Kaede's S/O comes out as transgender

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· This... You had no idea how you were going to do this. Even just thinking about it sent your heart racing. You've meant to tell Kaede for a while now, but it just never felt like it was a good time or when it was your mind flew into a panic, only going over the absolute worst scenarios. You knew Kaede wasn't the kind of person to try to destroy your entire life even if she was somehow not okay with this, but you were still scared. You knew that if she didn't accept it, then you two just couldn't be and it was better to get out of the relationship sooner rather than later if that was the case, but... it was still scary.

· You laid atop your bed staring out the window, listening to the raindrops pitter-patter against it, the walls and roof. You let yourself get absorbed in that soft sound, just... just not wanting to think about it all for a moment. It was a surprisingly nice cool day for summer.

· You didn't want to think about it... but how could you not. You kept doubting yourself. Your body just felt so alien, so wrong to you, and yet... even if it hurt, maybe it would be easier to just not do anything. Maybe you could get used to it? What if you started transitioning, you'd regret it? What if you transitioned fully, you'd still feel wrong and you were just trapped like this forever? What if you wouldn't like who you'd become? What if this was only temporary, like you were genderfluid so everything would be okay in a week or so!... right? You could just be gender fluid... Or what if you were just a boy who happened to like feminine things and to dress up as a girl, or a girl who happened to like masculine things and liked to dress in male clothing? Or maybe you were nonbinary? Then what body should you choose? Boy? Girl? What are you supposed to do if you were nonbinary?... You knew some nonbinary people transitioned so maybe it would be okay if you did too? But what if after you transitioned you still felt wrong and realized that how you felt before, though bad, was better than the new you. What if it had nothing to do with your body and was just your pronouns and name. Maybe if you just changed those, you'd be fine. You'd be fine. Maybe you'd... You... you...

· A trembling breath escaped you and you turned onto your back, draping your arms over your face.

· You knew better. You knew that in your current being you were miserable. Even if things became worse, you wouldn't know unless you tried. You didn't want to be this anymore... You never did. You may have tried to be, to appease others, but... You couldn't keep it up anymore. It was killing you.

· Alone, you let those tears slip out... soon those tears were accompanied by a wail. The most wretched, raw sobbing, screaming out all that pent-up anguish that had been building up for your entire life. And you just kept crying. You cried and cried, letting it all just come pouring out.

· Then... you heard something? Knocking. You rolled out of bed and on unsteady feet you hobbled to the door. "Hello?" "D/N!" "Eh- Kaede?" Even just seeing her warmed your heart and that happiness tugged at your lips pulling them into a small, tired smile. "Hey, you don't look that well, are you alright?" You leaned your shoulder against the door-frame for balance. "Heh, just a restless night last night was all. More importantly, what are you doing here?" "Don't tell me you forgot. You promised you'd come with me to the Tanabata festival today!" From her tone you could tell she was only teasing and was not actually upset, setting your heart at ease. "It's already Tanabata day? Did I end up sleeping through a whole day? Oh! Uh, just give me a sec to change and I'll be right out!"

· Hand in hand you and Kaede walked from stall to stall eating all of the food you could get your hands on. It was a festival; you could indulge a little! "D/N, you've been having a lot of restless nights lately. Maybe you should see a doctor." "... U-uh, no! I'm fine, heheheh, heh... heh..." "Hey, it's okay." She stood before you, both of her hands clasped around yours. "If there's a reason for this. You know you can tell me." Giving you a determined look, her eyes seemed to sparkle to you. "We can make it through this if we work together." ... You wished you could have even a fragment of that determination.

· You decided to focus on the festivities and tried to forget your worries. Then you and Kaede decided to partake in the main event. You each got a strip of brightly colored paper. "Hmm... What to wish for... Oh! Got it!" Quickly Kaede tried to scribble down what it was. "Hey, don't look over my shoulder!" She playfully punched your arm. "Okay, okay! Sorry!" Your chuckle faded looking down at your own paper... Your wish...

· You both tied your papers to the bamboo. "...Kaede." "Oh, yeah?" "... I-I... would you read my wish?" "Heh, you didn't have to ask. I was going to look anyway later. But since you asked, I'll look now!" She gently picked your paper from flowing in the wind. "To be a..." You couldn't bear to look at her. You instead faced the ground. You heard your heart pounding in your ears. Your hands trembled, clenched into fists, your nails digging in so deep you were just about to bleed. You were holding your breath just... waiting. Waiting for something.

· You were warm. Kaede was hugging you. "Let's... go somewhere more private, okay?" You could only bring yourself to nod before following.

· This was it, you were breaking up. She couldn't trust you anymore you had been lying your whole life, how could she trust you!?

· You two stopped once you were in a clearing outside of the festival grounds. "What's your name?" "... What?" Finally, you looked to her. She was sheepishly smiling. "Well, if you're transitioning, you'll want me to call you by your real name, and not your 'dead name', right?" "... K-kaede." Before you knew what was happening your knees gave out from under you. Kaede simply kneeled down, hugging you again. "It's okay. Take all the time you need." You hugged her back, burying your face into her shoulder. It took you a while but once your heart slowed, and you fully had taken in what she asked you managed to let go. "I... I'm so scared Kaede." "And that's okay. I'm with you, and we can take this one step at a time. You already took a very big step today, and I'm so proud." Holding your hands, she stroked them with her thumbs. "If you'd like I could play the piano to help you calm down." "Y-yeah... I'd love that."

· Not much was said as Kaede lead you by the hand. Normally she would be a bit more talkative. She was thinking about how you probably had a lot of things to figure out. She was thinking of booking some concerts to get money so she could help you pay for hormone therapy or for any surgeries you'd need or want. She was thinking of asking Shuichi to help her do research on how to support a person who's transitioning. She was thinking about how she was going to make this as pleasant of an experience as she could for you. She was trying to ingrain your new pronouns into her head so that she would never mess up. "My love, I'm going to support you in any why I can, no matter what!" She was also thinking about giving you a new pet name till you decided on your real name because 'my love' was very cheesy for her.

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