Korekiyo and Nagito x SHSL Military General

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Korekiyo Shinguji:

· "Simply beautiful." Korekiyo found himself saying those two words often around The Super High School Level Military General. Everything about such a person was simply so, how could anything else describe them.

· At first he had heard the rumors of you, the strict, stone cold, military general whom had taken over their entire class. With a simple snap of the finger you'd summon your entire class, utter one word and they were already off obeying your coded command. Your every movement was stiff, yet effortless. Everything had a deliberate purpose, even a twitch of the nose. You had such control over everything and everyone around you, all bending to your will.

· Kiyo was content simply observing you at a distance, and yet a part of him wanted to disturb your space, to know you better. Though from a single glance he could tell idle chit-chat was not something you'd partake in, so he was fine. What did surprise him though was you approaching him.

· "I need your expertise." "AH! Oh... It's you." He took a deep breath, placing a hand over his heart. "You startled me. I hadn't even realized you had come in. How may I help you?" "Anthropology, you study human beings, their culture and traditions, the origins of those, that is what you do, correct?" "Indeed, it is." In one swift movement you took off your hat, holding it over your chest before bowing. "Please teach me. The better I understand people, I may better understand my soldiers and our targets. I must learn all I can to make conflict end with minimal damage to all sides. I must learn how to form people into as powerful, independent, a team player, and dependable as they can be so that they may survive, even without my direct guidance. That is my sole goal in life, would you assist me in my endeavor?" "... Simply beautiful. I would love to help in any way I can." And that was how you had begun to regularly meet with Kiyo and visit him in his lab.

· Any and all stories Kiyo would tell you or any artifacts he'd show, you'd always take detailed notes, dissecting them in order to find the humanity behind such fables, find what compelled people to do what they did. Kiyo could not but help to notice how you did seem to have a preference for specific tales, ones of trickery such as Odin or Loki and their many escapades. It was not for the aspects of humanity it explored, you seemed to simply enjoy it for yourself, something... quite rare.

· All you did was for others. That selfish love of being the one to protect others or bring them joy, that part of you reminded him so much of his classmate Kirumi, so much so, he introduced you two, thinking you could get along well together, and that he was right on. You and Kirumi instantly clicked, often meeting with one another, exchanging advice and stories. You allowed Kirumi to assist you when you were leading your classmates in study or work and even went out of your way to seek her out. You both did what you loved out of this, assisting others and leading them into becoming their best selves. Seeing such a friendship blossom was extraordinary, especially so between two amazing individuals such as yourselves.

· You seemed to change a little after meeting Kirumi. You were still stark and quiet, rarely speaking, but on occasion he found you'd just sit beside him as he read or went about his own business, both keeping to yourselves while still keeping one another company. Soon though you became more direct. "Follow me." And that he did, even keeping in time with your foot falls. Soon he found himself on the field where Kaito, Shuichi and Maki were as well. "Oh, Shinguji's your new sidekick?" "..." "Alright then! Let's get to training!" Every evening there after you had brought Korekiyo to those raining sessions, strictly making sure he improved every day. Then you also took him to watch Himiko's magic shows, play tennis with Ryoma, whom Korekiyo thought would not play the sport again till he spotted you speaking with the man, of course a person like you could lead Ryoma back to his old passions. You got Kiyo to regularly spend time with just about everyone, one day he'd be playing piano with Kaeda as he discussed the history of the piece they were playing, the next you and he were in a week long prank war with Kokichi.

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