~Chapter #54~

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Ruhana and Vineet spend some time together and then bid good night to each other. Ruhana can't control herself and she moves to Vineet's room to take a close look at him. He's sleeping peacefully and there's a smile on his face. She only hopes for a better future, for, she feels that things will be fine soon and Vineet will outgrow his pain and be the real person that he is.

The night passes in a blink and it's morning already. Ruhana is the first one to wake up and she freshens up quickly. She changes into a fresh set of crop top and lower and moves into the kitchen to her mom. She helps her mom in preparing breakfast and soonish, Vineet and her dad also join them. Ruhana begins to tease him but he clicks his tongue at her.

She glares at him and they have a silent banter but their expressions become hilarious. Their parents have a hearty laugh seeing them. Ruhana's mom nudge the two ...

"You guys have exams coming. Don't you need to study?" She says.

"Yeah, I have so much to do. Your silent boy is in a mood today." Ruhana speaks teasingly.

"Hey, stop using that word!" Vineet glares at her.

"Why? You respond when I call you silent boy. Otherwise, you don't. Huh!" Ruhana makes a face.

"Understand his silence, darling!" Her dad looks at her.

"See, I got Dad on my side. Haha! So, it's win-win for me." Vineet says teasingly.

"Yeah! Silence is difficult, Dad. It's better to talk. And I am glad your silent boy is speaking up. But It's fun to tease him." Ruhana says and giggles.

Vineet just smiles but says nothing. He just shakes his head and then Ruhana and Vineet head to their rooms to study. They get busy with their studies. Only one week is lost for their exams and they need to study well. And then they have a fest to manage.

The day begins to pass. Ruhana's father leaves for the office and her mom gets busy with house chores. Vineet and Ruhana are studying in their respective rooms. Meanwhile, Vineet takes a break and passes by Ruhana's room. The door of the room is open and Ruhana is sitting on the bed, writing something in her notebook. Many books are scattered on the bed and the laptop is also open.

Vineet sighs, it's Ruhana's habit to spread things while studying. She takes the help of multiple books and the internet while studying. She says you can learn a lot while you study. Vineet stops by and continues to look at her. She's speaking what she's writing. He can't hear her but it's her habit. He's still looking at her when Rekha's voice breaks his trance.

"Your coffee is ready, Vineet." She smiles at him.

"Coffee? How do you know?" Vineet says he's surprised because he didn't even ask for coffee.

"You're my son, yeah, I didn't give birth to you, yet still. I know what you need and when. Ruhana will ask for something to eat now. She needs something to munch on when she studies. You're a coffee person." Rekha says and at the same time, they hear Ruhana asking to eat something.

"You're really the best, Ma." Vineet says and hugs her.

Rekha smears his hair and he begins to relish the coffee. Rekha fries some potato fingers and gives a bowlful to Vineet and one to Ruhana. Vineet rushes into his room after a short break. He needs to study after all.

The day passes in a blur - Ruhana is lounging in the lobby. She's pacing up and down waiting for her father. Her mom looks at her and knows that she's up to something. Vineet also comes up and taps her head.

"What's up, you little girl?" He asks teasingly.

"Shut up! You go and sit there." Ruhana points at the sofa.

"Why? What's on your little mind? Don't think much, you'll forget what you've studied." Vineet says teasingly.

"Shut up! I don't forget. You are annoying, go and annoy your Ma. Let me wait for dad." Ruhana whines at him.

"Hey, that's rude!" He makes a face.

"Yeah yeah, you team up with dad and tease me, and now today, dad's on my side." She says teasingly.

"We'll see, let Dad come." he says softly.

Meanwhile, her dad enters the house and Ruhana clings to him. She hugs him and asks him for the things she demanded. He smiles and produces the colour pencils and canvas for her. She gets happy and kisses his cheek. She gets water for him and Vineet teases him that she's only waiting for him to get her desired things. She snaps back at him and the two get into a banter.

Rekha shakes her head and after a little while, they sit to have dinner. After dinner, Ruhana helps her mom and later, she moves into her room. Her parents are asleep and she's sitting on the balcony and playing with canvas and colours. She begins to sketch something.

Meanwhile, Vineet peeps into her room and finds her busy sketching. He enters the room with cat paws and is astonished to find Ruhana sketching their night schedule. He looks at the canvas -it's nighttime, and there is a swing on the terrace. The night is dark and starry and moonlight is spreading all over the sky. On the swing, there are two people, most probably, it's him and her. She's humming a song and sketching the scene.

Vineet is lost in the moment. Yes, he's thinking about Ruhana. The girl is still thinking about him. She's sketching the scene which is most precious to her. She's drawing a girl who's kept her head on the guy's shoulder. He knows it's them.

She's given him so much and expects nothing. She just wants a little bit of his time and nothing else. He's always avoiding her but she's always there for him. She helps him in everything while he never does that and he knows it.

He comes out of his trance with her voice. She says something that leaves him surprised and touched at the same time.

To Be Continued.

What did Ruhana say? Did she realise Vineet's presence in her room?

Stay tuned to know more.

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