Kokichi x SHSL Psychologist Reader

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· You were always an odd kid. Things that most others learned quickly, like social ques, those types of things flew over your head. You always spoke your mind with no filter, often hurting other's feelings without realizing what you even did. You didn't want to be rude or mean, but what you said never registered as such to you, you just stated facts.

· You were very logical. Not that you were unfeeling, but you could never just feel emotions. You had to sit down and think for long stretches of time to puzzle out what your feelings were, even in order to understand if your parents giving you a treat made you happy.

· Relating to others had always been such a struggle for you, so you decided to start studying psychology in order to be able to understand others in a way that quickly clicked in your mind. Through this you were more easily able to catch when a person was being sarcastic or just joking, though you still took every word a person said literally most of the time.

· Through study in order to better understand others you ended up helping them, picking at their brains and giving them advice that seemed to improve your patients' quality of life by leaps and bounds.

· When you first met the Clown Prince of Lies you didn't think much of him, he was just a smart, very emotionally intelligent guy who liked pulling pranks to spice up life and to draw enjoyment from himself or others. Rather kind actually, he always looked out for his classmates' wellbeing even when they were the victim of his trickery. Your classmates however acted like he was a being of pure evil, much to your confusion. Why did they call such a sweet person evil? Were they just annoyed they fell for his lies so often? He wasn't even that good of a liar. It couldn't just be you who saw the true intentions in his false words, right? It was so obvious! Most of the time he didn't even lie, the true lie being him saying he lied in the first place. Truth be told, outside of your classmates' strange opinions of Kokichi, you didn't really care for or take interest in him.

· Kokichi, however, found you absolutely fascinating. You were always so cool, calm and collected, it seemed near impossible to draw a reaction out of you. You were so smart and logical, yet when one day he made an offhand remark about the weather, saying it was raining cats and dogs, you looked out to the rain with a slightly baffled expression on your face before you seemed to realize something, mumbling to yourself about the saying. You always struggled with social ques, which was often the target of Kokichi's trickery. Whenever you realized what was going on, you'd thank Kokichi for letting you practice noticing social ques. You were always so straight forward and never held back, something quite refreshing from others who always carefully treaded social situations. You were like a steamroller, cutting through the fluff and straight to the heart of any situation.

· Kokichi very quickly grew a crush on you. You were unlike anyone else he had met. "Hey, Y/N want to go out with me?" "Okay." You stopped once you exited from the classroom not thinking much of Kokichi's request. "Y/N, let's go out again." "Sure." You followed Kokichi as he led you out of the school building. "Hey, Hey! Y/N! Let's go out." "... We're already outside Om-... Oooohh, you mean a date?" "What? I never said that. Wait! Y/N, do you like LIKE me!?" "... Wait, did I get that wrong? But that's a lie... You like me! I guess we can go on a date, but if I get uncomfortable, I'll leave immediately, alright? And I've never been on one before, so I'll probably mess up a lot, so I'll apologize ahead of time, so I don't do so through the entire date. Sorry if I mess up... or am a jerk." "Apology accepted, now, let's go!"

· And that was how the two of you got together. One date turned to two, then dates became a regular occurrence, at least twice a week if not more. Initially you went on those dates because it was a new experience, and maybe a chance to learn more about differences between friendships and relationships... Wait, relationship? Were you in a romantic one with Kokichi? If you were... "Shit, I have a crush on you." There was a slight bubbly laughter in your voice as you spoke out that realization. "The stone-cold Y/N has a CRUSH on ME!?" He tackled you into a hug and the water works started. "I'm so honored!"

· You found yourself having endless fun when by Kokichi's side, and you also learned a lot about yourself through the process. You found yourself struggling with your emotions, specifically, insecurity. You needed time to figure out your emotions. You wondered if Kokichi knew you cared about him. In the moment when with him you just went with the flow but when thinking back on it, you wondered if you ever told him you loved him. You were not sure you ever did. Did you at least show it through action? Even if you did, did Kokichi catch it? Getting increasingly worried you ended up telling your boyfriend all of this. "Aw~ You think about me that much. That's so cute." "Kokichi, please don't change the subject, I need to figure out if you know I love you or not." He so softly smiled, laughing. "Y/N, you just told me." "No, I was telling you my worries, not that I love you. As smart as you are, I can't read your mind, I can't be a hundred percent sure you made the connections as to the sentiment behind my words. That's exactly what I'm worried about." "Y/N, I know you love me. And I love you too. Don't worry... Or should you, Nishishi."

· You became Kokichi's and all of D.I.C.E's personal therapist. You rather enjoyed being able to help them, and in return they gleefully welcomed you. You ended up becoming a strategist of sorts for them. You'd occasionally partake in their pranks, but most often you'd help them plan, teaching them psychological tricks for distracting people.

· Before meeting you, Kokichi didn't realize he had several issues he needed help with. Never before had he considered his habit of biting his nails or breaking stuff was a part of a need for control, showing himself he had the power to do that and that the world was not completely out of his control stemming from his wish for stability, hell that was possibly even why he pulled pranks so often outside of for the fun of it. He also figured out why despite yearning for affection he'd often rejected it only to try to get it immediately after. As you helped him through these issues, he never felt like you were studying him or like he was some sort of experiment to you. You saw him as a person who happened to have a few issues that could be made better. He didn't feel like some pet project to you. Though you worried about him knowing you loved him, it was so obvious you did, and it was most evident in how you spoke with him when approaching these issues. You were so gentle and patient, and you always did whatever you could to give him the stability he so desperately desired.

· He never doubted a single word you ever said and took all your advice to heart. It was likely helped by how bluntly honest you always were. You never sugarcoated things, just stating them as they were. He admired how you put your all into learning, into trying to figure out how to communicate with others. Though you were trying to figure out how to place a filter between your brain and mouth, you never even once considered being deceitful, still being blunt and honest. You weren't losing yourself in trying to appease others and that was something he deeply admired in you.

· The relationship between you and Kokichi was a mutually beneficial one, because of the boy you wanted to learn how to better express yourself and he was able to work through his own issues. From an outsider's perspective at times it seemed the pair of you had a more business like relationship which was true to an extent, but at the end of the day, what was most important was that you two truly loved one another and wanted to do all you could to help the other grow and improve as a person.

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