Fuyuhiko tries to comfort a depressed reader

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(Warning: physical violence/fighting)

· Even as your alarm blared right in your ear, you found it difficult to move. You felt so sluggish even just turning over in bed. You felt so tired and exhausted, but even so you just could not sleep. You were tempted to just skip class and sleep the day away, but you knew better. If you did that, you'd just feel even worse than you already did.

· So you were going to get up...

· Now!

· ...

· N-now!

· Uh...

· You were getting there!

· You got the quilts and sheets off yourself.

· Somehow that simultaneously felt to be an accomplishment yet not at the same time.

· You just... could not get yourself to bother to do this.

· Or anything.

· You just had no motivation for anything.

· But at least sitting in class could be productive while sitting in bed would just... be nothing. With that thought you managed to get up. After making yourself presentable for the day you trudged to your usual stone planter with the old tree where you always waited till five minuets before class began. You used to rather be outside than inside.

· "Hey, Y/N!" You seemed surprised for a moment before looking up from your phone. "Ah, hey Kuzuryu." "Where were you?" "Huh?" "Oh my-" He pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "After the school festival you just disappeared and left everyone else to do break down! We all worked together to build it, so none of us can just go off, and leave everyone else to do the work." "Breakdown, I- damn it, I did just leave you guys. I'm so sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me lately." Placing both his hands into his pockets he felt the small piece of glass.

· That glass made him recall the moments prior and more. How despite being in the reserve course he ended up become friends with Hagime... his first true friend. And how said friend encouraged him to approach you not even a few moments ago.

· "Even you don't know? Heh, so even if I asked the fuck has gotten to you lately, you couldn't answer." You flinched, stiffening under those words. You didn't say anything, looking to the ground below his feet, unable to bare to look at him. "You've been so out of it lately. Hey!" He snapped his fingers before your face, drawing your attention back to him. "Even now! You, you just keep staring out into space. You're just distancing yourself from everyone. You're acting so weird lately, and it's pissing me off. What happened to you? You were so dependable before and now you're just not, out of nowhere!"

· "Ah... I guess I am... sorry."

· Fuyuhiko simply glowered at you for what felt to be an eternity. He just stood there and did nothing else. You felt as if you were standing under a spotlight. You hated this; you didn't want this attention on you. You wished Fuyuhiko would just leave you be but knowing him, if you attempted to make him go, he'd just so stubbornly stay. There was no point in even trying.

· Suddenly you snapped up onto your feet, Fuyuhiko holding you up by the collar of your shirt. "That look in your eyes... It's really pissing me off!" "Wait- where are you dragging me too!?" "We, are going to talk some place more private." How he said that, so ominously you honestly thought for a moment he was going to kill you! It didn't make any sense but, could you have angered him so much he wanted you dead!?

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