Hajime, Gunaham, and Kokichi x S/O/returning soldier who's injured

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Hajime Hinata: (for context read Hajime x SHSL Military General)

· You stared off into the inky darkness that shrouded your room, so calm and cool, yet your mind was restless. You didn't move even when you felt your husband hugging you from behind. "What's wrong?" "You noticed." Hajime simply lightly chuckled a bit as he hugged you tighter, the exhaustion plaguing him clear to hear. "You're so pensive, how can I rest if you're not relaxed." "I'm never relaxed, I'm always prepared to fight and to protect you." "No... no, in your head. What are you thinking about?" "..." You thought for a moment as to how to even begin explaining. "... All I can say right now is to keep a close eye on the news. I'll be in my hidden office." "... How big will the new war be?" "I can't say more." "... That bad?" "... I ask of you to rest." Hajime's grip on you tightened as you tried to get up and out of bed. You ran a hand through Hajime's hair watching as he so groggily looked up to you. "I'll be back soon, just going to get an update." Reluctantly he let go.

· It worried him how after that night you hid away more and more in that secret office even he didn't know the location too. Sure when a war was going to start you visit it more often, but this, you were practically held up in there. He just hoped that things would cool down and there would be no war, it had happened before, so why not now? Hajime always made sure to give you a hug or some other form of affection once you had slinked out of your hiding place, wanting to support or comfort you, or at least do something for you, even if he didn't know what could help.

· He wasn't surprised when you left, then a month later a war between several super powers broke out. Though the world was still reeling after the despair that had plagued it, people seemed to always find some reason to fight... It was a long war, a very long war. Most all were shocked this had not become another world war, but Hajime knew you were there, you and your efforts were likely the only reason the whole world hadn't gone on fire again. Though even with that knowledge Hajime felt that constant dread, and it only grew and grew the longer you were gone, the years and years adding on, only getting minimal contact with you.

· Then finally, FINALLY it was over. For the first time in so long everyone could let go of the breath they were holding in. Everything was alright, and at long last you'd return. You wrote a letter to Hajime informing him of your many injuries, he knew of them, but it didn't sink in just how drastic they were till you returned home. The pair of you sat on the bed, you taking off your shirt so Hajime could see the hidden scar on your back. Admittedly it was the least severe of all you had accumulated. "How? Why? You're... you're you." "... This was an awful war. I've gotten injured before but admittedly never to this extent before. This was a war where even I could not last alone for even a moment... And one moment is all it took. I may be great at what I do, but my priority is the betterment of humanity, for minimal life to be lost... To protect my soldiers I had no choice and this is the price I paid." Hajime placed a hand on your back, almost wanting to run a hand over your scar, but fearful of hurting you.

· For you and Hajime your classmates were all practically family, you were all one another had on that island so they did all they could to help. Teruteru would cook so the pair of you could just relax at home and not worry about anything. The moment Kazuichi saw your missing arm and leg he insisted on making replacements for you like he did for Nagito. Mikan tended to your wounds, making sure they were healing properly. Everyone at least visited on occasion just to check up.

· Hajime tried making life as comfortable as he could while you recovered. Sure, your injuries were healed, but you still went though so much for so long, you needed time to recuperate from it all. Hajime took you out on dates and just search out for any new experiences to do together. Live life to the fullest one might say. Hajime knew you found connecting with others to be the greatest thing of life, so he made sure to make up for all your lost time together and reacclimate you to society, well the little settlement you all had built together at least, you having gotten so ingrained in the war mindset.

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