Gundham x falsely accused as the blackened S/O

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· It was a long and grueling trial, blame kept being passed from one person to another, seemingly not settling on anyone, alibis working, but then mean nothing when the time of death was determined to be some time else over and over, it was chaos. The only consistency was you never having an alibi and so due to being tired many of the others began to settle on pinning you for the culprit. You all had been through this too many times and were just tired of it, honestly you probably would have just settled for being picked if it meant ending the trial but knowing everyone except the true killer would be killed kept you going, you could not let the closest people you had to friends on this insane island die for something so cruel and stupid!

· You were so glad Gundham and Hajime were there. They were skeptical of you but not cruel about it. They were able to doubt you because they trusted you, picking apart your testimony because they believed in the end it would lead to the truth because you didn't do it.

· It was one of the most stressful, heart pounding things you had ever experiences, but in the end after it all, you all found the culprit, and was forced to witness their horrendous execution. The only good thing was that the rest of you were alive. It was nighttime by the time you exited the trial grounds. Looking around you found everyone else like you was just so defeated and exhausted, even Gundham and Nekomaru of all people.

· Mindlessly you dragged yourself to your cabin, not even realizing you were there till you just stood before it, collapsing on the ground right at the door, leaning against it. You couldn't think, your mind feeling as if it were swimming, just struggling to keep coherence to even stay afloat and not fall asleep. You just wanted to sleep, but... how were you supposed to do so? All this murder and bloodshed, the fear, anxiety, insanity, how could anyone rest?

· You didn't even register some little creatures had hopped into your lap till one of them gave you a little nip, snapping you to attention. Seeing the cute, destructive, dark beings you let go of the breath you didn't even realizing you were holding in, tears streaking down your cheeks. On wobbly knees you just followed them, suddenly finding yourself in the Ice Lord's domain. "Oh... hey Tanaka." Hesitantly he took the sleeve of your shirt, leading you to the bed where you just flopped on it. Gundham sat beside you, helping his Devas get atop the bed. "... thank you. i... I don't know if I can be by myself tonight." "That is most understandable. You of us all had the roughest, most treacherous of battles." You adored holding the Devas, their soft presents able to easy your anxiety ridden self.

· Though the air was a bit awkward. Even in your somewhat delirious state you could tell that. Your and Gundham's relationship had always been a bit odd, you both really liked one another, but dating during a killing game just sounded insane to the both of you so you had this forced distance with one another, but now, here you were just in his room. There was nothing wrong with this and it wasn't like anything was going to happen, but with how Gundham kept most everyone at a distance, even not allowing even the smallest of touches... this was probably the closest he had allowed anyone to get to him since the killings began.

· "How about you? I'd think even a being such as you would be taking some toll from all this... this madness." "......... It... I... I find exhaustion to be the greatest toll. I can survive most anything, but even this world... it's tiring to be here, but mistake my words not, I have not weakened!" You simply nodded, completely understanding the sentiment. "good... so it's not just me." Looking to you from the corner of his eye he found how you just looked... lifeless, so, so tired... yet there you were, wide awake.

· Seeing Gundham taking off his coat you didn't think much of it. That was till he draped it over you. "Tanaka?" "Rest now my companion. Your weary soul simply is unable to keep going on down this path we tread. You may... You may take shelter under my house till you may continue  on your own. Then should you need it again, come to me, and you may take shelter once more. In exchange, you may never stop fighting no matter what. Survive, that is all I ask in return." Your breath hitched, tears silently streaming from our eyes. "... You need but call should you require anything." With that said he got up and took to laying on the couch.

· You had no idea how, but even in the insanity you had been tossed in, for once you felt warm, and somewhat... okay, even if it was on extremely shaky grounds, finally you were at ease enough to fall asleep. Meanwhile Gundham's face was completely flushed, quietly bickering with his Devas about them teasing him for his crush on you.

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