Nagito, Rantaro, and Gundham comfort their S/O through their migraine

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Nagito Komaeda:

· It was a day like any other. Nagito was running late to class, his bad luck deciding to show up and leave him completely covered in scratches and bruises in the process. He dashed down hall after hall, running up the stairs not wanting to be any later, but of course when he reached the top of the case his shoelaces had somehow become untied, and he stepped on one, sending him tumbling back down the stairs, rolling and crashing into a wall. Strangely as he shakily got up, he heard... whimpering? And it wasn't from himself despite how his whole body hurt.

· "Y/N?" You sat against a wall next to the stairs, face tucked into your knees, covering your ears with your hands. "Hey, what's wrong?" "Oh... hey Nagito." Sitting beside you he could hear how unsteady your breathing was. You quietly, pitifully laughed before speaking. "M-migraine... been a while since I had one this bad though..." "Uh..." "Basically a real bad headache... one so bad it made sound louder, lights brighter an... shapes? I can't see right now." He draped an arm over your shoulders, pulling himself close, and when he spoke next he made sure keep his voice quiet. "Okay, just lean on me, alright?" He led the way to the nurse's office, letting you burrow your face into his shoulder, shielding you from the light. Nagito decided that falling down the stairs was actually be good luck so he could be here for you.

· You were placed in a dimly lit room after being given some pain medicine. It wasn't much, but at least it was something better than making the trek all the way back to your dorm room to lock yourself away there for a time. "You can go... if you want to. I'll just be laying here for a while." "I want to be here. Want anything, just tell me and I get it for you." You were quite for a moment, simply taking deep breaths, hoping that could ease the pain that seemed to throb behind your eyes and in your head. "... could you lay with me then?" After a moment you felt the bed lightly shift and heard the rustling of fabric. Hugging him, you burrowed your face into his chest. He held you close, hoping he could help you at all. He wasn't entirely sure as to what he could do to help you, but he was going to do anything within his power to lessen your pain.

Rantaro Amami:

· "Babe! I'm back!" Silence was all he had gotten in response before shutting the door behind himself. "Y/N?" Were you out? Unlikely as it was, it was still possible. The thought of you going out for a walk or the like was a rather kind one for him. If you had gone out, you'd have left a sticky note explaining yourself somewhere he'd most certainly see but having not spotted anything of the sort he trotted through the apartment, straight for your temporary office.

· Your door was left open. Taking a peek inside he found you sitting before that little table, the laptop illuminating your silhouette in that otherwise small, dark room.

· "Babe..." You were snapped from your trace feeling how he had enveloped you in a hug from behind, planting a kiss on the side of your head. "I know stocks don't wait, but you're only human." "I'll take a break later." He sighed, still hugging you he rested his chin on your head, his gaze scanning over the screen, how your mouse zipped about, flipping from page to page in the blink of the eye. "It's been a few days now, what's gotten you so worked up?" "A depression's coming. I need to make the right moves so we can out last it, and still have enough to keep searching for your sisters. On top of that I also need to keep an eye out for my clients, I know for a fact some of them are going to panic and make rash decisions, I need to stop them." You groaned, rubbing your stiff neck before yawning. Rantaro held on for an extra few moments before letting go. "I'll call you when dinner's ready." "Thanks." When he got to the door he stopped, chuckling to himself. "You haven't changed a bit since High School." Oh, that clicking of the mouse pad actually stopped. "... You mean that in a good or bad way?" "Both. You still are so kind, to the point of sacrificing your own health. You can't help others if you're bedridden." "Just a bit longer, I can keep going. I know my limitations... and I have you to babysit me." "Har, har, very funny."

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