah, I suppose so." "So, did you like it?" "Yeah, it was comfy." "Keep it then!" "Are you sure? It is your pajamas." "Y/N, you have no tight clothing, I don't mind giving it to you at all." "Heh, thought so." "We both win with this deal." "Yeah, funny how we can so easily make mutual deals." "You're smart and kind. This sort of thing comes naturally to you." "I could say the same about you too. We're like two peas in a pod you could say." Then you suddenly saw that glint in Teru's eye, knowing he was about to make some lude comment.

· Living with your best friend could be a bit much at times, but he was still your best friend. You wouldn't want to live life any other way.

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