Turbo Match! Valtryek vs Luinor!

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The sound of voice to be heard from Aiger's tent.

"Lui Shirosagi has returned to Japan to challenge Valt Aoi and (C/N) (C/L/N) with the title of world champions on the line!"

In the tablet, the crowd surrounded at the airplane. The male came out from the airplane, revealing Lui Shirosagi himself. Lui has grown a bit taller and now and wears a sky-blue shirt with breeches and violet diamond markings and boarders, dark-blue, pants, a black elastic band slung twice around his waist and over his left shoulder, white boots with violet markings and black diamond patterns, and a long white winter coat in place of his feather boa.

"Without a hint of jetlag in sight, he makes a beeline from the airport to the training center in the Bey Arena!"

The crowd taking a picture, recording as Lui arrived at the place.

"Lui Shirosagi begins his secret training without a moment to rest!"

"Everyone get pumped!"

"Secret training?" Aiger asked. "I wonder what it is..." He crossed his arms.

"I bet it's uh-mayzing!" Naru said.

"Uh-mayzing!" Aiger smiled.


Naru and Aiger were washing the sheep together.

"Lui Shirosagi's secret training..." Aiger said. "What the heck is it?!"

"Aiger, watch the bubbles!" Naru warned. Aiger didn't even listen but continued washing and creating a lot of bubbles.

"I'm so curious!"

The bubbles then vanished as Aiger stood up.

"Okay!" He said. He begin to run.

"Hey!" Naru yelled. Aiger didn't listen and jumped over the fence and left.


As Aiger were running, he suddenly got bumped into someone, making the person yelped and both of them fell over.

"Hey, watch it!"

Aiger's eyes widened at the familiar voice. He looked at the person and that person is you.

You rubbed your head and looked at him.

"Aiger?" You asked. Aiger stood up and helped you up.

"Where are you going?" You asked.

"I'm going to Lui's secret training!" Aiger smiled. "Wanna come?"

"Sure," you cutely smiled, he blushed.

'Damn this girl!' Aiger thought. 'She's so cute!'

"Are you okay?" Your voice snapped him back to reality. He nodded and grabbed your wrist before took off.


In the secret training, there is Lui, were training using a machine.

He was panting heavily and sweat all over this face and arms.

He then, continued his training.

The sweat of his fall over from his face as he panting heavily. His mind flashed a certain bey got knocked out and burst.

"All right!" Valt cheered.

And another mind flashed a certain bey Burst its opponent.

(C/N) chuckled and winked at the crowd.

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