Korekiyo, Kaito and Gundham cuddling headcannons

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Korekiyo Shinguji:

· You groaned hearing a knock at the door. You opted to stay in bed. Upon hearing that seemingly incessant knocking again you threw yourself off the bed and trudged to the door. "What is it?" You didn't care that the sheer bitterness seeped into your tone, you just wanted this encounter to be over with. "Ah, I apologize Y/N, but you have not been answering your phone, nor had anyone seen you leave your dorm room. You have not even showed up to class or your lab, so I thought I'd check up on you." "Kiyo! I'm sorry, I didn't realize." Now you so regretted using that spiteful tone. Though his lips were covered by that mask you could see a smile in his eyes. "It's quite alright. You are in some trouble I presume?" You were silent for a moment before a sigh escaped you. You seemed to deflate and just looked exhausted. You took a step back, allowing the man into your room.

· Kiyo never actively seeked out cuddles, but he was more than willing to accept them. Platonic, or romantic, didn't matter, to him cuddles were cuddles and should someone want to do so with him, it was like an honor. For you and Kiyo it became a sort of routine that should the other be having a bad day, they would come to the other in their dorm room and cuddle on the bed.

· Kiyo did not have any positions he preferred, he simply followed your lead and did whatever you wanted. That day in particular you hugged him tight, his back pressed against you as you buried your face into it. He didn't say a word, he simply reached a hand back, gently patting your head and with his other hand held one of yours. After a few minuets you began to slowly vent your ever-piling list of frustrations that seemed to somehow grow larger and larger even just staying in your room. How you wanted to avoid snapping at anyone or to avoid your day getting worse, but... that didn't seem to pan out.

· On some other day as you were heading to the library, Kokichi ran passed you laughing like a mad man carrying something, moments later Korekiyo ran past you as well. After you finished your work, you shot Kiyo a quick text asking where he was. The only response you got was 'dorm room'. You knew you were nowhere fast or clever enough to catch Kokichi so the least you could do was comfort Kiyo after. You rested your head on his chest and Kiyo held you ever so tightly, muttering to himself about perhaps asking Miu to make a new security system again to try to keep Kokichi from stealing any more items.

· For Kiyo, cuddling with a friend or loved one was the ultimate stress relief. Holding close someone he cared for swept his worries away. He simply loved it and enjoyed knowing he could bring you and others the same comfort through that same action.

Kaito Momota:

· "Alright! It's cuddling time!" You, Maki, and Shuichi all looked to the Luminary of the stars in confusion. "No." Maki then stood up from the table you all had been doing your homework on as if she were going to leave. "Kaito, I... Why?" It appeared Shuichi wanted to say more but was taken so aback by those words he couldn't bring himself to say more. "Yeah Kaito. I don't get this either." He smirked. Making his way around the table he stood between you and Shuichi, draping his arms over your shoulders, pulling the pair of you close as he looked to you two before his gaze landed on Maki. "Team building! Cuddling and physical contact in general are great ways of communication and increases bonds among friend and teammates like us! Cuddling also lowers blood pressure and is proven to relieve stress and pain. And it just feels good!"

· And that was how Kaito made sure he cuddled with the three of you at least once a week.

· He'd gleefully go to your dorm room, and if you didn't seem to be doing much or were over working yourself he'd tell you it was time for your weekly cuddle session before dragging you to the bed. If you declined, he would back off.

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