Master of the Wind! Air Knight!

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Aiger carried you back to the others. He saw an exit. But then, he got stopped by someone.


You and Aiger turned around and saw Hyde.

"What do you want?" Aiger asked.

"I want speak to (Name) for a moment," Hyde said. You and Aiger look at each other before you nodded. Aiger sighed and put you down gently.

"Don't you dare do anything funny," Aiger glared at Hyde before he walk away.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" You asked.

"Is your ankle ok?"

"I'm fine,"

"Good," Hyde sighed. "I only want to apologize to you."

"I swear you didn't do anything," you said.

"I know,"

You blinking before smiling. "You're funny!"


"You're interesting, you know that,"

Hyde stare at you before chuckled. Then, he went closer to you, you stare at him in confusion.

Hyde smirked and kiss you in passionate and sweet. You froze as you blushed.

Hyde pull away and walk away, leaving you froze in place. Aiger came and looked at you.

"You fine there?" Aiger asked. You shook your head and smiled at Aiger.


"Come on, I'll carry you back to the others,"

"Thanks, Aiger!"

Little did you know, a certain boy were watching you.


"You did it, Aiger! You finally got your revenge!" Ranjiro said.

Everyone around Aiger and you, with you were being carried as piggy back ride by Aiger.

"You were Turbo Awesome!" Nika said.

"I'm glad that you finally got the Turbo Awakening," Fubuki said next.

"Oh yeah, (Name)," Ranjiro turned to you. "You might wanna go to the doctor after,"

"Yeah, I can see you're in pain," Fubuki said, worrying for you.

"Goodness, everyone," You sighed. "I'll be fine,"

"(Name), you literally got yourself a broken ankle," Aiger said. You sweatdropped. "Anyway, I sure had fun doin' it!" Aiger grinned and playful laugh.

"Quit gettin' so full of yourself! You only did it once!" Ranjiro argued.

"Yeah, calm down," Tobisuke said.

"You're being cringy," Gumita said.

"You guys are right," Aiger said, making everyone turned to him. "If I get ahead of myself now, Achilles is gonna lose faith in me," Aiger took out Achilles. Achilles shined. Aiger gasped slightly and smiled.

"Aiger..." Fubuki said.

"Look at you..." Ranjiro said.

You couldn't help but smiled. You're lucky to have them as your friends. Then, the wind blew.

"What's that?" Nika asked.


Everyone turned their head and saw a flying figure up at the sky. Turned out, it's Kit.

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