~Chapter #52~

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Ruhana and Vineet share some moments together. She refuses to study as he is explaining something to her. She whines at the moment and the two buddies get into a banter. Vineet teases Ruhana and she responds back gradually. He runs into the kitchen where their mom is preparing dinner. He hugs her locking his arms around the lady’s waist. He casually complains about Ruhana and the lady smiles at his silly complaints. These two often do this. Sometimes, it's Ruhana who’s complaining about Vineet and sometimes, it's Vineet.  They tend to complain about each other but within a few moments, they get back together. And are again in teasing mode.

Ruhana looks at Vineet who’s giggling at the moment and is complaining to their mother. There’s a contented smile on his face and that is the reason for her happiness. She is staring at Vineet who’s talking to her mom. She sets the dining table and her eyes are constantly fixated on Vineet. Meanwhile, Vineet notices her gaze on him. He continues to tease her telling her that she shouldn’t ogle at him.

“You’re an antique piece. And I can stare at you forever!” Ruhana winks at him.

“Hey, Noo! I’m not some showpiece!” Vineet glares at her.

“Haha! But you’ve got a beautiful smile. And look, even Maa is staring at you. You can’t say anything to her.” Ruhana teases him.

Vineet turns his gaze towards the lady and finds her staring at not only him but at Ruhana as well. She’s a mother and no matter what, her kids may outgrow her lap but never her heart. She loves them immensely and Vineet knows that her love for him has always increased. He immediately hugs her hiding his face in the crook of her neck. The lady pats his back and Ruhana begins to tease her best friend. The healthy banter continues until Ruhana’s dad enters the scene. Ruhana rushes to hug him and kisses his cheek.

“Dad, you see, your son and wife have teamed up.” Ruhana says, pointing towards Vineet and Rekha.

“We’re a better team than you and Dad.” Vineet teases her.

“Hey! Noo! We’re better than you!” Ruhana makes a face at the guy.

“No! You’re an antique piece! You annoy everyone.” Vineet makes a face.

“You’re an annoying and silent boy!” Ruhana makes a face.

“Oh! Enough both of you! Let’s have dinner!” Ruhana’s dad says shushing them.

Vineet and Ruhana agree and the family of four have their dinner together. The dinner table is full of laughter and banter between Ruhana and Vineet and the older couple is just smiling at them, watching them argue and play. They know that until Ruhana and Vineet are together, they’d be happy always.

The dinner ends on a happy note and Ruhana helps her mother in finishing up the kitchen chores. She offers to make coffee to which her dad and Vineet agree at once. Ruhana and her mum are astonished but they let it go. She asks her mother to go and relax in her room. Rekha agrees and moves to her room while Vineet and her husband are playing a game of carrom. Ruhana prepares instant coffee for her family and everyone gather in the living room.

Ruhana’s mum also joins them and the little family relishes the coffee amongst light chitchats. Vineet and Ruhana tell them about their busy schedule and the elderly couple tell them to give their best.  A little while later, Rekha and her husband retire to their rooms. Ruhana’s dad kisses their foreheads and asks them to rest well. Rekha turns to them

“You know what’s good for you. So, just do your best! If you’d be happy, things will automatically fall at their respective spaces. You guys get what I’m saying? Think about it.” Rekha says softly and walks to her room.

Ruhana and Vineet share a glance and they run up to the terrace, next to Vineet’s room. She sits on the swing and Vineet begins to play a tune on his guitar. She closes her eyes to feel the crisp wind and hear the soulful tune that Vineet is playing. A couple of minutes later, she opens her eyes and then hugs him, clinging to his shoulder. He’s astonished at the moment.

“Thanks, Vineet.”She says precisely.

‘Thanks? Why? What did I do?” Vineet asks, clueless about her words.

“For doing what you did today. Mumma already said that if we stay happy, things will fall into their place. You’ve done it today.” Ruhana says and again embraces him in her arms.

“That’s the least I could do, Ruhana.” Vineet says softly.

“And that’s enough for me. Your smile makes me happy, Vineet. I feel as if things are actually falling into place.” Ruhana smiles at Vineet.

“I’m not able to return what you do for me, every single day.” Vineet says he’s guilty that he can’t return back the love he’s showered with.

“As long as you try, I am good, Vineet. I just want you to open your heart to me, to be the person you were in our childhood. I miss all the things we used to do in childhood. It’s been years since we went to have an ice-cream.” Ruhana says softly.

“If we try, things will get better. I know you can. You’ll do this for me, or at least for Ma. I trust you!” Ruhana looks at him and smiles.
Vineet looks at Ruhana for some good seconds and then embraces her in his arms without saying anything. For them, silence does all the talking and all this while, Ruhana has a smile on her face.

Maybe, she’ll soon get what she wants — her best friend back to life and she can only hope at the moment.

To Be Continued.

Will Vineet be his old self ever?

Stay tuned.

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