Secret of The Fused Bey!

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The fog were surrounded the Dread Tower.

"Are you saying Count Nightfell stole the data?" Hyde asked as he's in his throne room along with Evel.

"He didn't steal it. I gave it to him," Evel said.

"You gave it to him?" Hyde asked.

"There's no doubt that Count Nightfell knows the secrets or Apollos and Artemis," Evel stated. "And once he combines them to make Eclipse, the probability of him challenging Aiger Akabane and his partner, (Name) Glass is exceedingly high."

"You calculated that far ahead? You're brilliant, Doctor!" Hyde said.

"Eclipse is far stronger than both Apollos and Artemis," Evel explained. "I doubt even Aiger Akabane and his partner, (Name) Glass could easily withstand it."

"That means they'll be forced to raise their resonance even higher," Hyde said.

"Indeed, to limitless bounds..." Evel grinned. "Until you give the order to stop."

"Well done... Well done, Dr. Evel!" Hyde praised. "That will do just fine for tonight's entertainment!" He stood up. "I can't hardly wait!" He laughed.

Evel then looked down at his tablet and his eyes widened.

"I got news," Evel said, making Hyde turned to him.

"What news?" Hyde asked.

"Beyblade Empress, (Name) Glass," Evel said. "I got news from Arata and he told me Beyblade Empress, her resonance is no longer with her."

"What?!" Hyde gasped. "Are you serious, Dr. Evel?" Evel nodded at him.

"I'm serious," Evel said. "Looks like she need to protect Aiger Akabane with all costs."

"Find her info and find her weaknesses," Hyde ordered, Evel nodded and looked down at his tablet.


You, Kiyama siblings and Aiger were walking.

"Where is heck is Hyde?" Aiger asked.

"Quit hiding and come out already!" Ranjiro shouted. Just then, the wind blew, making your and others covered your eyes. The wind stopped and Nightfell appears from behind. Four of you turned around and saw Nightfell.

"Bonsoir!" Nightfell greeted and the moon shined.

"It's you!" Aiger said.

"What are you doing here?" You glared at Nightfell.

"You two know him?" Ranjiro asked. Aiger's mind flashed when he first encounter with Nightfell in Evel's laboratory.

"I, the Phantom Thief Count Nightfell, have message for you: "One day, your Z Achilles will come into my possession and soon, your Beyblade Empress will join me."."

Back to reality.

"Did you come to steal Achilles?" Aiger asked.

"And did you come here to make me join you?" You asked, crossed your arms. "In your dream!" You looked away.

"I never mentioned stealing. I said it would "Come into my possession and soon your Beyblade Empress will join me."." Nightfell stated.

"Same difference!" You and Aiger said in sync.

"You four want to see Hyde, don't you?" Nightfell asked.

"What about it?" Rin asked.

"I can lead you to him..." Nightfell said and showed you all the half bey layers, which was Apollos and Artemis. "But only if you defeat this Eclipse of me."

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