Gundham and Kokichi get Hanahaki

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Gundham Tanaka:

· Gundham stared down in disbelief at what he had coughed into his hands. No longer was it flower petals but full, pink, camellia blossoms... longing. His loyal generals scurried about in panic. "Hmm, so the curse you sensed on me. Is this it? ... not just Hanahaki but these blossoms... their meaning..." He wanted to keep denying it like he had been for the past month but no longer could he.

· He had heard of Hanahaki before, but he thought it was but a rumor. He knew of the only three cures, death, a surgery that removes that wretched plant at the price of the feelings it bloomed from, or confessing and those feelings being reciprocated... He bitterly chuckled which swiftly morphed into that booming laughter. "So the world now seeks to end me by any means necessary. Whether it be by my body, or my spirit..." Clenching his fist he crushed those soft pink petals. "Fine! Let it try, for all those efforts will be in vain. I'll carry on these emotions and live! I shall not sacrifice my life in this world nor lose my spirit in doing so." Immediately after that hacking started up again as he felt that irritable scratching crawl through his throat and lunges. Concerned, his generals cuddled up to him, wanting to help him in some way.

· As he was lacing up his boots that winter morning, he heard a knock, knock, knocking from his door. "I'll be but a moment my Emperor!" He called out, hopping on one foot towards the door, making that last knot. Swinging the door open he was happily greeted by your pale smile. "Running a little late I see." "My apologies should I have kept you waiting for long." "No, no, it's fine. I'm just used to you being ready before me. Like, seriously, how do you get all that makeup done every day and be ready before me?" He smirked seeing your genuine curiosity. Before he could speak though a colorful haired girl poked her head out of the doorway. "Ibuki helps Gundham get ready on date day!" "Ibuki!" The girl merrily slipped past you and Gundham. "He always goes on and on about 'not keeping his beloved waiting' how 'on the days of courting rituals he must be as presentable as possible as to-" "ENOUGH IBUKI!" His face was absolutely flushed as he began to chase after her. She dashed away wishing he and you well. "I-ignore those words. They were but nothing!" You had your arms crossed, a sharp smirk creasing your lips. "Suuuuuuuure. Absolutely nothing. Heh." "E-enough! We must get our ritual started." Still chuckling you took his bandaged hand and lead the way. How was it that even thinking of your laugh sent his heart a flight.

· He strolled down that path, getting absorbed in the light sound of his footfalls against the stone. It was a particularly hot and muggy day, not helped by there not being a single cloud in the sky, allowing the sun's harsh rays to beam down in it's full glory. Sighing, he loosened the scarf around his neck. Holding up his hand to shade his eyes just a bit from those rays, his gaze lingered on the dull red and black bandana tied around his wrist.

· "Are you sure you're feeling well enough to wander around like this?" "I'm fine! Don't worry so much! I got permission from the doctors and everything!" You trotted on ahead down the trail, spinning around loving the fresh air. You had been cooped up there for far too long under observation. It was good to see you out and so lively at that. All too quickly you got winded and started to collapse. Gundham dashed to you, cradling you against his chest. "My Emperor don't be so demanding on your body right away. You've yet to be released fully. This is but a day to get fresh air." "I know, but... I want to enjoy being out... even if it hurts a little. But I won't do anything stupid!" Snow gently fluttered down and Gundham pulled you closer. "All I ask is you be careful."

· Sitting under a lone tree he felt that awful sweltering heat suffocating him. He felt his heart beating just a little faster than usual. He looked out to the lake, the blue sky reflected on it's surface. Mindlessly he fiddled with the ends of that bandana.

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