~Chapter #7~

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Ruhana talks with Vineet and ends up forgiving him. He is her best friend, and he means a lot to her. She can leave every other thing on this planet to be with Vineet. He has promised her to be happy and sound, at least he will keep his promise when she is around him. She hugs him, wrapping her arms in his neck and keeps her head on his chest while he  also wraps his arms around her. He feels her relaxing in the hug as he wraps his hands around her. He knows  the reason  of the same, the one she tells him that she feels  happy and secured in his arms.  They jump apart as her phone rings. They frown, especially Ruhana, when her beautiful  moment is spoiled. She attends the call and gets excited.

"Really!!  Is it true?" she chuckles.

"That's great? We'll go! Yes yes!! " she chuckles.

"No!  I'll ask Vineet to convince them."  Ruhana says while glancing at Vineet and disconnects the call.

He raises his brows at her and she clings on him.

"There's a trip being organised for Mumbai from college. Let's go!!" she says.

" No!" he denies straightly.

" Please Vineet!!  Convince  mom and dad. I so want to go there.. It's a beautiful place. Please, let's go." she clings on his back.

" You go and ask. You want to go, I don't." he says shrugging his shoulders.

" Huhh! You're such an idiot. You never agree on what I want. " She pouts at him.

" I have other responsibilities."  he says.

"Yeah! You're the only one. You know what to do for other people, but you don't know what you should do for me." she snaps at him and moves out of the room.

Vineet sighs deeply. He didn't know what to say. She's right  actually, he straightly denies her. He follows her outside and finds her talking to her dad. Her mother looks art him.

" Why is she angry, son? "  she asks.

" Don't ask him. I just wanna go to Mumbai. Please papa!"  she says holding her dad's hand.

" But how?" her mom asks.

Ruhana tells them that there is a trip organized from their college.  Her parents fall into their own thoughts. Meanwhile, Vineet's phone rings. He moves to a side to attend  the call. He hums in reply and  then agrees to report  at the college early next day. He turns after disconnecting the call. 

"What happened? Why so serious?"  Ruhana asks.

"Pack your bags. We are going on the trip." he says.

Ruhana is  shocked.  She moves towards him and keeps her hand on his head.

"Are you okay? You straightly denied."  Ruhana asks doubtfully.

"When I am  going, you'll come obviously. Maa and dad won't say anything.". He says.

Ruhana looks at them and they smile. She knows they have permitted her to go. She casts a look at Vineet who assures her  and she jumps on her toes and hugs him. She  knows he'd agree. He's the head of the department  and she knows  that when they are together, her parents won't worry about them. Ruhana chuckles at the thought and makes way to her room to inform her friends that she'll join them on the trip.


An hour later, the family finish their dinner, Vineet tells  them that he's heading on to the terrace at which Ruhana's mother nods affirmatively. Ruhana helps her mom finish the chores. She then prepares coffee for Vineet and herself and  moves on the terrace. She hands him his cup of coffee and sits beside him on the swing. She looks at him abd and finds the same lines of worry on his face. She initiates the conversation and asks him about the trip. He tells her that it's for all college students. She chuckles.

"It's going to be fun." she chuckles.

" Yeah!" he replies lowly.

Ruhana looks at him keenly and cups his face.

"Hey! You just promised me that you'll try to be happy. What's wrong?" she asks.

"I am fine, Ruu! " he says, she knows he doesn't want to talk.

"You never understand Vineet. Ever never. And I always melt for you. I am angry. Stay alone." saying so, she moves to her room, angry at him again.

She moves to her room and sits on the bed. She's angry. She takes out her diary from the side table and begins to pen down her feelings.

" Today, I failed again to make him understand that everything is not the way he thinks. I know him since childhood. He was not so stubborn as he acts these days. He’s 20, the most mature person I know. Still, he acts immaturely. I don’t know till when do I have to keep him explaining. But , I need to, because he’s my Best friend! He’s someone I can trust on. The only thing he needs is to trust  and Love again! I hope I’ll be successful doing that. That’s all for today! Good night!”

Ruhana caresses what she judt wrote in her diary and keeps it back at it's place. Suddenly, her gaze falls on the photo frame kept on the side table.  It is her and Vineet's childhood picture.  He is standing a stair up and has his hands on her shoulders. She smiles as she remembers something from the past.

Ruhana, please stand still. If you’ll keep jumping and moving, don’t blame me for the bad picture then.”

He threatens her while she gives him a deadly glare…

“Vineet,dare you do something with my picture. Click a nice one. Otherwise, I will kill you.” she replies angrily and he giggles at her.

That’s when her father comes there and asks him to stand with her so that he can click a picture. He runs and stands behind her. He even holds her ponytail to irritate her, as she didn’t like anyone touching her hairs except her mom. She gets irritated and her  dad clicks a few pictures. This is the best of all the clicks and she smiles at the thought.

Her trance is broken with a  deep voice and she finds Vineet on the door. He says something that leaves her surprised.

To Be Continued.

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