Sonia, Hajime, and Nagito x Chronically sick S/O

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Sonia Nevermind:

· Though your disease could be manageable, it was hard to keep going at times, but the thought of an entire country working towards finding a cure was a great comfort.

· It happened gradually and suddenly at the same time. For a while you had noticed your heart began to race easily and how your breath was short, but you simply assumed you were getting sick, and when you became nauseous and started coughing you thought being sick was basically confirmed. But when it didn't go away after a few days, your girlfriend insisted that you see a doctor just in case. Neither of you expected you'd have a heart disease. The moment Sonia received the news she had the entirety of Novoselic working to find a way to completely cure you. Nothing less than a cure would satisfy the princess, you were her partner and future ruler of Novoselic, you needed to be safe and healthy. She could not imagine anyone but you by her side.

· At first you were doing okay, just having to take treatments and visit the hospital regularly, but seemingly over night everything came crashing down. Many parts of your body weren't getting enough blood and just failed. You would have died if it weren't for Sonia shelling out all the money she could, making sure you had the best of everything, from doctors all the way down too your bed sheets. You were stuck in the hospital, unable to go anywhere. All you could do really was watch T.V. or read books.

· Sonia came to visit you every day, no matter what. She'd even sleep over whenever she could. She'd do whatever she could to make you happy. She needed you to be happy. A healthy mind helps to keep a healthy body. Even so, Sonia didn't fake anything, she couldn't keep that up for five years. Five years was the longest you could expect to survive. And so, those five years became Sonia's deadline. Any time not dedicated to spending with you, she spent studying with Mikan to find some why to save you. She WILL save you; it was not a wish or an if, in her mind it was certain it was just a matter of time, and no matter what, she was not going to fail in this endeavor.

Hajime Hinata:

· You and Hajime had been best friends since you were children. Even back then you were very sickly, visiting the hospital often, even at times having to stay over night for weeks on end. Hajime visited you a lot when you stayed overnight. You didn't have many friends other than him, everyone else were kids who were staying at the hospital left eventually never to return which hurt but also brought you some comfort. The hospital became a playground for the pair of you. Often you'd get into trouble for sneaking into places you weren't supposed to or Hajime taking you outside when you were just frustrated at being forced to stay in bed all day. You'd play imaginary games where you were royalty being held hostage by an army of ghosts and Hajime was the hero trying to save you. He failed every time, but he kept trying!

· As you grew up though you took to finding things to do in your room like playing video games. You rarely if ever got to go to school so Hajime became your tutor of sorts, teaching you everything he had learned in school that day, even going as far as too recreating tests for you to take as well. It was also a form of studying so this helped him as well.

· Hajime, he was never particularly impassioned about anything, he liked stuff, but nothing ever just clicked with him and was something he loved. The closest thing he had to that was the idea of going to Hope's Peak, but that wasn't exactly a hobby or career path. He did wonder though... It's said anyone who goes there is set for life. Maybe, if he went there, he could study to be a doctor. He tried studying and taking classes but everything just seemed to go over his head and he had failed every class, but maybe if he managed to get there and to study, maybe he could become a good doctor. Even if he couldn't cure you, he could still find ways to make your life easier, make it so that you could go outside sometimes and just enjoy life. Even make it so that you could go out for a walk in the sunlight on your own was enough for him. He just wanted to make your life even a little better. He wanted you to be able to do things others could without a second thought. You would probably enjoy the simple, little things in life even he could not imagine. As guilty as he felt about it, and with your encouragement, he left for Hope's Peak and promised to come back one day as a great doctor who could truly help you!

Nagito Komaeda:

· Nagito's luck could truly be a double-edged sword. Usually it only directly affected him, but on rarer occasion it would rub off on others so to speak, usually in the form of collateral damage... but it seemed to be different for loved ones who were around him a lot. You had been a little sickly all your life, nothing extreme, you just had a weak immune system and got sick more easily than your peers or couldn't last as long exercising.

· Then the double-edged sword stuck you, much to Nagito's horror. It was one thing for him to be struck with it, he had gotten used to it, even though each slash and stab chipped away at his sanity, but you... you who had done literally nothing but love him and acted as the only stability in his whole damned life... You hadn't been feeling as well as of late, and you just got worse, and worse, and worse till you finally keeled over and was sent to the emergency room. Nagito didn't get to see you or learn anything of your condition for a week. The longest, most agonizing week of his life. When he finally got to see you he learned you were diagnosed with several chronic diseases and you'd be bed ridden for the rest of your life. But the news that broke Nagito, shattering his world, and sent him plummeting into the depths of despair, was learning that by improbable miracles and accidents you became rich, one of the richest people in the world in fact. That was when Nagito knew without a doubt, this was all his fault.

· He couldn't stop laughing. That sword was plunged so deep into you, he couldn't stop laughing, it hurt too much to do anything else! B-but it was going to be okay! Because HOPE exists! HOPE can trump any DESPAIR! The worse the DESPAIR the greater the HOPE! So everything was going to be okay! You were going to be okay! This was fine! Everything was fine! Even if you were only diagnosed to live for less than a year everything was okay! Because HOPE WOULD WIN OUT AND YOU'D SURVIVE, YOU'D BE OKAY! YOU'D GET BETTER AND LOSE ALL THE MONEY IN EXCHANGE SO IT DIDN'T MATTER! NOTHING WAS GOING TO CHANGE, YOU WEREN'T GOING TO CHANGE, YOU WEREN'T GOING TO BE RIPPED AWAY FROM HIM TOO! YOU WERE GOING TO BREAK UP WITH HIM AND LIVE YOU LIFE TILL OLD AGE BECAUSE YOU WERE GOING TO LIVE! YOU HAVE TOO! DON'T GO, DON'T DIE PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!

· ...

· Nagito wasn't ever quite the same after hearing the news.

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