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I can hear the heavy outpour of rain outside the vast castle, walking gracefully as the sound of my heels clicking echoed in this huge empty hallway. Tall pillars of ivory supported the huge castle walls. Passing through those, I arrived in front of huge doors. Golden linings can be seen decorating the doors as knights are stationed outside, guarding them.

The knights bowed to me as I quietly inhaled to calm myself from these raging emotions inside me. I motioned to the knights to announce my arrival and the enormous doors slowly opened creating a low, creaking sound. I schooled my face into an emotionless one as I elegantly ambled my way inside.

"Greetings to the majestic sun of the empire. May the everlasting grace of the stars be with you." I greeted as I gave a deep curtsy. I faced the white marble floors not daring to look up at the person in front of me.

"Rise, child. May the everlasting grace of the stars be with you too." The man sitting on the throne looking down at me with his piercing, deceitful gaze, greed apparent in his eyes. For a middle-aged man, he still retained his handsomeness...

I slowly raised my head and looked at the emperor, trying my best to not show any of my emotions. I then asked him why he called for me. He sat there, continuously staring at me. There's a hint of disgust seen in his callous eyes. Irritation too. He must be annoyed with the recent scandal my dear brother has caused. I scoffed in my head.

"Morticia..." My dear father, the emperor, said. Calling my name as coldly as ever. The hair on my skin stood up as shivers ran down my spine and I became nervous. My hands and feet turned cold at the sudden call my father made. I tried my best to calm down. I tried again to school my face and convinced myself that nothing would happen. I pushed back the sudden flashbacks I had in the back of my mind and forced myself to answer.

"What is it, Father." contrary to my worries, the voice that came out of my mouth was very calm that even I had trouble believing it was mine.
My calm voice echoed in the vast throne room filled with golden antiques. The walls were decorated with just enough gold that it doesn't look tacky. It rather looked elegant and sophisticated. I focused my mind on the decors in the room to calm my raging heart.

"You're planning to go to Ostalia, my child?" My pathetic efforts of calming myself down were thrown off at the question my father gave me.
I gulped as my thoughts quickly bombarded me. What does that mean? Does he know? How? There is no way he knows! What am I gonna do now?!

"Yes, Father. I wanted to visit mother's grave there..." I tried my best to not let the Emperor notice my shaking voice. I tried to answer as calmly as possible, assuring myself that what I think is probably wrong...

Silence ensued as the emperor stared at me for a few minutes before finally speaking again

"Is that so. Then I hope you have a safe trip, my child. May the everlasting grace of the stars guide you safely in your journey." I quietly released a sigh of relief. The emperor doesn't seem to be suspicious of me... That's good... I'll be able to continue as planned.

" Thank you, Father. May the stars continue to bless you with their grace." I answered with the brightest smile I could muster. I then bid my father goodbye as he told me to leave.
I turned around and walked out feeling relieved as light steps echoed through the walls.

Finally, I'll be able to get out of this wretched place. I'll be able to escape, far away from here. Far away from the wretched people of this family. Far away from this suffering...

I just need to endure this week. It'll be fine... I'll be all right... I'll be free...

I, Morticia Mortem, The First princess of this wretched Mortem Royal family, The so-called 'flower of the Mortem', will escape this family...

...And I'll do everything to achieve that.

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