Kokichi, Hajime and Akane x Prince like Male S/O

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Kokichi Oma:

· You took your sweet time closing up shop that night. As much as you cared for your employees, at times it was nice to just be alone with nothing but the pitter-patter of rain to keep you company. After wiping off that last glass you sighed, placing it back on the shelf. It was time to go. Still you did one last walk around, making sure the ovens, grills, burners were turned off, the wines, sprites, juices and other drinks were in their places on the shelf behind the bar or in the refrigerator below, that every last table and chair was dusted off, and last but not least that beloved piano still tuned before taking your long coat and umbrella from the rack by the door and taking your leave.

· It was a cold night to be sure as the rain came pouring down and the wind ran about. If you didn't know any better, you would have sworn it was hailing by the sound of how hard those droplets crashed onto the ground. You shivered and chattered, huddling into your coat. One could likely get sick simply standing out here, you thought to yourself picking up your pace. You hoped your employees were able to get to their homes quickly and safely in this downpour, perhaps you should have sent them away even earlier than you had. Though it seemed you were not the only one having similar thoughts, a figure just up ahead on the path sprinting along. A-and they tripped!?

· You cradled the person close having caught them from their fall, wanting to give them some semblance of balance. "Goodness you're soaked to the bone! You'll catch your death of cold! Here, my pub is just up this street. Please come and dry yourself off. I don't care how close your destination may be, you need to dry off now." And so, still holding them close you dragged them to your bar. Upon entering the establishment, you immediately took them to the kitchen placing them before an oven, opening it and turning it on. "Wait here a moment while I get you a towel and some extra clothes."

· You rushed back as quickly as you could fearing the person being cold and wet for even a moment longer. "I apologize if these don't fit. I currently only have one extra set of clothes due to the others getting spilled on, but hopefully we can me these wor-" So preoccupied with trying to be of assistance only now as you approached did you get a good look at your charge. "Kokichi!?" Aghast the man placed a hand over his heart, just starting at you in exaggerated shock. "What!? My own boyfriend only recognized me now!? How could you! I guess you had forgotten all about me!" Dramatically he began walking for the door that led back to the dining area, making exaggerated poses as he did so. "Ko-" "No, don't say anything! I know when I'm not wanted! I'll just be on my way!" "NO!" A 'Nishishi' escaped Kokichi as you lunged at him, wrapping your arms around him, clutching him closely. "I didn't think to see who you were. I just knew you were in trouble and needed help. Please don't leave! Not at least till you're dried off. After you can stay mad as long as you want." He so brightly smiled, hugging you back, getting you wet. "Ok! But only because I know you mean well!" You gently pushed him away back to the warming oven, and went about picking up the towel, white button-up shirt, and black pants off the ground, placing them on the counter. "Please dry yourself and change out of those clothes. As for the wet ones... turn off and close the oven and drape them over the oven handle for now. We can talk after."

· Leaving the kitchen, you shook your head wondering why your partner was out so late, well, very early morning now, but still. You knew pranks were the man's lifeblood but doing so in such weather was simply ridiculous. As much as you loved him, it seemed to be it was not often you heart could be at ease. You were always fretting over him or being so excited with him. Though... you couldn't say it wasn't worth it, there were just times where you wished for more peace with him. These thoughts drifted though your head as you milled around behind the bar, taking bottles off the shelves, and going about making your concoctions.

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