Turbo Training! Xavier's Kingdom!

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An airplane flying at the sky and it lands smoothly onto the ground.

A scream can be hear in the plane. Turned out, it's Aiger were running down.

You also followed him.

"Time to train like a warrior! Let's do this!" Aiger said in confidence.

"Oh gee..." You narrowed your eyes at him.

Then, the guards appears and two maids were in front of you and Auger, preparing a red carpet.

"Wha... What's going on?" Aiger asked, confused and shock. You couldn't help but blinking what's happening.

The maids push the red carpet and a person's silhouette with a horse appears.

"What brings my rival and my princess here?" Xavier's voice said. You and Aiger covered your eyes from the shining glowed and it's faded, both of you smiling when you saw Xavier.


"Aiger! Princess! Welcome back to my kingdom!" Xavier said with a smile.



Xavier's Kingdom aka big massive castle. Inside, was royalty stuff.

"Woah..." Aiger was shocked.

"So cool!" Your eyes lit up at the sight of the palace.

"You must've had a long trip. Please make yourself at home," Xavier said as he sat on his throne. Making you and Aiger turned to the prince. "By the way, I spoke to Kris recently... And she told me that you'd be coming to train in my kingdom along with princess,"

"The prince was greatly anticipating your arrival, especially you, Miss Glass," the butler said, making Xavier blushed. "He was barely able to sleep last night,"

"Hey! Enough of that!"

The maids chuckled slightly. They knew the prince have a crush on you because Xavier may or may not tell them about his feeling and his crush on you.

Xavier cleared his throat. "I've been watching you two, Aiger. Princess," He said. "I saw your battle at the Dread Tower as well as your rematch with Hyde," he smiled. "You've gotten a bit stronger,"

"It's more than a bit! It's Turbo powered up!" Aiger said. He shows Achilles.

"You're only counting on Turbo Awakening!" You glared at Aiger, he glared back.

"Again with that?!"

"Yes, butt head!"

"Who are you callin' butt head?!"

"You are!"

The maids, the butler and Xavier sweatdropped before Xavier cleared his throat, making you and Aiger stopped arguing and turned to the prince.

"So that's Turbo Achilles," Xavier said.

"It's gonna blow your Xcalius away!" Aiger said in determination.

"Is that so?" Xavier said and stood up. "You know, I've gotten a lot stronger, too," he shows Xcalius.

"Oh gee," you sighed.

"Come on! Let's hurry up and battle!" Aiger said. But not when his stomach was calling him for food. Xavier blinked.

"I just remembered... I didn't eat anything today..." Aiger said. You nervously chuckled with a sweatdrop.

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