~Chapter #47~

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Ruhana and Vineet spend some moments together. They promise each other that they will grow out of all the problems and will support each other. Ruhana gets happy that he has decided to grow across his past. Meanwhile, she falls asleep on his shoulder and he smiles while looking at her. She’s looking so serene in her sleep and Vineet knows that he has to do something for this girl who has given all of her happiness to him.

Ruhana has always done things for his happiness. She stays back from him and avoids going out with her friends. She has always tried to keep him happy. Vineet comes out of his trance and lifts Ruhana in his arms and tucks her into the bed and then trails down his past.

*Flashback Begins*

Vineet wasn’t on good terms with his dad. It’s a fine day and little Vineet is in his room playing the guitar that he’s been learning. His mom is sitting beside her son and she is listening to the tune that Vineet is playing. The boy smiles at his mother who praises the skills which he has started learning. Though it is just a rhyme, to begin with, he’s happy to know that his mother is happy and he is the reason for the same. His mom pulls him in a hug and they laugh a little when they hear a loud voice.

It’s his father who has entered Vineet’s room and the boy is scared. He hides behind his mom. His father is drunk and he has seen his dad scolding his mother which is the main reason that Vineet hates his dad. Little Vineet finds his dad holding his mom by his arm and he scolds him.

“I told you to keep the food ready! Why don’t you listen to me? You’re wasting your time here and Vineet is wasting his time playing this stupid guitar.” He says angrily and throws away the guitar which breaks into the pieces.

“Dad!” Vineet almost shouts but the man shushes him.

“ Shut up! You’re just wasting time playing this stupid thing. And your mom has nothing good to do.” He shouts at Vineet nad holds his mom’s hand and pushes her out of the room.

“You will regret your doings! One day!” His mom says hatefully and then moves out of her room.

Little Vineet is hiding behind his pillow and his dad leaves the room.  And his father used to scold him or even beat him unnecessarily. The little boy is forced to witness the screwed relationship of his parents.

*Flashback Ends*

Vineet comes out of his trance and hugs his mom’s picture close to his chest. He doesn’t know when he fell asleep but the painful past is still haunting him and he is trying to push it away.


Next morning, Vineet wakes up with a warm touch on his head. He opens his eyes and finds Ruhana’s mother sitting beside him. She is smearing his head softly and she smiles at him.

“Ma! Good morning.” He greets her and lady kisses his head in turn.

“All good, son?” she asks sweetly.

“Yes, Ma. But why are you here?” Vineet asks.

“Nothing much! You didn’t wake up at your usual time. So, I thought of waking you up.” She says, still smearing his hair.

“Oh!” he begins to look for his phone as his alarm didn’t beep.

“Oh, relax, beta! It is okay! I know you were up late. But it’s fine. It’s good to get some rest. Go, and freshen up.” She says and leaves the room.

Vineet smiles and hurries to get ready. He moves out of his room and finds Ruhana munching on her breakfast. He takes his seat beside her and she looks at him. He is serving juice for himself  and he hears Ma telling him that she's bringing his breakfast in a couple of minutes. He begins to sip his juice when Ruhana poses a question.

"You cried last night?" she asks looking at his face keenly.

He is surprised. Yes, he's been sad lately and remembering the past, tears trickle down his eyes but she knows it again. He doesn't reply but she makes him face herself.

"Vineet, how many times do I need to tell you that you can't hide anything from me? Okay, if I am younger to you and you have more experience than me, but no one can understand your feelings better than me. Even Ma says that I know you better than her. And she also agrees that you hear me more than you hear her. " Ruhana says while looking into his eyes.

" I'm fine. It's just that I was missing my mom. "He says in order to divert the topic.

"Fine! Tell me about it when you feel fine. You know I have promised to support you. We have to grow with Aunt's memories. And Mumma papa are always there for us, and we're there for them." Ruhana finishes her sentence and her mother arrives with breakfast for Vineet.

They have their breakfast and leave for college. Its the week to register for the annual fest and everyone is excited for the same. Ruhana decided to talk to Vineet again about taking part in the Music Competition that's being held. It's a free lecture and she's in the cafeteria with her friends. They're having coffee. Meanwhile, one of Ruhana's classmates comes to them and breaks the news that leaves Ruhana and her friends astonished. Also, they need to register for it too. Ruhana's elated, she's thinking of asking Vineet about it.

Later that day, after reaching home, Ruhana finds Vineet playing a tune on guitar. She sits beside him and begins to hear the tune. Vineet didn't realise her presence but as he ends the song, he finds her and smiles at her.

" Vineet, you play so good. I love it when you play the guitar. we're having a competition in the fest....why don't you take part in it? " she asks him.

He doesn't reply. She looks at him, understanding his emotions.

"I know, you already have a lot of responsibilities, but you should take part in it. I know you'll win. You should showcase your talent as well." she says giving him confidence.

But Vineet doesn't  reply and leaves the room leaving Ruhana worried. She's afraid that he might do something stupid again or again deny her going against his promise.

To Be Continued.

What did Ruhana's friend tell her?

Why did Vineet didn't reply to Ruhana? Will he agree to his best friend?

Stay tuned.

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