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" Mother," I called out as I entered my mother's room. She turned around, her deep sea-green eyes shining and turning into crescent moons. 

"Eli! what brought you here?" My mother asked, tackling me for a tight hug. My mother sighed and looked at me ever so lovingly. "You've grown mature now you rarely visit mother!" rubbing my cheeks, she exclaimed in mock sadness. 

"You even refer to me formally now!" Heaving a deep sigh she continued squishing my cheeks.

"Umf, Mother!-"

"Mom. I told you to call me mom when it's only us... You rarely visit nowadays and you've become distant to me." I tried to protest but when I heard a hint of sadness in my mother's voice, I relented.

"Ma..." I can see my mother's overall aura brighten. It's a bit embarrassing to call my mom 'Ma' since I'd been calling her formally but... well, if it makes Mom happy, I don't care.

"Yes, my baby darling Eli?" My mother answered sweetly, smiling radiantly like the sun. The warmth of her smile enveloped my entire being and made me feel better compared to the suffocating coldness of the imperial court...

"Ma, don't call me that! I'm not a baby anymore!" I exclaimed with mock displeasure and I earned a hearty laugh from my mother. 

"Well, you'll always be my baby no matter how big you get!" She said as she squeezed me in her arms tightly. Just then my other siblings burst into the room.

"No fair, Brother!" Exclaimed my sister, Genevere, who immediately went and tried to pry me off our mother. I immediately clung to Mom and refused to let go. "You're keeping Mama to yourself!" While my sister still whined, my brother, Damien, also chimed in.

"Yeah, right, Brother! That's not fair! You can't keep Mama to yourself!" Joining hands with Genevere, they tried to get me off our mother while Mama laughed out loud merrily. Of course, I won't let them get their way. Their logic is unreasonable anyway!

"No way! Why is this not fair?! You're the ones always stuck with Mama!" I retorted, feeling childish as I've been told a future king shouldn't argue like a child because I'll lead the empire in the future but well..." I've been busy with my studies that I hardly have time to visit while you always join Mama during tea time! It's only right I spend time with Mama today! Hmph!" Enjoying the distorted faces my sibling currently donned, I secured my hold of our mother. Childish or not, it did feel refreshing to bicker with my siblings like this again. The Imperial Court is way too stifling...

"We don't care!!! It's unfair!!!" Whined my siblings. When I saw their faces almost on the brink of crying, only then did I let go of Mama. I let out a hearty laugh. "Alright, alright! Don't cry you two. I was merely playing with you!" Their faces filled with displeasure and harumphed before hugging Mama.

"Oh, look at you three," Mama said as she wiped the tears from her eyes from laughing too much. " It's good to see you so lively! Come on, all of you. Sit on the table. I'll have the maid make some refreshments, alright?" 

"Okay!!!" All of us then raced to take each a seat on the sofa in Mama's room. The refreshments arrived a few moments later after Mama asked to make some. We talked about a lot of things from how my day went to what chaos my siblings did again for everyone at the palace. It was a very joyous moment. A rare peaceful scene that I can only envision in my mind in the present. A treasured memory of mine. 

A knock echoed in the room. My mother called for the person to come in. 

"Your Majesty, The Empress." The Head maid greeted with a bow. " His Majesty, The Emperor, has called for your presence." Everything stilled as the head maid's words floated in the room. My Mother's smile fell a bit and my siblings looked a bit down-crested. I probably looked the same way too. 

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