Turbo Clash! Showdown At The Dark Citadel!

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At the Dread Tower.

"Oh, yeah!" Senor Hanami's voice through the stadium. "Are you ready, boys and girls?" The crowd cheered.

"This is exciting!"

"This is awesome!"

"Make those kids cry! Yeah!"

"Hyde has a 1 point lead!" Senor Hanami said. "With just 2 more points to go..."

"Can our champion Hyde win it all in the next round?" Hyde was grinning. "Or can our challenger Valt and (C/N)... Take this to a round 3?" (C/N) and Valt gritted their teeth.


"We're about to start, folks! Don't even blink!"

"You can't lose, Valt! (C/N)!" Toko said.

"It's even close to over!" Nika added.


"Second Battle!"

"I'm not gonna miss my Turbo Awakening this time!" Valt said.

"You sure you know what you're doing, Valt?" (C/N) asked him.

"I know what I'm doing!" Valt almost yelled at her.

"Haha! How about we try this on for size?" Hyde said and turned his bey's disc frame.

"He put it in Defense mode..." Fubuki said.

"Even if Valt activate Turbo Awakening..." Shu said. "Any careless move could be his last," Shu looked at (C/N). "I'm pretty sure (C/N) were planning something."

"Valt... (C/N)..." Rin and Ranjiro muttered.

Aiger had his anger face while you have your calm face.

"Ready, Set!"




"Let it...Rip!"

Three bladers released their beys into the stadium.

"The Turbo Wings didn't come out!" Valt said.

"Idiot! Don't focus on that!" (C/N) yelled at him before look at the arena.

Three beys lands on the ground and Hades went to chase Valtryek and (C/Bey Name). Valtryek and (C/Bey Name) try to attack Hades but it dodged. Then, Valtryek and (C/Bey Name) turned and hits Hades. Hyde groaned in pain on his chest. The more hits Hades get, the more pain Hyde got.

"Though it's the second Battle, Turbo Valtryek and (Full C/Bey Name) aren't letting up!"

Valtryek and (C/Bey Name) keep attacking Hades with full speed and force.

"Haha! Is that all you've got? How disappointing!" Hyde said.

"Let's go! Turbo Valtryek Whip!"

"(C/eighth Bey's move)! Let's go!"

Both beys obeyed and clash with Hades. Hyde groaned in pain.

"How meager! Attack me harder! Harder!!" Hyde yelled out.

"Something's wrong with that guy..." Ranjiro said.

"Hyde feels his bey's pain as his own," Shu started.

"The more he feels, the more resilient he grows," You finished.

"To Hyde, sharing that pain is true resonance!" Shu added. Fubuki, Sora, Kiyama siblings look at the albino.

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