Aiger Goes Wild!

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The crowd cheered as the screen showed Hyde got 2 points. Hyde raised up his arm in the air.

"Cheer! Cheer louder!" Hyde demanded. "I Burst him, just like I said I would!" Once again, the crowd cheered.

"See now, Aiger Akabane and (Name) Glass?" Hyde smirked at you and Aiger.

"That was Dread Impulse, the special move of Hyde, the dark lord!"

"Allow me to repeat myself." Hyde said. "I'll get 2 more point with a Burst Finish in the second battle. And that's game set." Hyde said, showing 2 fingers. The crowd cheered.

Aiger couldn't help but looked at you in worried. Hyde was strong but will you be able to defeat him?

"Whoa! Hyde, the challenger, have Aiger Akabane and (Name) Glass on the ropes!"

"Do you ingrates want to see another Burst?" Hyde asked the crowd. The crowd cheered once more. "Who's the real champion?"


"I can't hear you!"


You growled as you clenched your bey.

"The show will go on! It's Burst showtime!" Hyde said.

"Hyde! Hyde! Hyde!" Ranjiro and the others was a little dumbfounded.

"They're all cheering for Hyde now," Ranjiro said.

"I hope Aiger and (Name) will be okay," Naru worriedly said.

"Don't fall into his pace," Fubuki said. "Keep yourself calm." His eyes landed on you. "(Name)..."

"Hyde! Hyde! Hyde!" Hyde looked at you, seeing you glared at him.

"You may good at speech but I'll make a comeback," you said.

"We'll see about that, sweetheart," Hyde smirked, you blushed and glared hard at him.

You looked at your bey.

'(Bey Name), how do I beat him?' you thought. 'Please?'

"(Name) must be talking to (Bey Name)," Ranjiro said.

"It's her only option," Fubuki said. Naru, Hima and Kiyama siblings turned to Fubuki in shock. "She's increasing her resonance with (Bey Name)." Fubuki said, staring down at you. "She has to if she wants to win!"

You stared down at your bey and turned your head to Aiger.


'Aiger... What should I do?' your eyes widened when suddenly you can telepathy to Aiger. Aiger's eyes widened in shock and looked at you.

'How did you do that?' Aiger telepathy back.

'Honestly, i have no idea how,' You replied. 'Anyway, how am I supposed to do?'

'Talk to (Bey Name) first,' Aiger nodded at you, you nodded back before looked down at your bey.

"(Bey Name)..." Your eyes widened when (Bey Name) shined. You smiled. "Let's do it!"

A dark aura surrounded your bey and your eyes widened. You shut your eyes and opened them. Instead of darker red, your normal eyes color.

"We're gonna win this time!" You said. In corner of your eye, you saw Aiger were smiling at you. You grinned and looked at Hyde.

'Let me guess, you're using attack mode?' Aiger telepathy you. You nodded.

'Yep! Don't worry, i got new move to show to Hyde.' you replied.

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