Kokichi befriends the SHSL Performer

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· Yeah, yeah, sure, you'd probably be fun to play with, your talent literally solely being lying to entertain others, but Kokichi was much more interested in seeing the real you. Would you make it hard or easy? Had you grown cynical and disillusioned due to being dragged through the harsh world of actors, or were you more upbeat, genuinely enjoying entertaining others. What were you, what were you, what were you!? He just wanted to know if you were going to make this fun or not! Or... Oh! Maybe you'd be something he wasn't expecting, after all there were more ways to perform than just being an actor, maybe there'd be no mask to remove in the first place!

· Before entering Hope's Peak he had tried to not find out about anything about the others joining the school, the surprise of who his classmates were going to be was fun, but it was Hope's Peak, everybody always talked about the new students when a new year rolled around and he heard someone with the 'Super High School Level Performer' title was entering the same year as him, and he could not resist speculating. Were they someone famous, or unknown? Did they specialize in a certain performance or were they a jack-of-all-trades type? He was so excited!

· After moving his stuff into his dorm, he decided to run around and explore the grounds, who knows, he could even meet some other new students. He even decided to look around outside of the academy, maybe bump into someone as they were just getting to the school! As he was exploring around, he noticed something. A large crowd had gathered, often bursting out into laughter. He dashed through wanting to know what this was about. In the middle of the crowd, a large space around them was a person. They sat on a raised wooden platform. They didn't dare move from their spot, but they were so expressive moving their arms about and such telling a rather hilarious story. He'd never seen a rakugo performance outside, rather stran-... His smile only grew wider and wider, his gaze not daring to part from the street performer.

· He returned to the same spot the next day. There was no rakugo performance this time, but it was the same person, now... miming? They didn't speak, yet there was so much energy and expression in their every last movement.  The day after he found them singing and playing the piano. The next juggling just about anything they could get their hands on. After that simply making balloon animals. Next a puppet show, with the most distinct, heart wrenching voice acting he had ever heard. Comedy, drama, it seemed just about everything was mastered, or at least disguised as mastered very well.

· And to Kokichi's joyous surprise, you, the Super High School Level (street) Performer was in his class. You were rather quiet at school, extremely introverted in fact, shying away from the others. That didn't stop Kokichi though, who'd approach you when there were not as many others around. He still gave you your space so you could recharge from being around others, but it only got him more curious about you! Such an introverted individual was a street performer, one would expect that was something an extrovert would revel in, not you.

· At first he didn't speak with you much, more so making you the target of his pranks on occasion, but soon, he found himself getting pranked, and each time he fell for them, whether it be on purpose or not, he'd find you snickering nearby. After a while you started working with one another, utilizing your many skills such as throwing your voice or mimicking others.

· When together your expressions were smaller, more subtle and less exaggerated than when performing for others. You explained it like make-up. When performing for others, you had to exaggerate so even those in the back of the crowd could understand, you didn't want anyone to be left out. Like how make-up accentuated certain parts of people faces, you accentuated you emotions in a similar fashion.

· You never told Kokichi about when you performed, truthfully you just performed whenever and wherever you felt like, mostly when you wanted to let out some extra emotion after an emotional or stressful day. Despite the spontaneity Kokichi would always show up, not only him but some other regulars you didn't recognize from anywhere began to show up too. You pondered if they were members of Kokichi's 'secret evil organization' you believed so at least because of a sort of test you did on them. You'd on occasion ask of audience participation and you had chosen Kokichi and the other new regulars at least once. All of them worked very well with the spontaneity, just going all out unlike most participants who were nervous. This in your mind confirmed they were together which honestly was the most fun you had performing with others whether it be in comedy or something more dangerous like having them toss you items to juggle while blindfolded.

· Of all of Kokichi's new classmates, you were probably his favorite, always so full of surprises, being sporadic, yet consistent at the same time. He never knew what was coming next with you. The pair of you complimented one another nicely, you could imagine having a better friend.

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