~Chapter #64~

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It’s the fest day and Ruhana is quite ecstatic. She has opened her heart and told her feelings to Vineet, it happened right after the fight she had with Rhea. She won’t forget that moment ever in her life. Ah, he feels the same and she’s relieved. They’ve shared their feelings and shared a passionate kiss. Ruhana finds herself blushing after the moment and so does Vineet. His gaze is fixated on her as they walk towards the auditorium. He knows that she's still in the stance and he wants to make her believe that their confession and their love is real. They’re holding hands all the while and then Vineet side-hugs her as they enter the auditorium and whispers in her ears.

“It won’t change ever. I promise. I’ve said, I will be an open book to you. Go ahead, I know you will rock it.” Vineet says motivating her.

“I am glad for that, Vineet. I knew you always feel it but you never say anything. I wanted to but at the same time, I didn’t want to lose you. I am glad we are still the best of friends.” Ruhana beams at him.

“Maa says friendship is the base of everything, and so is ours.” Vineet says, still side-hugging her.

“Yep and it has got where it belongs. Thank you, Vineet.” Ruhana says, boring her eyes in his and they are lost for a moment.

Meanwhile, Vineet’s phone rings and they part ways towards their friends, Everyone is near the stage and the show has just started. Vineet and Ruhana spot their parents in the front row and are glad that they will watch them clearly when they perform on the stage.

Soon after the prayer, a set of awards is distributed after which the skit is numbered. Ruhana, Priyanka and Shubhi look at each other and wish luck to each other. They signal their partners and they head backstage. Ruhana looks at Vineet once and he also wishes her the best for her play. Beaming at her companion, Ruhana disappears backstage.

Soonish, the play started. It’s something usual and serene but what hits the heart of people is the ample amount of humility, affection and love portrayed in it. It hits even harder because it's based on friendship. It’s about how three friends overcome the problems that life is throwing at them, without breaking the friendship.

As the play comes to an end, everyone in the hall is teary-eyed. Yep, the relations that come from the heart are more heart-touching and endearing, they make their own impact on anyone and everyone’s life. That’s the beauty of friendship. Everyone’s emotional and it seems that the plan works. The girls share a group hug and exit the stage. They’re happy that the plan worked and everyone loved it.

After the skit, Ruhana joins her parents in the audience and so do her friends. They witness many students showcasing their talents and many awards are given. Ruhana's got the award for the best skit that they played. Vineet is awarded for his prefect duties. He's a great student manager. Also, he performs beautifully in the contest. Ruhana's heart feels full to see him perform.

There's a small smile on Vineet's face while he's playing the guitar. Well, it's the same tune he plays when he misses his mom. Ruhana loves it too, therefore, he plays it when she's sad or upset. Also, there are tunes which are their favorites as well. Ruhana is pretty happy to hear him. While he was on stage, Ruhana felt that their eyes met quite a few times and she always cheered for him.

Soonish, the annual fest comes to an end. Everyone is happy. It's the end of the year and the beginning of something new. They'll have holidays and later their new classes will start. But, there's something left for the fest to end - - the prom night. It's yet to happen.

Ruhana's parents meet Vineet and Ruhana and then leave for home while the other two stay in the resort. As the others spread to their rooms, Vineet and Ruhana sit on the swing where they spent time in the morning.
Vineet gives swings to Ruhana and they look happy. She asks him to sit with her on the swing. She holds his hand.

"Thank you! Thanks for giving me my best friend back." Ruhana says.

"it's bound to happen, Love. I mean, you tried so hard."he says, kissing her knuckles.

" I will always try for you. You are the only one for whom I will do anything and everything." she smiles.

" Why do you love me so much? " he asks, boring his eyes in hers.

"I cannot measure it, Vineet. But when you're in pain, it hurts me, when your smile, I giggle. And that's love for me." she says lovingly.

"Maybe ever since we became friends. You've been my priority and will always be. I LOVE YOU!" She says and keeps her head on his shoulder.

He kisses on top of her head and they stare at the moon. Meanwhile, Ruhana stands up from her place and then sits on one knee before him.

" Will you come to the prom night with me? "  she asks him.

" Yes! I don't want to lose you again. I can't. There's no reason I can deny the lady I love. Thanks for everything, and thanks for bringing me back, Ruhana. You won!" He says as they touch their foreheads together and he kisses her forehead.

They just stare at the night sky– it's beautiful and infinite - - just like their LOVE.

To Be Continued.

Ruhana and Vineet are together now.

Epilogue will be up soon.

Thank you to everyone who read, voted and commented. ❤️❤️❤️

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