~Chapter #53~

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Ruhana and Vineet share some time on the terrace. They do not need words to converse, instead, silence does all the talking. Ruhana’s sitting on the swing with her head resting on Vineet’s shoulder. They’re staring at the night sky, maybe, searching for something, maybe the answers that are not visible to their bare eyes. It seems like they are just lost in the beauty of the night sky. Meanwhile, Ruhana’s trance is broken and she checks her watch. It’s been a long time since they’re together and now they must call it a night. She looks at Vineet who’s still staring into the darkness. She nudges him and asks him to rest. He nods and they walk to their respective rooms silently, bidding good night to each other.


Ruhana assures herself that Vineet is fine and tucked in the bed, and she walks into her room. She sets her study table, locks the room from the inside and climbs on her bed. She’s got a habit to read something before sleeping, so she started reading a book and that’s her favourite.

She is touched by a line from the book —  Everyone has a story.  She believes every word of this line and for herself, she knows that she and Vineet have an amazing story and there’s so much to tell to the world. She’s famished to learn how one character of the book, Meera wants to become a well-known author. Her determination to do something in her life is what keeps her going.

Ruhana feels the same for herself and Vineet. They only need the determination to pull themselves out of their shell. As she’s reading, her thoughts settle on Vineet. She’s thinking about him — he’s her best friend. She only wants good for him and she can do anything to make him do what’s best for him.

For a few days, Vineet is trying to be happy. She is elated by the same. His smile is the reason for her happiness. She can do anything and everything to see him happy. They’re on leaves from college as they have to prepare for exams. They’ve been getting into banters every now and then and her parents adore them. Today, they’ve gotten into banter many times, they tease each other, and they love teasing each other. Vineet ends up hugging his Maa and complaining about Ruhana while she does the same with her father.

Today has been better than other days. Vineet has started to keep his words and promises. Ruhana is glad that the guy has started being happy. She’s elated with the very fact. She smiles to herself softly and thanks to god about the good change that Vineet has brought into his life. Life seems better now. She also feels that she will get her best friend back.

Ruhana closes the book and keeps it on the study table. She gets down from the bed and walks towards Vineet’s room. The door is not locked from the inside so she pushes the door lightly and peeps inside. Vineet is asleep on the bed and the bedside lamp is still on. She enters the room with cat paws and stands near the bed and begins to adore him. He looks calm in his sleep as if there’s no pain in his life. She knows that once he will wake up, he will take up the silent avatar and she doesn’t want it. She wants him to stay happy forever.

She feels as if her tries are succeeding now. He’s beginning to come out of his shell. He’s trying, and it is enough for her. He’s smiling, he’s talking to her, he’s doing every little thing that he used to do, well, that is not an exception, but he’s trying to smile and is spending time with her. It is the most beautiful thing that has happened in the past few days.

Ruhana looks at Vineet, she smears his hair and kisses his forehead. Well, she has finally done it. Every time she watches him sleep, she thinks of kissing his forehead and letting him relax. But, she’s never done it. Today, she doesn’t stop herself and does it as she desires the same. She smiles to herself and watches his serene face for a couple of minutes more.

She just wishes the best for this guy who’s asleep in front of her. She turns off the lamp and stroking his hair for one more time, she leaves the room silently closing the door.


She reaches into her room and closes the door. She picks up her diary from the drawer of her study table and sits on the bed. She pulls a cushion in her lap and begins to write a diary entry. She smiles at the action she did a couple of minutes back. She begins to scribble some words in her diary.

“Waqt har ghaav bhar deta hain, agar koshish shiddat se ki ho.”

Truly, my affirmations are coming true. He’s healing. That’s what I have been trying for so long. His smile is beautiful, all I want to do is to see him smiling. He’s trying and I am glad about it. I wish he heals soon, my wait would be over then. He’d heal up and I will share my feelings with him.

Oh yes! I love him. I don’t know if he feels the same but I do. Maybe infatuation but the more I know him, the more I know his persona, and I fall for him.

And I wanna tell him that “Falling for you” is the best ever thing that has happened to me. :)

She ends her diary entry with a small smiley and keeps it back in its place. She smiles at the mere thought of them confessing, but it has a long way to go. She lies on the bed and soon falls asleep, only to dream of a beautiful life ahead.

To Be Continued!

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