Achilles vs Roktavor!

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"Let it Rip!"

Achilles landed on the stadium and spun around the stadium.

"Aiger, nice launch!" Naru praised.

"Amazing!" Hima smiled.

"A good launch," Hae-Jin said.

"We'll be drawing lots for the quarter-final matchups," Aiger said. "So I might be fighting you next!"

"I will win," Hae-Jin said.

"Don't lose until you get to me," Aiger said, you sighed. "'Cause I'm gonna kick your butt!" He grinned.

"Likewise, Aiger," Hae-Jin said before creepily smiling. You noticed and flinched.

"Are you smiling?" Naru asked.

"Yes," Hae-Jin replied.

"How creepy..." You mumbled.

"I can't tell!" Aiger said.

Achilles then stopped in the middle. Hae-Jin turned to you.

"(Name), come here for the second," he said, you went up to him and he knelt down to your level and whispered something to your ear. You nodded and he pull away as he stood up. Aiger, Hima and Naru looked at each other in confusion.

"I have plans," Hae-Jin said. He turned around and run off. You and Aiger looked at each other in confusion. Then, Aiger smiled.

"Running? I'm going too!" Aiger said and followed Hae-Jin.

"H-hey, wait up!" You followed him.

Hae-Jin keep on running.

"Here he comes," the man in black suit said. Hae-Jin stopped as two men in black suits were blocking his way.

Hae-Jin glared at them.


Ranjiro and Rin were walking around until they heard a yelling, making them stopped. They turned their heads and saw Aiger while you were trying to calm him down.

"Oh, it's just you," Ranjiro said.

"What's wrong with him?" Rin asked.

"Don't just yell out like that," Ranjiro said as he walks up to Aiger. Rin also walks up to you.

"Hae-Jin..." Aiger said.

"What's the deal?" Ranjiro asked and looked in front of them. Hae-Jin suddenly went in the black van.

"A kidnapping!"

"No way!"

"I don't think that's a kidnapping," you said.

"Hae-Jin!!" Aiger yelled and run off.

"Guess I'm going, too!" Ranjiro also run off.

You and Rin looked at each other and nodded. You two turned your heads and run off as well.

The van then begin to move out. Aiger you, Ranjiro and Rin chased the van.

"Hae-Jin!!" Aiger yelled.

"Stop that car!!" Ranjiro shouted.

The van went faster and turned.

"Get back here!" Aiger yelled before jumped and grab the branch before jumped onto the tree. He jumped on top of the wall and run off. Ranjiro, Rin and you looked at each other before you jumped and grab the wall and landed on it. With that, you chase Aiger. Kiyama siblings looked at each other.

"Dang, they're quick," Ranjiro said.

"I guess they are monkey girl and monkey boy, alright," Rin said. "Or more like ninja girl and monkey boy."

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