Shuichi x Kaede: Kaede helps Shuichi cope with his trauma through music

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Warning: Blood mention, guns

safe 16 bullet points in

· How. How did this happen!? Why was this happening!? Kaede's mind was but a blur as she heard another gunshot ring, Shuichi collapsing to the ground, blood pouring from his face. How did it turn out like this!? They were just out on a date, so why?

· Their date.

· It all started out as an average day. Keade had gotten back to Japan from doing a tour in Europe. To celebrate, her and Shuichi decided to have a day long date. They didn't have a plan for the day, so they simply wandered around town. They missed one another and just wanted to be together, it didn't matter what they did, as long as they were at one another's side.

· "Hey, Shuichi, let's do some karaoke!" Pulling on Shuichi's arm she pointed towards the building with a message board out front reading karaoke sessions rooms were on sale. "Well... I've never really sung before, sorry if it's awful." "Nonsense, I'm sure you'll be great! Let's go!" Hand in hand they eagerly skipped into the establishment.

· As they entered their karaoke room, they didn't notice the pair of eyes that trailed behind them, glaring deadly daggers. The door to their room had a window in it and the television was across from it, so when their backs were turned being preoccupied with the television...

· A loud bang rang out as Shuichi suddenly fell forward, collapsing onto the table. He managed to flip around to see what the hell was happening. "Kaede!" Another shot rang out as Shuichi tackled Kaede to the ground.

· They couldn't stay here, they needed to escape. The only exit was being blocked by the attacker though. Didn't matter, Shuichi could disarm the criminal. It was going to be okay. It was going to be okay. That's what he kept telling himself as he charged for the door. "Huh!?" It was locked!? They didn't lock the do-

· He collapsed to the ground; face completely bloodied. "Shuichi!" Kaede couldn't just sit around, she had to do something! Grabbing a stool, she smashed it through the window, chucking it with all her might. It managed to knock the assailant to the ground and some workers arrived trying to restrain the man.

· "Shuichi!? Are you alright!?" Blood just poured from his eye as if it were a fountain. "Shuichi!" Placing her ear to his chest she could feel his heart rate quickly fading. "k... kae... de." His face had already paled so quickly. "Shuichi! Don't talk. You need to keep your strength!" She tried to be calm, to not sound so scared and panicked, she needed to be strong for Shuichi right now. It all happened so quickly, she didn't know what even happened. One moment they were happy, now she sat beside Shuichi feeling so lost and terrified, not knowing what to do.

· Wait.

· No, there was something she could do!

· Whipping out her phone she immediately called the police for help. Even as she spoke, she squeezed Shuichi's hand, letting him know she was still there.

· The moment the call ended Kaede dropped the phone. "Hey, hey, Shuichi, you can still hear me, right? Don't talk, just please, squeeze my hand, blink, something."

· It killed Kaede to not be in the ambulance with Shuichi, but she understood.

· Shuichi died, just for a moment. Defibrillators had to be used on him on the way to the hospital. He was sent straight to the emergency care unit for surgery.

· Kaito and Maki were by Kaede's side as she had to wait those three suspenseful days before Shuichi was in stable enough condition to have visitors. Now that the incident was over and Kaede could really let it sink in what had happened, she bawled her eyes out. It was all just so messed up and all she could think of was wishing Shuichi would be alright and why all this even happened.

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