~Chapter #14~

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Ruhana wakes up before her alarm buzzes off. She sits on the bed and ties her hair in a bun. The cool wind is causing curtains to turn aside. She hops down the bed and puts the curtains aside. The cool wind caresses her face and she smiles, she stands still for many moments. She's inhaling the morning scent when she feels a warm touch on her shoulder. She turns around to find her mother. She hugs her, greeting her for the day.

"All good?" her mom asks her as she folds her duvet while Ruhana makes her bed.

"I woke up early. That's the effect of reading books." She giggles as she ends her statement.

"But you weren't here until 12." her mother says.

"Vineet and I were on terrace." Ruhana informs her mother.

"How's his mood?" her mom asks, as she is aware of his foul mood, since he spent his evening in her embrace.

"I hope he will be fine today. Else, you check on him. Maybe he's sleeping yet." Ruhana shrugs her shoulders.

"He is an early riser." Her mother retorts with her and she  moves to check on Vineet.

Ruhana moves to freshen up for the day. She is excited for the Mumbai trip. Mostly, she is excited that Vineet is accompanying her to Mumbai. Maybe, she'd be able to bring her best friend back. She gets ready and after taking her bag, she leaves her room. She's all set for her college. As she walks towards the dining table, she finds her dad and Vineet already present there. Her dad is savoring his tea while Vineet is having his black coffee. She grabs her coffee cup and sits beside her father. She glances at Vineet and asks about his mood. He assures her that he is fine, and he smiles at her. With his small smile, she knows that he is fine. After the breakdown he had last night, he looks much better.

They have breakfast and Ruhana's father offers to drop them to college and they agree. He takes his bag leaves with Vineet and Ruhana.

Ruhana's father drops the duo at college and leaves for his office. They enter the premises and Ruhana spots her friends - - Priyanka and Shreya standing near the garden. She waves to them and then turns to Vineet.

"I'll meet you here only after my classes." she says innocently, well, she does it every day.

"Yeah! Call me if you don't find me here or I'll get late, I'll call you." Vineet says.

Ruhana nods affirmatively and they part their ways. Ruhana joins up with her friends. Priyanka glances at her.

"All good?" she asks Ruhana.

"Yes! I am much better." Ruhana says with a smile.

"Seems like you had a good talk with your best friend." Priyanka raises her eyebrows at Ruhana.

"I did! I am glad he opened up. And I am more glad because he's coming on the trip to Mumbai. It's going to be fun." Ruhana says, clasping her hands together.

"Yeah! Then you'll not spend time with us." Shreya comments, causing Ruhana to smile.

"I will, he will be there, and it's more than enough for me." Ruhana says with a light smile.

Meanwhile, the bell alerts the students and they rush to their classes. The day passes in a blur. The last class ends and Ruhana moves out with her friends. They find a crowd in the corridor, it seems that a new notice has been put up. The girls crush the crowd to read the notice and Ruhana almost screams in joy, reading the notice.

Priyanka and Shreya look at her in awe as she jumps on her toes. Shreya looks at her and asks her the matter. She looks at her friends.

"It's a kind of lottery for me. It's an educational tour, Vineet is coming along, and we'll attend the RD's concert. Itni saari khushiyan!" Ruhana chuckles.

"Who's this RD?? " Priyanka looks at Ruhana, who glares at her.

"He's the famous singer - - Raj D'sena. He's installing his band and he has sung some beautiful songs. I just love him. Vineet plays his songs on guitar for me." Ruhana says, excitement is clearly visible on her face.

"Such a crazy girl!" shreya taps her head.

"Yess! I am! And I am so happy!" she chuckles as they move out of the college building.

She spots Vineet and Rohan near the garden and she rushes towards him. She hugs him and informs him about the latest news. She mentions about the band and Vineet replies in a way that leaves her surprised while the others giggle at his words.

To Be Continued.

What did Vineet say?

Stay tuned.

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