Poly relationship headcannons with Shuichi x Reader x Kokichi

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· In the moment it sounded like a fantastic idea, but... actually moving into an apartment together filled you with excitement and dread. The three of you had started dating a few years ago and Kokichi thought it'd be a brilliant idea to move in together after graduating high school.

· Kokich was the most assertive one in the relationship... in his own lying, roundabout way that is. In fact, depending on how shy you were, Kokichi was most likely the one who initiated the relationship in the first place. He masked it as simply teasing you and Shuichi about how close the three of you were, but his point got through of planting the idea of getting together.

· Though Shuichi was actually the one to ask you and Kokichi out. After a while of Kokichi's hinting and teasing Shuichi sat the three of you down to have an earnest discussion. By the end with a blush Shuichi invited the two of you out on a date.

· Living with the boys was somehow exactly the same, and nothing like before.

· Kokichi was still clingy almost always demanding affection in even the smallest of forms. If you were walking down the hall, he'd leap out from his hiding spot and tackle you into a hug. If you were working or playing on your phone or computer, he'd silently sit next to you and lean his head on your shoulder mindlessly watching the screen. He still pulled his pranks to draw laughter out of the pair of you, even if he had to play the fool and 'accidentally' activate his own traps.

· Shuichi still invited you and Kokichi to assist him in his work. He'd read books with you aloud, semi acting out what was happening in the story. He'd have discussions that lasted for hours on end about whatever subject you were intrigued by at the time. He scolded, or indulged Kokichi in his antics depending on how troublesome it was.

· All of that was still the same yet there were new things you didn't expect.

· Such as just how much of light sleepers both Kokichi and Shuichi really were. Even after getting into bed Shuichi would keep reading some book, trying to discreetly hide his reading light under the quilt and sheets as to not wake you. Kokichi would sleep soundly for several hours before abruptly sitting up, suggesting the three of you bake brownies or play a videogame together.

· After moving in together you didn't realize just how often members of D.I.C.E would randomly appear before disappearing as if they were never there. You always knew when they came for a visit by how loudly Kokichi would greet them like it had been a lifetime since they had last met... even if they had already come by the day before. Though pranksters, they only caused some trouble and even helped with the chores or cooking. Not without leaving a surprise behind like swapping the contents of the salt and pepper shakers, or something else small like that.

· Maki and Kaito would visit once a week, taking the three of you out to supper. You'd all train together at some point in the evening, even if Maki had to drag Kokichi into it as he kicked and screamed in playful protest.

· No matter come what may, Kokichi and Shuichi dedicated at lot of time and effort into the relationship, making sure it was happy and healthy for all three of you.

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