Gundham's and Kazuichi's female mangaka S/O wants to draw them

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Gundham Tanaka:

· Though you were the Super High School Level Mangaka you specialized in historical fantasy! You absolutely adored doing research and finding new mythical beasts and species to sketch and incorporate into your work. It was no surprise that Gundham became your muse the moment you two met!

· Gundham would allow you to visit his creatures and draw them to use as bases for cryptids and monsters of all sorts in your manga. The four Dark Devas often acted as your pose models given how unusually animated they were for hamsters.

· Having asked the Overlord of Ice to allow you near his animals so often you spent much time together and eventually started dating.

· "My Queen, the Stringer of Fates, what curse dares to plague your soul?! You've not touched the pages with which you create and destroy worlds, as if it were deadly to do so! You've yet to search out a demon to immortalize. Not even have you greeted the four Dark Devas of Destruction as you always have." You huffed lazily watching the rabbit Gundham was currently grooming. "Artists' block. I can't seem to draw or write anything. Either I just stare at a blank page for hours, or I start something which quickly dissolves into an incoherent mess!" Rubbing your temples, you grumbled at the clogged feeling fogging your mind. "I did pull a few all-nighters last week. Maybe I'm just drained. But if things keep going like this, I'll miss my deadline! I already asked for an extension on it last week, I can't keep doing this!"

· Gundham watched as you picked up the sketch pad and pencil. There was this stiffness in your movements. Your hand which once flowed about gracefully like a bird in flight now paved plain straight lines. Your eyes darted about unable to focus on anything. "UGH! I can't even draw a proper circle for the rabbit's body!" Sinking into your seat you tossed your sketch pad and pencil aside. "Perhaps a day of respite is in order." "No, I already took a day off yesterday. I feel I'm even worse now than I was two day ago."

· The Devas quickly scurried over to you, hopping into your lap, or climbing onto your shoulder to nuzzle your cheek. "... thanks." Gently petting the two in your lap you sighed in defeat.

· It was at that Gundham abruptly stood up. "Where is my Queen, and what have you done with her, villain?!" "... Huh?" "MY Queen would never rot away so quickly into a decrepit state such as this! She'd fight and claw till her final breath! She'd never falter so easily!" "I Am, your Queen." "Hmph! No, you are not. Now, tell me where she is." You marched right up to Gundham glaring at him. "I'm right here! I am your Queen, the Stringer of Fates!"

· It started as a chuckle which boomed into uproarious laughter! "There you are. That determination, your will to live has returned to your eyes. I am glad to have you back." Surprisingly, you did feel like you had more energy than before. "So, shall we be off? A piece of you is still missing and we must search it out less you start to fade away once more." "... Yeah, a date sounds nice right now."

· As a bright blush dusted his cheeks, the Overlord of Ice took your hand into his bandaged one, the other taking your bag of sketch supplies, he led you out of the school grounds into the great beyond!

· The day was filled with fun and laughter as you raced from place to place, doing anything you could think of. A walk in the park, a trip to the arcade, lunch at a café, shopping at a bookstore, and anything else you could have dreamed of.

· As the sun began to set, Gundham and you found yourselves at the clear beach, dancing around barefoot, not a care in the world. "... Gundham. Thank you, today was amazing." His entire face instantaneously flushed hearing his true name being called. In that moment he just looked so beautiful to you. His sheepish smile, those tender eyes, just, everything about him.

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