Kokichi x SHSL Wood Worker Reader x Miu Polyrelationship headcannons

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· As the Super high School level Woodworker, you were quite surprised by how... quickly and intensely the SHSL Supreme Leader and SHSL Inventor had taken interest in you. You didn't think that with their talents either would even notice you. Their talents were much flashier than yours. The exact same could be said for your personalities too. Kokichi and Miu were both so loud and extroverted, willing to just go up and interact with anyone while you were most comfortable in quiet places with few people. Being with too many people was just so draining for you, you were impressed and had no idea how Kokichi and Miu could do it.

· With all this in mind... You wondered why in the world either flirted with you!? Was it a joke, were they both in on this? Could they actually like you like that? Sure, since the first day of school out of all your classmates you were certainly closest to them, but... Could it be? Like, yeah Miu and Kokichi would visit you in your lab where you spent your days carving, sawing, sanding, gluing, and polishing the day away, but they were just your friends that flirted with you. It couldn't mean anything even when Kokichi would request you to make some wooden toy gun for him, then give you the most ridiculous of reasons to cling to you the entire time you were working, or when Miu would insist you both work in her lab, only for her to make lude, yet flattering remarks the whole time as you worked, specifically how you were very good at handling wood. Miu... made so many lude puns out of that, it actually impressed you how she could come up with so many and not repeat the same joke twice.

· One day to your confusion you realized something. It was during one of your many excursions out with Miu and Kokichi. "Are we dating?" The two of them looked to you in surprise as you continued. "We go out like this every weekend, you two flirt with me and each other-" "What! I would never flirt with that cow!" "C-cow!?" Miu flushed at the comment, clearly liking it to an extent as Kokichi quietly laughed to himself. "... Anyway, even when not going out like this we're together all the time, we share meals at lunch, and..." You then held up your hands. "You both hold my hands all the time." Kokichi looked to you in confusion as he lightly kissed the back of your hand, like it was an everyday occurrence... which it was for you and him but you but this was certainly not common a practice between you and your other friends! "And Miu you also decided to boast about me and I think Kokichi, you compliment and insulted him to that couple trying to prove we are in a better relationship than them?" "Whatever! That girl was staring at this impressive rack, and who wouldn't. I HAD to scare her off!" "I... What? They were literally walking out of the café! We're literally sitting in a booth right next to the door. It's kind of hard to not look our way." "Yeah Iruma, who'd want to look at your dumb bitch sacks of fat anyway?" You buried your face in your hands, embarrassed at Miu's all too pleased reaction to Kokichi's remark. "Daw, it's okay, Y/N~" Kokichi wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. He hummed, planting a kiss on the top of your head. "Hey! Stop hogging Y/N!" Suddenly Miu was hugging you, specifically smooshing your face into her chest... How... how in the world did you fall for these two? That you wondered as Miu and Kokichi playfully bickered over you much to your absolute giddy embarrassment. You just wanted to eat some cake at a café, why did it turn out like this? And that was how the three of you became an item.

· Not much changed between the three of you, but there were some differences.

· Sometimes Kokichi would drag you out of your lab and take you to his dorm room. There you would laze around, play videogames for hours on end or design new weapons to use for pranks, you'd even carve some models to present to Miu. Sometimes she'd join in the games, but not often, she'd normally be at work refining Kokichi's designs as you and he played.

· When the three of you were out it became a sort of competition between Kokichi and Miu on who was more protective of you. It never became toxic or extreme, more so if you started getting uncomfortable in a social situation they'd try to one up one another on who could comfort you better or faster, maybe they'd even speak up for you when you clammed up around strangers.

· Even before you officially got together, when it was just the three of you, you'd get more chatty, excitedly going on and on about whatever captured your interest at the moment. After getting together though you'd chat much more often, much to Miu and Kokichi's enjoyment. They loved hearing you get so excited, even interrupting what they were speaking of when you appeared, instantly changing to a topic they knew you were interested in, hoping you'd so excitedly chatter away again.

· It was certainly an odd relationship with many quirks but loving all the same. At times the three of you would buttheads mostly Kokichi and Miu but with three people fights were bound to happen, the three of you would sit down and talk, making sure you clearly communicated with one another, even with those lies. It was difficult at times, but you managed to make it through and always stronger than ever! All three of you never thought you'd end up with such colorful partners, but now that you were together, you could never want for any other.

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